Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 376 Do you know who he is?

Elder Gao was silent.

The request made by Gu Zheng made him a little bit embarrassed. If he wanted the formula of diet therapy, he could read it by himself. The Food Association could open it up to him and let him take a good look at it, but Gu Zheng wanted them to send it over, so that was a bit of a problem.

This request is not unreasonable, but at least a bit excessive.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to send it to you right away!"

After a while, Elder Gao still agreed, the reason is very simple, because the person who spoke was Gu Zheng, if it were someone else, he would not be able to agree.

Gu Zheng is not only their pride, but also a symbol of them. He is currently the most famous and most powerful chef in Shanghai.

"Thank you very much. I will tell the shop later that as long as the food association's activities are held in the future, the shop will cooperate with it!"

Gu Zheng immediately replied, he also knew that his request was too much, but who made him lack time now, if he could, he wanted to fly back directly to get these materials.

It's a pity that even if he flies back, he can't get that much. He can't put the materials into the wild space in front of the Food Association, let alone in front of them. He goes in and then comes out, and there are so many missing Data will be problematic.

Elder Gao also told him just now that there is a lot of information, not just a little.

Even if he flies back, he still has to find a way to drive it. It's better to let them deliver it directly and reciprocate it. In the future, Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup will go to the restaurant for any activities of the Food Association.

If he was in Shencheng, he would also participate if there was a need for him. This time, he owed a favor to the Food Association.

Mr. Gao's work efficiency was very fast. Two hours later, two people and a van arrived at the hospital, and unloaded piles of materials from the car, all of which were diet therapy materials.

These materials are really a lot, adding up to dozens of catties.

After the information was put down, the two left. After Gu Zheng read it and contacted them, they would come to ask again. Gao Lao only said a word to Gu Zheng, just don't lose it.

Gu Zheng looked at the books of materials quickly. These are all folk diets, simple, complex, and exotic. What Gu Zheng focuses on is not their effects, but their combination.

He has to learn the combination of diet therapy in order to create a diet therapy method for insufficiency of taste buds.

After reading this, it was afternoon plus night, and Gu Zheng didn't sleep all night until he finished reading all the materials.

After reading it, he was also deeply touched. Before reading these materials, he never thought that there are so many dietary formulas in the folk, ranging from major diseases to minor itching, and there are ways to deal with them.

Therefore, the wisdom of the people is unlimited.

To Gu Zheng's surprise, there are actually three formulas for treating taste buds. Although it is only for taste buds, not the unilateral aspect of taste bud incompleteness, it is also a great discovery. It is Gu Zheng who found the formula closest to this test. Diet formula.

The things selected by these three formulas are very common, and the treatment effects are also very general, but at least they have effects. As long as they have effects, Gu Zheng can try them all.

His ingredients are much stronger than these ordinary ingredients. Using this formula, Gu Zheng wants to try to see if it can be used for healing if replaced with ingredients with similar effects.

Gu Zheng must use high-grade good ingredients. His test is not treatment, but healing. Patients with incomplete taste buds must be truly cured.

Three recipes, the first one uses pigeons.

But instead of soup, it is porridge, pigeon porridge, cooked with coptis, red bean, jujube flower, and peony.

Coptidis is bitter. Putting Coptidis in the porridge without sugar to suppress it, the taste can be imagined. However, there are jujube flowers in this recipe, which can remove part of the bitterness of Coptis chinensis and make people feel diluted.

It's just diluting, not removing, and the final porridge must be bitter.

This is also some of the helplessness of folk dietary formulas. Since it is dietary therapy, it is necessary to pay attention to the effect of treatment. Sometimes for the sake of curative effect, it is necessary to give up the taste and taste, which is the case with many dietary treatments.

Gu Zheng will definitely not be like this. His diet should not only be effective, but also taste good.

"Doctor Gu, you came so early!"

The little nurse came to work early, she was very satisfied yesterday, she had a full meal at Guzheng, and she didn't eat at night when she went back.

The rest of the honey soup was taken away by her after Gu Zheng's consent. She had a good time yesterday, so she came here early in the morning. I didn't expect Gu Zheng to arrive earlier than her .


Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and didn't tell him that he stayed here all night. With Gu Zheng's current physique, let alone one night, there is no problem in staying up for four or five nights in a row. If he is sure that he can complete the test, he will not sleep these days. OK.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng had put the ingredients on the table, the little nurse asked curiously. She no longer rejects Gu Zheng, but rather likes the job of supervision.

