Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 595: Cultivation

Mr. Liang and Professor Yang started arguing in the corridor, and several other persons in charge of the isolation hospital also came to the scene.

The other people in charge also knew Mr. Liang, so they could only make peace in the face of this kind of verbal conflict.

Although it was a violation of the regulations for Mr. Liang to enter the isolation hospital, Professor Yang did not really report to the higher-ups. Things go wrong.

Professor Yang didn't report to his superiors, but that didn't mean he could swallow his breath. Soon he ordered a doctor to have Liang Jing undergo various examinations. Many of the so-called various inspections are unnecessary, and they can be regarded as revenge for Liang's old age.

Liang Jing's test results are already in Professor Yang's hands. Looking at the test results, he was shocked beyond shock. Originally a patient in the fourth stage, now the virus infection in his body is only equivalent to that of the second stage patient, and his mental state is much better than that of the second stage patient. This is a very incredible thing! After all, from the outbreak of Spotted Flowers to the present, such a situation has never happened before.

"Old Li, did this old man Liang give his daughter some other medicine?"

In the office, Professor Yang took Liang Jing's test sheet and asked Professor Li beside him.

"Old Yang, Liang Jing may not have taken any new medicine, but was treated by a fairy!" Professor Li speculated.


Professor Yang frowned, subconsciously looked around while speaking.

Professor Yang knows that there are some real people or things in this world that cannot be known by ordinary people, or they will cause panic, and immortals are undoubtedly one of them. Moreover, Professor Yang also knew that this time the spotted flowers were raging, and some people in the high-level were also infected, and they were cured by the immortals with fairy magic.

"You may not know that the Liang family has a relationship with Mount Emei. Old Liang's grandson didn't even care about their family's business more than a year ago. After worshiping Mount Emei, he rarely showed up. But a few days ago This grandson of mine is back, and even visited Liang Jing in this hospital." Professor Li said.

"If there is a fairy to help, then what happened to Liang Jing can be explained."

Professor Yang paused, and then enviously said: "I really didn't expect that the Liang family could be related to an immortal."

"Who says it's not! Look at Liang Jing now, this is the benefit you can only get if you have a relationship!" Professor Li is also very envious.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Professor Yang and Professor Li are both big figures. After all, they also hold important positions in a certain field, and their parents have even contributed to the country. However, people like them are not qualified to contact immortal cultivators in the secular world. It just happens to be a problem with the circle, and they have heard some things that others have not heard of.


Professor Yang muttered to himself, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

At noon of the next day, this was the fourth time that Gu Zheng gave Liang Jing a diet therapy. Judging from the current situation, after taking this diet therapy, Liang Jing's physical condition will return to the same level as the first stage mottled patients.

Previously, Gu Zheng estimated that the time would be seven days, but according to the current momentum, Liang Jing's body will be free of spot virus in five days, and her body will return to normal in six days. After all, the dietary therapy given by Gu Zheng to Liang Jing can not only eliminate the smallpox virus, but also repair Liang Jing's body ravaged by the virus.

"Master Gu, Liang Jing's body has recovered so quickly, this matter has attracted the attention of the hospital." Old Liang looked at Gu Zheng and said.


Facing Gu Zheng's inquiring eyes, Old Liang explained his dispute with Professor Yang.

When Mr. Liang told Gu Zheng about his dispute with Professor Yang, Professor Yang was leaning against the door of the ward, wagging his nose from time to time.

Professor Yang was very curious about the person who treated Liang Jing, and even more curious about the prescription for Liang Jing! Anyway, according to reports from subordinates, Liang Jing's ward has a strange smell at lunch time every day these days, so Professor Yang came over at lunch time.

There was a strange fragrance in the room, which could waft out even through a very closed room, and Professor Yang couldn't help swallowing when he smelled it. However, because the room was very closed, Professor Yang couldn't hear any movement inside.

After listening to Mr. Liang's words, Gu Zheng just smiled slightly. He didn't mind the truth being known by the authorities. After all, if the authorities knew about this matter, it would speed up the time for him to complete the task.

"Sneaky smell uncomfortable? If you are uncomfortable, come in!"

Gu Zheng had already listened to Mr. Liang's narration, and since he knew there was someone outside the door, he transmitted sound transmission into Professor Yang's head.

Professor Yang was taken aback by Gu Zheng's sound transmission, and then excitedly opened the door.


Professor Yang's eyes widened as he looked at Gu Zheng. The appearance of the young man in front of him was really quite different from the fairy he imagined.

"What I treated Liang Jing was a diet therapy. There are still three days left before a course of treatment is over. Judging from her current physical recovery, she may be able to return to normal without waiting for the course of treatment to end." Gu Zheng road.


Professor Yang was even more shocked. As a native of Western medicine, he has a kind of disdain and prejudice against Chinese medicine, not to mention that in his original cognition, it can only be used as a health-care diet.

"How much knowledge do you have?"

Mr. Liang sneered at Professor Yang's inconceivable exclamation. Of course he knew that Professor Yang looked down on Chinese medicine.

