"Brother, Buddhism seems to be against my nephew!"

While talking, Le Xian finally gave birth.

"I know."

Tiexian said lightly, looking at the chessboard intently.

"Senior Brother, Gu Zheng's 'Rotten Poison Swamp' and his party, why don't I send my disciples to accompany me?" Le Xian asked.


Tiexian withdrew his gaze from the chessboard, looked at Lexian and said seriously: "As for the dangers that Gu Zheng will face, junior sisters don't have to worry at all, including me."

"Brother, sister don't understand."

Le Xian really doesn't understand, although Gu Zheng is very powerful now, some things can still threaten him, such as this time against Buddhism.

"When did Junior Sister's destiny change?"

Looking at Tiexian's smile, Lexian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "There are many big changes! For example, becoming a cultivator, understanding the way of rhythm, mastering the seventh consciousness, and making achievements in the first chaotic catastrophe , such as seeing a teacher, such as becoming a saint."

After Le Xian finished speaking, he looked at Tie Xian who was smiling and said nothing, his brows became tighter and tighter, then his eyes lit up and he said: "Senior brother, can't you?"

Le Xian was a little shocked. During the moment when she frowned, she thought about all the opportunities that could change her fate, correspond to Gu Zheng, and prevent Tie Xian from worrying about Gu Zheng's danger! There may be only one thing she thought of, that is, Gu Zheng met Hongjun Daozu!

As the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, Hongjun Daozu can see it whenever he wants to, not to mention the veteran saints, like the saints who achieved the holy position after the first chaotic catastrophe, they all met before they were sanctified Daoist Hongjun! For the saints who have experienced this kind of experience, the meaning of seeing Hongjun Daozu is almost equivalent to the guarantee of the holy throne, and their fate will be changed accordingly.

"After Gu Zheng obtained Xingxu Mountain, his fate changed a lot. This is extremely abnormal. The only explanation is that he had already met the teacher before obtaining Xingxu Mountain."

As Gu Zheng's master, Tiexian can see many things from Gu Zheng that other saints cannot see.

"Didn't Gu Zheng tell senior brother about such a big matter?" Le Xian asked suspiciously.

"It's not surprising. It's not his reason. It's just that this matter is part of the secret. He simply can't feel the feeling of wanting to tell others. It's like when the younger sister met the teacher, did the younger sister think about it?" Tell the second person about this?" Tiexian asked.

Le Xian suddenly said: "Indeed, as the brother said, I had that feeling at the beginning."

"If you're not half of Gu Zheng's master, even if the brother guessed about this matter, he wouldn't dare to tell you about it!" Tiexian said with emotion.

"Brother, if this is the case, wouldn't the Western forces be in trouble this time?"

Le Xian became excited, because he had seen Hongjun Daozu, a person whose fate had changed, unless it was his own death, otherwise whoever opposed him would be unlucky, he already belonged to the heavenly family! Recalling the time when she first met Hongjun Daozu and became a saint, Lexian felt that all opponents who competed with her for the throne would end badly, and some of them were even unlucky. In that era, there were quasi-sages who were actually more powerful than her.

"This is unlucky, and it's part of the reincarnation of heaven! There were unlucky people in the Conferred Gods Era, there were also unlucky people during the first Chaos Tribulation, and during the second Chaos Tribulation, there will also be unlucky people." Tiexian said lightly. .

On Xingxu Mountain.

Gu Zheng, who was talking to Die Ling, suddenly heard someone calling his name.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Die Ling saw that Gu Zheng's eyes were different, and asked immediately.

"Someone is coming for me!"

The reason why Gu Zheng was able to hear someone calling his name was because of Xingxu Mountain, because Xingxu Mountain could capture all sounds that were loud enough in the 'cloud of death'. However, Gu Zheng doesn't know what the person who calls Gu Zheng's name looks like!

Die Ling also understood the characteristics of Xingxu Mountain, so she asked Gu Zheng: "Master, who will come?"

"Knowing that using such means to find me must belong to the power of a certain saint. If it is the power of a certain saint, then it should be from the West!"

Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled, he had already guessed a little about the purpose of the Westerners.

"Is the master going to meet the visitor?" Die Ling asked again.