Supervising Guzheng is not only easy, but it is really great to be able to eat delicious food. It would be great if this kind of work can continue in the future.


Gu Zheng replied softly, the main ingredient of pigeon porridge is pigeons, Gu Zheng has no place to buy ordinary live pigeons, so he can only use other things instead.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng has the treasure of Kong Kongmen, and there are some good ingredients in it, which have been preserved by Gu Zheng.

What Gu Zheng chose was the jerky meat of a yellow-billed pigeon. This is not an ordinary pigeon, it can be regarded as a monster.

He thought about using fairy chickens instead of pigeons, but in the end he himself vetoed it.

Chickens and pigeons seem to be both poultry, but they are very different, especially the role played by the two meats, which are completely different. In the end, Gu Zheng used the dried meat of monsters to replace it. After all, it is pigeon meat, so it can be effective.

Huanglian Guzheng has ordinary grades, and other ingredients can be replaced accordingly. Guzheng quickly lit a fire and made pigeon porridge.

It didn't take long for the scent to spread.

The little nurse was sitting there looking forward to it. She came here today without even eating breakfast, just thinking about whether there is any delicious food here. She was lucky to meet her when she came here.

An hour later, the fragrant pigeon porridge came out of the pot. Without Gu Zheng's instructions, the little nurse ran out and called three patients over. Now she has been completely bought by Gu Zheng and cooperated with Gu Zheng.

As for the work of surveillance, she had long forgotten about it. Anyway, what Gu Zheng cooks is delicious food, and eating it is not harmful to people, as long as the patient is not allowed to eat it and become bad.

Besides, she has personally tasted every delicacy to judge whether it is harmful or not. She thinks this reason is very good. Even after completing the work, she also looks great, and she is not afraid of being asked by the leader in the future.

After the three finished their pigeon porridge, Gu Zheng looked at them expectantly.

"Doctor Gu, the food you cook is really delicious. I usually can't taste salty taste, but today I seem to feel salty!"

A woman in her thirties said with a smile, Gu Zheng did it three times yesterday, and nine patients ate it. After returning home, they all preached that the food made by Gu Zheng was delicious, and they also knew about Gu Zheng's experiment.

Food experiment, without any side effects, everyone is willing to be a test product.

"Feel salty?"

Gu Zheng hurriedly sat up straight, with a hint of joy on his face, this is a patient who can't eat salty taste normally, she felt salty, which means that the diet therapy this time has worked for her.

"What does it feel like?"

Gu Zheng quickly asked, if diet therapy has an effect, it is possible to cure it, if it does not have an effect, it cannot cure the insufficiency of taste buds, and if it is effective, it is a great improvement.

"I can't say it, but it seems that I have eaten salty taste again, and it seems that I don't have it!"

The woman shook her head, the food was really delicious, even for a person who can't eat a little salty taste, she felt very good, but she couldn't say it in detail.

"Nurse Xiao Gao, please take her for a test, immediately!"

Gu Zheng turned around and said something to the little nurse. The patient can't tell by himself, but the machine can test it out. People with incomplete taste buds can use the machine test to check their sensitivity to taste.


The little nurse was a little reconciled, but she did as Gu Zheng ordered. She took the initiative to call for someone just now, but she hadn’t eaten yet. She thought she was eating after the patient finished eating, but she didn’t expect to go for a test all of a sudden. .

"Nurse Xiao Gao, if I finish the experiment, I will make you more delicious food, and I promise you will enjoy it!"

Seeing her reluctance, how could Gu Zheng not know what she was thinking, and said something with a smile, and the little nurse quickly took the patient away.

Not long after, the test report came out.

"Still nothing has changed?"

The report disappointed Gu Zheng. According to the report, the sensitivity of the patient's taste buds to salty taste was still zero, indicating that she did not get any better. Her so-called salty taste was purely psychological.

As a result, this experiment failed again.

It’s okay to fail completely. He obviously had a little hope, but he was still disappointed in the end, which made Gu Zheng feel uncomfortable, but he knew that now is not the time to be upset, and he needs to keep trying until he finds out the real diet therapy.

Gu Zheng went to prepare the second therapeutic formula. As for the remaining pigeon porridge, the little nurse finally ate happily.

