Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 594 Chang Feng's Request

Wuyou said that there was a disciple in the sect who wanted to see Gu Zheng, which made Gu Zheng feel his heart, and found that the disciple who was following him turned out to be Chang Feng.

"Come in!" Gu Zheng said.

Although Gu Zheng and Chang Feng are considered old friends, and Chang Feng is a disciple of the Emei Sect, Gu Zheng does not have many opportunities to meet him. This is firstly because Gu Zheng spends little time in the sect. It was because Chang Feng was just an ordinary disciple, not even a core disciple, and once Gu Zheng returned to the sect, the only people who would meet and communicate with each other were usually only the middle and high-level disciples.

Chang Feng is now at the late stage of the second floor, which is a very fast progress for a disciple who has just started.

In addition to Chang Feng's own efforts, his relationship with Gu Zheng also played an important role in being able to reach the late stage of the second floor in a relatively short period of time. The senior members of the sect knew that Chang Feng was a friend of Gu Zheng's secular world, so they took good care of him.

"I've seen the master!"

As soon as Chang Feng entered the door, he saluted Gu Zheng politely.

In the past, Chang Feng could regard Gu Zheng as a friend, but now he doesn't dare anymore. The more he gets in touch with the cultivation world, the more he understands what kind of person stands at the top in this world. , is undoubtedly such a person.

"Elder Wuyou, go out first!"

Seeing Chang Feng's respect, Gu Zheng let Wuyou go down first.

There was no one else in the room, Gu Zheng purposely languished on the chair, trying to give Chang Feng a relaxed atmosphere. After all, he had lost a lot of things as a cultivator, and he naturally didn't care about some things he still cared about. Hope sour.

"Sit down Changfeng, there are only two of us here, don't be too cautious." Gu Zheng smiled.

"Thank you head!"

Gu Zheng's attitude made Chang Feng's tension obviously relaxed a bit, but the habit he developed was not easy to change. He still called Gu Zheng as the head.

"how are things?"

Regarding Chang Feng's title, Gu Zheng didn't want to correct anything, so he chatted with him immediately.

After some chatting, Chang Feng also relaxed even more. At this time, Gu Zheng also asked him what he was doing here.

Chang Feng came here this time to beg Gu Zheng for help. His aunt was unfortunately infected with 'Spotted Flower' and he wanted Gu Zheng to treat it. The so-called 'spotted flower' is the plague that is prevalent outside today, and it is also the legacy of the voodoo old devil.

Chang Feng also just learned the news that his aunt was infected with 'Spotted Flower'. After all, the Emei Sect was sealed off in the Immortal Formation, and it was inconvenient to communicate with the outside world.

Chang Feng also didn't know that Gu Zheng was out of the customs today, he was going to rub his face with Wushou, but Wushou couldn't do anything about the 'Spotted Flower', so he told him that Gu Zheng had already left the customs, and asked him to go find Gu Zheng Go out yourself.

For Chang Feng's request, Gu Zheng naturally agreed. He originally planned to go out to stop the plague. And the understanding he got from Wuyou also let him know that this matter would not be too difficult for him.

When a person is infected by 'Spotted Flower', the initial symptoms are very similar to those of a cold, including fever, headache, and weakness of limbs. Three to six days after infection, symptoms escalate to lethargy. Seven to nine days after infection, a rash first appears on the face. Ten to thirteen days after the infection, the rash turns into a flower-shaped ulcer, and the patient's spirit will be unprecedentedly excited in these few days, as if returning to the light. After sixteen days of infection, almost no one survived.

According to the time, the outside world divides the infection of 'spotted flowers' into five corresponding stages, and Chang Feng's aunt is already in the fourth stage, and flower-like ulcers have appeared on her face and body.

Saving people is like fighting a fire, let alone Chang Feng's aunt, even if Gu Zhengdang took Chang Feng out of the mountain.

After leaving the mountain guard formation, Gu Zheng immediately pulled Chang Feng into flight.

Even though he was already in the world of cultivators, Chang Feng was still startled and screamed after being taken into the air.

However, after getting used to high-altitude flying, Chang Feng suddenly felt very fresh, and he kept arguing with Gu about flying issues. For example, will it hit the plane, or will it be seen by others, detected by the authorities, and so on.

Faced with Chang Feng's silly questions, Gu Zheng's answer is often only one sentence, "That's nothing."