Facing Mr. Liang's disdain, Professor Yang was not in the mood to argue with him at this time, he looked at Gu Zheng with pleading eyes and said, "Immortal, no, immortal! You have such abilities, can you save these sufferings?" What about people with spotting disease?"

"I came out this time to stop this plague. Liang Jing is only my first patient. After she is cured, I will talk to the authorities about it."

It is impossible for Gu Zheng to personally treat every patient, he does not have so much time to do these things.

If there is no change in the treatment of Liang Jing in the future, Gu Zheng will cure a few more patients, and then the diet prescription will be finalized. At that time, Gu Zheng wants to select a group of chefs, and let them be responsible for the cooking of food therapy after some training.

As soon as a spotted flower patient is found, they will be isolated and treated immediately. It is estimated that it will not take long, and this panic-stricken spotted flower crisis will be over. After all, the Righteous Path Alliance took the time to deal with the source of the spotted flower after the outbreak of the spotted flower plague. And without the source, there is only human-to-human infection left for Spotted Flowers.

"I'm so grateful to the immortal, I'll help you contact the higher-ups about this matter!" Professor Yang said excitedly.

"Don't bother Professor Yang, I will naturally contact the higher-ups about this matter." Mr. Liang refused.

Later, Professor Yang asked Gu Zheng some questions about Banhua, and got Gu Zheng's answers.

After giving Liang Jing diet therapy for five days, there was no speckle virus in her body at all. Apart from nourishing her body, all the examinations were also very normal.

Liang Jing, who didn't want to stay in the isolation hospital for a day, immediately clamored to go home. It's also fortunate that Mr. Liang has something to do with it. If it were an ordinary patient, it would be so unbelievable that she would return to normal. It would be really weird if the hospital didn't ask her to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time.

Appearance is extremely important to women, not only for most men, but also for women themselves. Gu Zheng not only saved Liang Jing's life, but also gave her a elixir that could repair the spotted scars, and the effect of this elixir was far beyond what any current scar removal therapy could match.

For Gu Zheng, the savior, Liang Jing was naturally grateful, and even told Gu Zheng in private that he would do anything for Gu Zheng.

Liang Jing was discharged from the hospital, and Gu Zheng saw the person sent by the authority in the hotel.

The person sent by the authority is surnamed Huo. This person is the leader of a special department. He is a fifth-level late-stage practitioner himself, and he is also responsible for the communication between the authority and the cultivation world.

"The younger generation has met the ancient head, and the senior's name makes the younger generation like thunder!"

Entering Gu Zheng's room and sitting down, the white-haired Minister Huo looked up at Gu Zheng, his eyes full of admiration.

Minister Huo naturally knows what happened in the cultivation world, so he understands Gu Zheng's status in the cultivation world and some things about him better.

Gu Zheng nodded to Minister Huo, and then said: "Minister Huo must have known about the information I conveyed to the authorities. Do you have any questions about this?"

The so-called information of Gu Zheng was naturally conveyed by Liang Lao on his behalf, mainly talking about how to solve this mottled flower crisis.

"It's not a problem at all, but I don't know what reward Gu Sect wants?" Minister Huo said.

If it was just Gu Zheng himself, he would definitely not ask for any reward for such a matter.

But no matter what, Chang Le supported Du Yang, and Gu Zheng always remembered this favor in his heart. Therefore, Gu Zheng intends to hand over the matter of cooking and diet therapy to the Liang family in the end, which can be regarded as repaying the original favor.

"What kind of remuneration do you want? You can talk to Mr. Liang about this matter. After the treatment of patients is on the right track, I will hand over the matter of diet therapy to his family."

Gu Zheng didn't know what Mr. Liang would ask the authorities for in the end, but it was very likely that what he wanted would be a debt of favor.

"Okay, I'll talk to Lao Liang about this in a while."

Minister Huo's heart trembled at Gu Zheng's words, and at the same time, he couldn't help but value the Liang family more.

Minister Huo didn't stay in Gu Zheng's room for too long, and Gu Zheng immediately took another diet and went to the isolation hospital.

There is nothing wrong with Liang Jing, but Gu Zheng still needs to do more clinical observations, so as not to make any mistakes.

After arriving at the isolation hospital, Professor Yang was in charge of arranging three fifth-stage patients for Gu Zheng to take the diet therapy Gu Zheng had made.

Professor Yang is very enthusiastic about Gu Zheng, he is simply flattering and flattering, which makes Gu Zheng somewhat disgusted.

Gu Zheng understood that Professor Yang would treat him like this. Apart from being an immortal cultivator, a large part of the reason was that he wanted to know what ingredients Gu Zheng's diet was made of.

If Gu Zheng didn't intend to let the Liang family be responsible for this matter, then it would be fine to tell Professor Yang what the diet therapy is for, but since he has decided to let the Liang family be responsible for this matter, Gu Zheng naturally doesn't want to mention it to others.

After taking the diet therapy made by Gu Zheng, the three patients with spotted flowers in the fifth stage were able to get out of bed within an hour, and they could feel that their strength had recovered significantly. This miraculous effect really made Professor Liang Waiting for others to be amazed.