"There is no need to meet them, just go and meet them for me. When they ask about the quota of the Evangelism Palace, you just say it is full! Ask about Wenshi's storage belt, and you can return it to them. If you insist on coming to see me, just say that I am retreating."

Gu Zheng gave Die Ling the storage belts of Wenshi, Puxiang, and Die Nan, and then moved Xingxu Mountain to appear in the depths of the 'death cloud'.

The Buddha sent Venerable Relic to Gu Zheng for a purpose, because Venerable Relic was the smartest and calmest among the ten disciples of the Buddha.

Even though he wanted to get a piece of the pie on Xingxu Mountain, the Buddha also knew that Gu Zheng was not a talkative person, so he sent Venerable Relic here because he didn't want to make the hatred worse.

However, the Buddha is only a Buddha after all, and his cultivation base is the pinnacle of a quasi-sage, and there is still a huge gap between him and a saint. In this special period when the deduction of saints is always inaccurate, it is not surprising that the deduction of Buddha is not accurate.

It was a mistake for the Buddha to send Venerable Relic to come. He felt that the person who came out to see Venerable Relic should be Gu Zheng, but he did not expect that the person who came out to meet Venerable Relic would be Die Ling.

The body of Die Ling is a dragon, and it is a mutated dragon after receiving the blessings of heaven and earth. Venerable Relic has hatred for dragons as if he saw a natural enemy. This will not be weakened because Die Ling is a different dragon. , on the contrary, it has intensified because of this.

Venerable Relic looked at Die Ling, who was more beautiful than the Fairy of the Moon Palace, and his heart was filled with deep disgust, and he even frowned.

Die Ling originally had a calm expression, but when she saw Venerable Relic frowning, a sense of unhappiness permeated her heart, because Venerable Relic's expression made her feel that Venerable Relic had seen filth!

"Monk, why did you come to see my master?" Die Ling asked, holding back his frustration.

"The poor monk is looking for the owner of the benefactor, naturally he has something to do."

He hated Die Ling himself, and Venerable Relic wanted to have an interview with Gu Zheng, so he naturally had no intention of saying anything to Die Ling.

"If you have anything to do with my master, just tell me!" Die Ling said.

"Talk to the benefactor? The benefactor is the master?" Venerable Relic said contemptuously.

"Of course I can be the master, but if I can't be the master, why talk nonsense with you? If you have something to say, you can say it, if you have nothing to say, I will go back to the mountain!" Die Ling said impatiently.

Venerable Relic frowned. She originally thought that Die Ling was a brat blocking the way, who would take him to Xingxu Mountain after a few words, but now it seems that is not the case.

"The poor monk would like to ask Fellow Daoist, is he willing to resolve his enmity with Buddhism?" Venerable Relic said.

"How to resolve?" Die Ling asked.

"I am willing to resolve this enmity. There are two Buddhist sects in Xingxu Mountain's preaching palace. If you do not agree to this proposal, then you are unwilling to resolve this enmity."

Venerable Relic's words were serious, but Die Ling sneered: "What is the significance of the two preaching palaces? If the Buddhist sect wants two preaching palaces as a bargaining chip to resolve enmity, we will not accept this condition! What's more, the quota of preaching palaces full!"

"As long as Fellow Daoist Gu is willing to resolve the enmity, even if the teaching palace is full, there will still be two places for the Buddhist sect!" Venerable Relic said.

"Whimsical!" Die Ling sneered.

"Benefactor, is the answer you gave a confession from fellow Taoist?" Venerable Relic said coldly.

"No, that's what I said!" Die Ling said.

"Can the donor really be the master?" Venerable Relic asked again.

"It's said that being able to make decisions means being able to make decisions. Are you annoying, monk? Let's talk about the last thing, we don't agree to your conditions, and we can go back wherever they came from!" Die Ling said.

"The poor monk wants to see Fellow Daoist Gu!"

Venerable Relic turned into a gust of wind, and he wanted to break into Xingxu Mountain.


The butterfly spirit appeared in front of the Venerable Relic in a flash, and with a flick of his sleeve, he drew towards the Venerable Relic.

"Naughty animal!"

Venerable Relic shouted, a golden light burst out from his palm, and struck towards Die Ling's sleeve.

Die Ling originally wanted to block Venerable Relic, but she didn't expect that Venerable Relic not only scolded her, but also shot her, which made her angry suddenly.