During the flight, Chang Feng called his family and told them that he had invited Gu Zheng out of the mountain. And Gu Zheng also clearly heard the excited voices of Chang Feng's brother Chang Le and his grandfather Liang Lao on the other end of the phone.

Although Mr. Liang has a great background, this background is only effective in the secular world, and it is not a big deal in the cultivation world, so he can't invite immortal practitioners to see a doctor for his youngest daughter.

Infected with 'Spotted Flower', Chang Feng's aunt Liang Jing was naturally quarantined by the authorities, and the place Gu Zheng was going to was the isolation hospital for 'Spotted Flower' patients.

Mr. Liang and Chang Le were already waiting at the entrance of the hospital. When they saw Gu Zheng, they were a little too excited to speak for a moment.

"Master Gu, you must save Liang Jing!"

Old Liang, who was already late, couldn't bear the pain of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man. When he made a request to Gu Zheng, his eyes were a little red.

"Don't worry, I will definitely save Liang Jing's life." Gu Zheng said seriously.

They did not stop at the entrance of the hospital. After entering the isolation hospital, the group went to the disinfection room to be sterilized, and then changed into a set of protective clothing.

Of course, Gu Zheng will not accept disinfection, nor will he wear such cumbersome protective clothing. The spotted virus is no threat to him. Moreover, the transmission route of variegated flowers does not pass through the air. It is mainly transmitted through water sources and cross-infection.

There was a busy scene in the hospital. On the way to the ward, Gu Zheng saw many spotted patients. According to Mr. Liang, the number of patients in the hospital is increasing every day, and the entire seventh-floor hospital is almost full of spotted patients.

Because of Mr. Liang's relationship, Liang Jing had a separate ward in this hospital. When Gu Zheng and the others entered the ward, Liang Jing was wiping tears.

Liang Jing is the youngest daughter of Mr. Liang, she is only in her thirties, if it wasn't for Spotted Flowers being disfigured, she would be very pretty.

"Father, where is Sect Master Gu?"

Seeing someone coming in, Liang Jing immediately became very excited, but the number of people wearing protective clothing was wrong, which made Liang Jing panic again.

He didn't wear protective clothing, and Gu Zheng didn't want to be seen to cause trouble. He released his spiritual thoughts along the way and influenced the people around him, so in the eyes of outsiders, he was no longer a person at all.

The door was closed, and Gu Zheng's sudden appearance startled Liang Jing.

Before, Chang Feng had already explained the situation and did not hide anything. Mr. Liang himself knew something, and he was surprised to learn that Gu Zheng was a powerful expert. After all, Gu Zheng's previous performance had already made him look sideways.

"Although I had prepared for it long ago, the appearance of Sect Master Gu still shocked me!"

Seeing the fairy-like figure, Liang Jing seemed to have forgotten her illness, and she looked at Gu Zheng with curiosity in her eyes.

"Xiao Jing, why are you so unruly?"

Old Liang scolded, and Liang Jing finally came to her senses, so she hurriedly apologized to Gu Zheng, and said a lot of good things, begging Gu Zheng to save her life.

"Auntie, Sect Leader Gu has already promised to save you, so stop talking and let Sect Leader Gu show you a good look!"

Chang Le knew that Gu Zheng didn't like this situation, so he couldn't help but speak out.

"oh oh!"

Liang Jing hurriedly agreed, and then pursed her mouth tightly, and really stopped talking.

"I want to check your body, don't panic, just don't do anything." Gu Zheng said.

Liang Jing nodded, then closed her eyes.

Gu Zheng sent a ray of divine sense into Liang Jing's body, and began to investigate her situation.

The spotted flower disease originated from Gu worms, but there were no Gu worms in the patient's body, only a mutated virus. And this invisible virus exists in almost every tissue of the patient's body.

For the spotted virus, it is not impossible for practitioners to treat it, but it is really time-consuming and labor-intensive to treat it through spiritual thoughts.

If there is no special relationship, which immortal cultivator is willing to spend several days for an ordinary person to eliminate the virus in his body little by little?

Moreover, there are viruses in almost every tissue of the patient's body, even if the micro-manipulation method such as spiritual thoughts is used, it will still inevitably cause damage to the patient's body! If the patient's body is not repaired with celestial power or elixir at the same time as the treatment, then a patient in the fourth stage like Liang Jing will never be able to survive the whole process of micromanipulation of the mind.