The main ingredient of the second recipe is sheep brains. Gu Zheng didn't have sheep brains, so he had to use chicken brains instead. This made Gu Zheng kill six fairy chickens at once.

But these fairy chickens are not wasted, he will send them to the store later to make chicken blood soup.

With chicken brains as the main ingredient, combined with four common-grade ingredients, the chicken brain soup made by Gu Zheng tastes really good. He is now a qualified fairy chef. No matter whether he has cooked food or not, as long as he is given the ingredients, Can do not bad.

The taste was good, but it was a pity that he still couldn't get what he wanted, and the experiment failed again.

The third recipe failed again. It was already afternoon. If today is not counted, there are only seven days left in Gu Zheng, and the last seven days are very tight.

Insufficient taste buds, although it is not as difficult to treat as anorexia, it still takes a few days to be cured, and this time is at least four days. To be conservative, Gu Zheng has to set aside one day for backup, in case some patients are not cured .

Calculated in this way, there are only two days left for him to test. If he can't complete these two days, then this test will fail.

For so long, he hadn't failed a test, and this first time he didn't want it at all.

All three diet formulas failed, Gu Zheng can only think of other ways, folk diet formula, Gu Zheng is not going to try it for the time being, once failed, twice failed, and failed three times, it proves that his thinking is wrong, continue It's just a waste of time to search for it.

"Qi Ling, can you give me some hints, what is the main ingredient of this dietary formula?"

In desperation, Gu Zheng could only ask Qi Ling for advice, although he might not be able to get an answer.

"The main ingredients of the diet formula are not important, any kind of main ingredients can do it, and it is not chicken blood soup that can treat anorexia, but Lord Tiexian integrated diet therapy into the chicken blood soup, and finally let this Tao cuisine has the effect of diet therapy, you don't always think about the ingredients, you have to think about your cooking skills!"

Qi Ling replied very bluntly, while Gu Zheng was a little dazed, the main ingredients are not easy, any kind of main ingredients can be done, the most important thing is cooking skills.

Qi Ling is right, chicken blood soup is not a diet therapy for anorexia, it is Tiexian's cooking skills that achieve this miraculous effect, the most important thing in diet therapy is cooking skills, not recipes.

Gu Zheng put the cart before the horse, and he wanted to find the recipe, but he didn't think about his own identity. He is a fairy chef, and cooking skills are the foundation.

"Qi Ling, I understand, thank you!"

Gu Zheng nodded fiercely, packed up the kitchen utensils again, took out the chicken that was killed earlier, and put it in the pot to cook.

He didn't make chicken blood soup. The freshest chicken blood was used for chicken blood soup. These chickens had been dead for a while, but the chicken was processed well and could be used for cooking.

While cooking the chicken, Gu Zheng slowly closed his eyes.

The little nurse looked at him in surprise. Today, the little nurse was very satisfied and ate three kinds of very delicious food. These food were so delicious that she couldn't even think of it. She even posted it on Moments to show off.

She dares to swear, let alone her, the friends around her have never eaten such delicious food.

She suddenly felt that the Gu Zheng in this meeting had changed, becoming very ethereal, although standing in front of her, it seemed as if it did not exist, and the Gu Zheng in front of her was like an illusion.

This time, Gu Zheng, with his eyes closed, was stirring the chicken in the pot evenly with a spoon in one hand, and carried it on his back with the other hand, looking indescribably elegant.

The little nurse's face was burning hot, and she couldn't help but took out her mobile phone, secretly took a photo, and posted it on Moments.

The content of Moments is very simple: Dr. Gu cooks really handsomely, handsomely, and tastes even more handsomely.

Not long after this circle of friends was posted, she got a reply below, which was a reply from one of her classmates: what Doctor Gu, where are you Xiao Gao, why are you with Master Gu?

"Master Gu?" Seeing the little nurse in the circle of friends, she was puzzled, and then asked: How did Dr. Gu become Master Gu? He is an intern in our hospital. He came here to do experiments, using delicious food to treat patients with incomplete taste buds.

"You mean, those delicacies you posted before were all made by Master Gu?"

The circle of friends quickly recovered, and the little nurse replied affirmatively again.

"Oh my God, Xiao Gao, I'm so jealous of you. Do you know who he is? He is the new champion of the National Food Competition and the number one chef in the country. You are so happy to eat the delicacy made by Master Gu!"

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