For these three clinical cases, Gu Zheng plans to give them a course of diet therapy. If they all recover like Liang Jing, then there is really no problem with the prescription of ingredients, and large-scale cooking diet therapy can be used. Invested in the treatment of spotted leaf disease.

A course of treatment passed quickly, and the three clinical cases all recovered from the original fifth-stage patients to the level of normal people! All the experts and professors who witnessed this miracle couldn't help cheering for it.

There was no problem with the diet prescription, so Gu Zheng went to a venue specially prepared by the Liang family.

The dedicated venue is like an assembly line for food production, with stoves connected to each other, and chefs connected to each other.

A total of forty chefs who had received initial training from the Liang family stood upright like soldiers.

"I'll do it for you, feel free to ask me if you don't understand anything."

Without saying anything superfluous, Gu Zheng immediately began to process the ingredients.

The ingredients for cooking and diet therapy are not of high grade, the highest grade is ordinary grade, and the dosage is not very large. And these ingredients used to treat spotted flowers were also collected by the Liang family during this period of time.

In the diet therapy that Gu Zheng gave Liang Jing at the beginning, he didn't use immortal skills to improve the handling of ingredients, just to make it easier for these ordinary people to cook in the future. Moreover, for the processing of ingredients, Gu Zheng also did not use immortal techniques.

It is undeniable that without the aid of fairy art, the processing of ingredients is a waste of time, just like a Codonopsis ginseng, if Gu Zheng wants to roast it and make it into powder, it only takes a moment. But now, it took a full ten minutes for a Codonopsis ginseng to be ground into powder from roasting.

"When I was roasting Codonopsis ginseng just now, you all have seen how light and dark the charcoal fire is. When you come to process the ingredients like this, the heat must be accurate."

Gu Zheng glanced at the chefs who were listening attentively, and then handed the Codonopsis powder he had baked to the chef closest to him.

"Qualified Dangshen powder is beige in color. Smell it again, and remember this taste! When you make it yourself, whether it is the wrong color or not much taste, it is not a qualified ingredient. , cannot be used for therapeutic cooking.”

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "This morning, I will hand over the processing method of the first ingredient to you, and now you can do it yourself! I hope everyone will pay more attention, after all, this is related to your evaluation, it is related to you Go or stay!"

Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, and the chefs immediately took action.

For the training here, all the chefs value it very much, because they all know this way, this food therapy can be used to cure the spotted flower, they are doing things for the country and the people!

What's more, once selected to stay, each of them will be paid a sky-high salary during the period of fighting against the ravages of Spotted Flowers, even a figure that some of them will never be able to fight for in their entire lives.

"Everyone, be careful, and ask the teacher if you don't understand anything."

The person in charge, Chang Le, spoke, and the teacher he was referring to was naturally Gu Zheng. Because, in front of these ordinary people, Gu Zheng didn't want to reveal his identity.

"Everyone should know that this is a very honorable thing. You are not only doing things for the country and the people, but also for the people of the world! When foreign friends also need your food therapy to save lives, you Do you think this will be a very fulfilling thing?"

Faced with Chang Le's instigation, all the chefs looked enthusiastic and energetic.

The whole morning passed quickly, and each of the forty cooks also made ten servings of Dangshen powder.

Gu Zheng inspected the Codonopsis powder one by one, and there are two chefs who are good cooks. The pass rate of the Codonopsis powder they made reached 90%. For most people, the pass rate is concentrated at 60 to 70%, while for the rest, the pass rate is below 60%.

In the afternoon, Gu Zheng taught the chefs how to handle the second ingredient. There are six kinds of ingredients for cooking and diet therapy. Gu Zheng plans to teach them in three days, and then teach them how to cook on the fourth day.

Unknowingly, four days have passed, and there are still 28 chefs left out of the original forty chefs. As for the others, they are really worthless to continue training, so they have to be eliminated.

Twenty-eight chefs are not many at all for the spotted virus that is still spreading today! Fortunately, among the twenty-eight chefs left behind, two chefs are very talented. Whether it is processing ingredients or the final therapeutic cooking, Gu Zheng is quite satisfied! This made Gu Zheng feel that these two chefs can take on the responsibility of masters in the future and train new chefs.

Twenty-eight chefs passed the assessment, and immediately began to cook food and send it to the isolation hospital.

During the next meal, Gu Zheng basically ran between the kitchen and the hospital. On the one hand, he was responsible for checking whether the food repair was unqualified, and at the same time, he also wanted to see if the patient had any adverse reactions after taking the food repair.

In just half a month, a large number of patients were cured by the diet therapy center, and Mr. Liang was interviewed by high-level officials. Even this matter, which was still kept secret, has spread to the international community, so that many countries have Ask for a shared approach to healing.

The treatment methods must ultimately be shared, but what kind of negotiations and negotiations will be involved in this process, this is what the high-level people should do, and there is no need for the Liang family to worry about it, nor does it need Gu Zheng to worry about it.

After staring at it for half a month, everything was on track, and Gu Zheng felt relieved. It happened that Master Yufeng was waiting for a few righteous bigwigs to pass on the idea to let Gu Zheng go to get together, and Gu Zheng temporarily returned to the cultivation world.

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