"Master Gu, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng opened his eyes, but frowned and didn't speak, Chang Le couldn't help asking.

As for the situation in the body of the spotted flower patient, Gu Zheng actually already knew a general idea through Wuyou.

The situation in Liang Jing's body was not much different from what Gu Zheng knew before, and the reason why Gu Zheng frowned was because he was thinking about how to treat Liang Jing.

As an immortal chef, Gu Zheng naturally would not perform micromanagement through spiritual thoughts like ordinary immortal cultivators. The most ideal treatment method in his mind is to cure through diet therapy.

After inspecting Liang Jing's body, Gu Zheng's mind was filled with countless ingredients. What kind of characteristics do they have, what kind of combination can they deal with Liang Jing's current situation.

"I have thought of several methods, but I can't decide which one is better for the time being. I need to try it." Gu Zheng said.

"Very good!"

Elder Liang and Chang Le spoke out at the same time.


Liang Jing who was sitting on the hospital bed wept with joy.

"Thank you, thank you, Master Gu!"

Old Liang thanked Gu Zheng with trembling lips.

"Master Gu, do you need anything from us?" Chang Le asked.

"I need you to provide me with a place for cooking and food therapy." Gu Zheng laughed.

Chang Le was stunned for a moment, and then thanked Gu Zheng with grateful eyes: "Thank you, Master Gu!"

Originally, Chang Le thought, what ingredients might be needed for cooking and diet therapy, as long as money can buy these ingredients, they will definitely find a way to buy them! But when Gu Zheng said this now, he was undoubtedly responsible for the ingredients.

Chang Le booked a nearby hotel for Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng soon appeared in the hotel room.

"How does the spotted flower this time compare to the 'blood worm Gu' that cured Kong Qing before?"

Qi Ling, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"The cost of treating 'Bloodworm Gu' is relatively high, but relatively speaking, there are no variables. The few prescriptions I have thought of for treating Spotted Flowers are relatively low in cost, but no matter what kind of prescription it is , I dare not be 100% sure, it will definitely be able to cure the spotted flower!" Gu Zheng said.

"What does that mean?" Qi Ling asked.

"When I was investigating Liang Jing's body, I used my spiritual sense to touch the spotted flower virus, and found that it has very good resistance. The diet therapy I am going to give Liang Jing is seven days, but I am not sure yet. Whether the mottled virus will adapt to the effect of diet therapy, or will be completely killed by the effect of the drug."

Gu Zheng paused, then sighed: "Liang Jing is an ordinary person, and almost all the people infected by spotted flowers are ordinary people. Because they are ordinary people, it is even more troublesome to treat them! Let alone cultivators. Now, even for a cultivator of the third level, treating Spotted Flowers will become very simple."

"I thought it would be easy to solve this plague with your skills, but I didn't expect it to be more difficult." Qi Ling said.

"I have thought that this disaster will not be solved easily, and I just want to do something for my hometown."

Looking at Qi Ling, Gu Zheng smiled wryly: "But you made it my task to quell this plague. Although this is similar to my original idea, it blocked my retreat all at once!"

It is undeniable that Gu Zheng now feels that the idea of ​​doing what he wants to do and completing tasks by the way is a bit too good.

"I am also for you, but who knew that this time things would be so difficult?"

Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng a white look, and then said: "But no matter how difficult it is, you have to bite the bullet and go on, otherwise you won't be able to take the initiative mission in the future."

Gu Zheng nodded and said: "I know this, but I forgot to ask you some details about this mission."

"What details do you want to ask?" Qi Ling asked.

"You asked me to quell this plague, but there is always a scope and time, right? What are they?" Gu Zheng said.

"The scope is limited to the dynasty you are in, but the time is unlimited."

After hearing Qi Ling's explanation, Gu Zheng felt relieved. As long as it is not on a global scale, no matter how difficult it is, he believes there will always be a solution.

After finishing the conversation with Qi Ling, Gu Zheng didn't cook the food therapy right away. He carefully deduced several food therapy prescriptions in his mind, and finally decided to use one of them to treat Liang Jing's illness.

The diet for Liang Jing is not too complicated, and the highest grade ingredients used are only ordinary.