Die Ling no longer suppressed his cultivation, his originally fluffy sleeves instantly became as heavy as a mountain, and slammed into the palm of Venerable Relic.

Venerable Relic was shocked. He was only in the early stage of quasi-sage, and he never thought that the cultivation level of the "evil beast" he called was equivalent to that of the middle-stage quasi-sage!

At the critical moment, Venerable Relic's palm trembled, and a phantom of a Buddha statue appeared on the palm that had been slashed straight down, blocking Die Ling's blow. However, something that Venerable Relic did not expect happened again, a black dagger appeared in Die Ling's other hand at some point, Die Ling slashed at him with a black light and shadow at close range!

The aura of the black light and shadow was so strong that Venerable Relic felt that no matter how he hid, it would be wrong.

Venerable Relic bit the tip of his tongue, and after performing the 'Seventy-two Transformations of Earth Demon', he turned into a pure white feather and flew into the distance with the strong wind brought by the black light and shadow.

Butterfly Spirit didn't attack again, and Venerable Relic, who had changed from a feather state to a real one in the distance, held his arm. Although he had escaped the fatal crisis by transforming into a feather just now, there was still a blatant gash on his arm .

"Okay, very good, today's reception at Xingxu Mountain, the poor monk has recorded it!"

Without daring to stay any longer, Venerable Relic, who said harsh words, took the wind and left.


Die Ling smiled contemptuously, turned around and flew into Xingxu Mountain.

Gu Zheng already knew about what happened outside Xingxu Mountain, and he didn't blame Die Ling for it. Anyway, even if he met Venerable Relic, he would reply in the same way.

"Master, I feel that Buddhists will not let it go!" Die Ling said.

"Whatever they want, if they want to trouble me, I won't be polite!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "Okay, don't mention them, they can do whatever they like, today I just want to make good wine!"

Gu Zheng started to process the ingredients again. This time, the amount of ingredients needed to brew immortal wine is relatively large, and he plans to produce a thousand catties of immortal wine.

"Thirty-seven kinds of ingredients, including thirty kinds of ingredients belonging to the prehistoric, seven kinds of ingredients belonging to outside the circle, among these ingredients, the lowest grade is high-grade, followed by three kinds of immortal ingredients, heaven and earth treasures One piece, what a luxurious ingredient!"

Looking at the huge pile of ingredients in front of Gu Zheng, Die Ling, who was deeply moved, also began to help with simple processing.

"There are flowers and fruits, grain and grass, and it is already extremely fragrant before brewing. I really look forward to what kind of immortal wine the master will brew this time!" Die Ling said again.

"'Yaochi Xianniang' is the wine used to entertain the immortals at the Pantao Festival. Although it cannot be said to be the best in the wild, it can definitely be called the very best among the immortal wines. And this time I want to The brewed immortal wine must be superior to 'Yaochi Xianniang' in every aspect!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Master, the ingredients you used to brew this wine are already considered luxurious, so how luxurious are the ingredients used in 'Yaochi Immortal Noodles'?" Die Ling asked curiously.

"The luxury of the ingredients used in 'Yaochi Xianniang' is naturally higher than the ingredients we use, otherwise I would use more luxurious ingredients than 'Yaochi Xianniang' to brew something better than 'Yaochi Xianniang' Xianjiu, what kind of skill is this?"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "Don't think that the addition of immortal ingredients and natural materials and earth treasures to this immortal wine can be compared with the materials used in 'Yaochi Immortal Brew'. It is also the power center that is in charge of the prehistoric, and the resource reserves it possesses are by no means comparable to those of individuals! In our opinion, the extremely precious immortal ingredients and treasures of heaven and earth are nothing but treasures in the peach garden. Immortal flat peaches and holy flat peaches are nothing more!"


Die Ling nodded, and then smiled like a miser: "Hey, there are fairy-grade flat peach and holy-grade flat peach trees in the master's prehistoric space, but I don't know when I can eat the flat peaches from these two trees!"

The legend is different from the reality. According to the legend, there are three types of flat peach trees in the flat peach garden, one ripening every three thousand years, one ripening every six thousand years and one ripening every nine thousand years.