After finishing the diet therapy, Gu Zheng personally sent it to Liang Jing, and he wanted to see Liang Jing's reaction after eating the diet therapy.

"I heard Chang Le and the others say that the food cooked by the head of Gu is the best in the world. After seeing it today, it really is as expected. It made me drool before I started eating."

As the daughter of Mr. Liang, Liang Jing can be regarded as having grown up in the delicacies of mountains and seas, but when she took the diet therapy given by Gu Zheng, she still couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

"Auntie, hurry up and eat!"

Chang Le looked at Liang Jing helplessly, and wondered in her heart, why did she act as if she had no sense of awe when facing Gu Zheng?

In fact, it's not Liang Jing's fault, after all, she knows very little about Gu Zheng, she only knows that Gu Zheng is a fairy, unlike Chang Le, she has heard many legends about Gu Zheng from Chang Feng.

For the diet therapy that Gu Zheng made, Liang Jing was naturally full of praise after eating it, but Gu Zheng didn't care about this, what he cared about was only the effect of Liang Jing's diet therapy. Therefore, while Liang Jing was taking diet therapy, Gu Zheng's spiritual thoughts were always in her body, paying attention to the changes in the effect of the medicine and the virus.

The diet therapy this time was very successful, many viruses died under the effect of the medicine, and Liang Jing herself felt more energetic because of this.

Diet therapy can only be taken once a day, and when Liang Jing took the second diet therapy, the effect became more significant! The virus in her body is invisible to ordinary people, so naturally it is unknown how many people have died, but some changes in her appearance, Mr. Liang and others are still obvious to all.

Before taking the first diet therapy, Liang Jing had two spots on her face, and both of them had grown to the point of festering. This festering caused by the virus could not heal at all, and it was wet and oozing out every day. Foul-smelling liquid.

But after the second diet therapy, the sores on Liang Jing's face became dry, and there were more obvious scabs.

After the third diet therapy, Liang Jing's external changes became more obvious, all the freckles on her face were scabbed, and her whole body's energy and spirit went up to a new level.

"Old Liang, what's going on?"

Since it is an isolation hospital, doctors are naturally indispensable. When Liang Jing's changes were very obvious, Professor Yang, who was in charge of researching the spotted flower vaccine, was finally alarmed.

Professor Yang is a man in his fifties. According to his age, Mr. Liang is his father's generation. However, Professor Yang has a higher official title, so he doesn't have much respect for Mr. Liang who has retired to the second line.

"What's going on?" Old Liang said.

"Don't pretend to be confused, I'm talking about Liang Jing's situation!" Professor Yang said displeased.

"What else could be going on, isn't it all the medicine you researched works!"

In fact, Mr. Liang didn't want to expose the ancient dispute, so he found a random excuse, but it was indescribably harsh to Professor Yang's ears.

"Old Liang, are you mocking us for our inability to develop a vaccine?" Professor Yang seemed a little annoyed.

"How is it possible! If you are incapable, how could Liang Jing's condition improve?" Liang Lao said.

"Don't pretend to be confused with me. Did you ask Liang Jing to use some wrong medicine? Also, why is there a very fragrant smell in Liang Jing's ward every lunch time these two days? Rumor? In addition, who are the few people you brought over in violation of the regulations?" Professor Yang said.

"How can there be any wrong medicine! There is a very fragrant smell in Liang Jing's ward? Why didn't I smell it? As for the people brought in illegally, they are all my family members." Liang Lao said angrily.

Mr. Liang's temper was not good in the first place. He used to fight with Professor Yang just because he didn't want to cause trouble. Now that he was aggressive, his nature was naturally revealed.

"Are you still reasonable?"

Professor Yang was taken aback, and then said angrily: "You leave the isolation hospital immediately, this is not the place for you! As for Liang Jing, she will be taken care of by someone, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Mr. Liang, who was born in the military, became angry, but he didn't care about many things. He pointed at Professor Yang's nose and scolded, "Boy, have you only been eating millet for a few years? Why are you so rude? Do you really think you are capable? Develop the spotted flower vaccine as soon as possible, don't have nothing to do with me here!"

"You, you old and unreasonable guy, you stayed in the isolation hospital in violation of the regulations, you, you still ignored you? I must report this matter to the higher authorities!" Professor Yang was trembling with anger.

"Go! Go if you have the guts, I'm not afraid of you!" Elder Liang said without showing any weakness.

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