There are exaggerated parts in the legend, and there are various reasons in reality! The maturity time of the three kinds of flat peaches in the flat peach garden is actually 30 years, 600 years and 900 years. In reality, the Peach Festival is not held every year on the Queen Mother's birthday, otherwise the peaches in the Peach Garden would not be enough to entertain the immortals, even if they are used by the Heavenly Court for their own use.

Among the mission rewards of Guzheng's cooking skills, there are four fairy-grade flat peach trees and two holy-grade flat peach trees. These six flat peach trees are still growing vigorously in the prehistoric space of Guzheng. The sky will give birth to the flat peach tree, and Die Ling, who is resident in the prehistoric space, does this kind of work almost every day.

Six hundred years and nine hundred years, for normal quasi-sages, this is not a long time at all, but for people like Gu Zheng and Die Ling who have improved their realms quickly, six hundred years and nine hundred years It's too long, and the long time makes them feel that there is no end in sight! After all, not to mention six hundred years and nine hundred years, the two of them together are not yet sixty years old!

"The prehistoric space is a wonderful place!"

Die Ling's words made Gu Zheng feel emotional.

The Primordial Space is indeed a wonderful place. There are many wonders in it. These wonders are both good and bad. Needless to say, the good has two aspects.

First, the prehistoric space is not affected by the change of time flow rate, that is to say, if Gu Zheng is in the statue space, or in the world outside the circle, the time flow rate in the prehistoric space will never change! Otherwise, Gu Zheng's desire to eat the Immortal Peach Peach and the Holy Peach Peach would definitely not be as far away as it is now.

On the second aspect, since the "Way of Space" mastered by Gu Zheng has reached the middle stage, although he can't make the changes he wants to the prehistoric space, he can already feel that even if he is very familiar with the "Way of Space" The mastery has reached an advanced level, but it is still very difficult to turn Qi Ling into a living person without destroying the prehistoric space! It is precisely because of this that Gu Zheng didn't ask Tiexian at all about the matter of transforming a spirit into a human. He was afraid of being hit, and he wanted to wait until he had reached an advanced level of mastery of the 'Way of Space'.

"Speaking of Master, even though I also think immortal wine is delicious, it would be a bit too extravagant to brew immortal wine with natural treasures? After all, Master also plans to cook food containing heavenly materials and earthly treasures for Miaomiao and Angry Man. Repairing it! If you calculate it this way, the master really doesn't have many natural materials and earthly treasures." Die Ling pouted.

"It's not that there are not many, but minus the one for brewing, minus the two for Meow Miao and Angry Man, I'm left with only the 'Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit' I got from the 'Death Cloud and Mist'."

Gu Zheng touched Die Ling's hair, and then said: "With the help of Master this time, Miao Miao can be promoted to the Demon Emperor Realm, and the heavenly material and earthly treasure prepared for her is the 'Hei Tian Wu Bone'. The pieces come from outside the circle of heaven and earth treasures, combined with some special ingredients, not only can make Miaomiao's blood more pure, but may also have other benefits. As for the angry man, his cultivation is not enough for the peak of the demon king. The food cultivation that he prepared contains heaven, material and earth treasures, which can allow him to quickly reach the bottleneck of cultivation!"

"It's useless to reach the bottleneck of cultivation! It's not 100% sure that you can make a breakthrough after reaching the bottleneck. It's better to practice slowly and steadily, so as to save the master a treasure of heaven and earth!" Die Ling road.

Gu Zheng nodded: "If it is a normal situation, the master will of course make arrangements as you said. However, regarding the trip to the 'Rotten Swamp' in a few days, I have a vague premonition that there is an opportunity for the angry man there." , That's why I planned to raise his cultivation to the peak of the Demon King before heading to the 'Rotten Swamp'."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Die Ling nodded, but still looked aggrieved: "Master, but I still feel that it's a pity that you haven't cooked food for yourself for a while, the improvement of the master's cultivation base is the most important thing." The most important thing! Otherwise, the master should not use natural materials and earthly treasures in this brewing, okay? Anyway, it is just immortal wine, and the master can brew better immortal wine than 'Yaochi Xianniang'. I must believe it! Let's wait until the resources are more in the future, and then brew this extravagant fairy wine, okay?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Gu Zheng laughed. He pinched Die Ling's nose and said, "Come on, read what's on my mind, and I'll explain everything to you without the hassle!"

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