Die Ling shook his head like a rattle: "I want to hear from the master!"

"All right!"

Gu Zheng smiled helplessly, and said: "Actually, this wine making is not just about making wine, but I feel that with the current wine recipe, there may be unexpected gains! You know that because of the eyes of the Tao and the heart of the Tao, I , the combination effect of ingredients can be deduced in advance, but not all the variables in this deduction can be calculated by me. The combination of these ingredients in this wine making, I can deduce that there will be a "moment of youth"! Previously deduced The "moment of youth" of the combination of ingredients can be deduced very finely, and I have all the variables under control, or I can't fully deduce the variables of "moment of youth". However, this time the "moment of youth" It gave me a very wonderful feeling, obviously I have deduced all its variables, but the premonition from the sixth sense endows it with infinite possibilities!"

"Master, what does the master mean to say that this time, there may be a possibility for the master to improve his diet?" Die Ling said with wide-eyed eyes.

"That's right! Although it's just a possibility, it's extremely difficult for me to improve my current diet. Even if it's just a possibility, I think it's worth trying." Gu Zheng said.

"Well, it seems that I worry too much." Die Ling stuck out her tongue embarrassedly.

"Okay, let's continue to process the ingredients!" Gu Zheng rubbed Die Ling's hair.

There are too many ingredients, and different ingredients have different processing methods in advance, either steamed, boiled, or baked.

Finally put all the processed ingredients into the wine tank, and the next thing Gu Zheng has to do is to make wine.

Immortal wine brewing is different from ordinary wine. Ordinary wine can be fermented naturally. Immortal wine must use celestial techniques to control the temperature to promote fermentation, so the production speed of immortal wine is faster than ordinary wine.

I still remember that the brewing of fairy wine made Gu Zheng exhausted to death. Now thinking about what happened at that time, Gu Zheng can't help but smile.

The 'Fire Control Jue' creates temperature, the 'Water Control Jue' adjusts water, and the 'Wood Control Jue' stimulates the transformation of ingredients. Gu Zheng uses all the magic techniques that can be used in wine making in the wine pool.

The right temperature allows the ingredients in the wine tank to ferment quickly, and the unsavory smell permeates the air. However, the process of smelling strange will soon disappear. Under the observation of the eyes of Gu Zheng Dao, after removing the chaff and saving the chaff and the initial transformation, the originally unpleasant smell in the air has turned into a It has a different kind of fragrance, and even has a hint of wine aroma.

It is actually not a good thing to be able to produce wine aroma so quickly, because most of the ingredients have not yet entered this process, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with quickly. It is best to keep these things in sync.

Slowly, the aroma in the air became more and more intense, and the aroma of the wine faded to the point that it could not be smelled at all, and a smile finally appeared on the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth. At this time, more than an hour has passed, and the preliminary process of wine brewing has finally entered a relatively peaceful stage.

In the next hour, there are not many things that require Gu Zheng to be busy. Apart from the control of the temperature, there is only the delicate work of converting some substances in the wine, which is as busy as the previous various fairy arts. In comparison, it is already easy and cannot be easier.

As time goes by, the aroma in the air becomes more and more intense. At this time, the aroma is not only the essence of the ingredients, but also the aroma of the wine contained in it. Although it is not particularly strong, it can no longer be covered up.

It has been six hours since the brewing of immortal wine, the scent in the air is very wonderful now, not all of it is the scent of wine, there are other scents coexisting clearly with the scent of wine! Such a strange phenomenon is caused because there are still some special substances in the wine tank, which have not undergone further fusion and conversion. But even so, the aroma of the wine has reached the point where it can make people feel slightly drunk. This is the power of Tao!

"A wonderful time is coming soon!"

A smile appeared on Gujing Wubo's face, and Gu Zheng began to integrate and transform the special substances that still needed to be processed at the current stage. And at the end of this stage, that is when the 'Momentary Youth' appears.

The substances that belong to the observation category of the eye of Tao are clearly visible in Gu Zheng's eyes, and the substances that belong to the induction category of the heart of Tao can also be clearly felt by Gu Zheng. The final collision, fusion and sublimation of this stage.


Gu Zheng said in his heart, the original everything is under control, and there are variables, some unusual substances are suddenly produced from the sublimation of substances, and they constitute the "instant youth" in the way of eating and drinking! If they cannot be disposed of quickly and properly, the essence of the wine pool will become dross. If they can be disposed of properly, the quality of the wine will be improved by then.

This time, the "Moment of Youth" was within the scope of Gu Zheng's deduction, and the dangerous variables were quickly resolved by him calmly, and those substances that would have brought crisis to winemaking were also transformed into substances that were beneficial to winemaking , The whole wine pool is full of strange fragrance.

After solving the 'Momentary Youth', the winemaking has really entered the final stage. What Gu Zheng needs to do next is to control the temperature and carry out the final transformation of the raw materials in the wine pool. After an hour, people can smell it. The wine you want to get drunk will also appear.

It looked calm on the surface, but Gu Zheng was very excited in his heart.

The biggest purpose of Gu Zheng's wine making this time is to experience the "instant youth" and to seek a breakthrough in the way of eating from the different "instant youth"!

Just now, when Gu Zheng perfectly resolved the 'Sha Na Fang Hua', an extraordinary message flooded into his mind!

Under normal circumstances, unfamiliar information will flood into the mind, and it usually occurs under special circumstances such as recognizing the master of the fairy artifact, improving the realm, or enlightening the Tao. And, in this particular case, there is a lot of information flooding the mind. However, there was only one piece of information flooding into Gu Zheng's mind!

Only a lot of information can constitute a complete cognition of a thing. A piece of information can only be said to be a feeling. This feeling is like looking at the world through the crack of a door.

If it's a normal piece of information, it's just a vague feeling. However, this message from Gu Zheng is extraordinary, it is not just a feeling, its effect on Gu Zheng can be regarded as a real change, it makes Gu Zheng's heart of Dao different from the past!

In the feeling of Gu Zheng, the heart of Tao is different from the past, just like the eye of Tao is so diligent, and can discover more things that could not be discovered before! But as far as these things in the wine pool are concerned, Gu Zheng didn't discover any difference because of his enlightened heart of Tao.

"Obviously I feel diligent, but I haven't found out where the diligent is reflected. The only possible explanation is that this diligent is similar to my own Taoist Eye. They don't work on all ingredients! Now I don't have time to separate myself. Check the ingredients stored in the prehistoric space, you can only wait until the immortal wine is brewed." Gu Zhengxin said.

The sophisticated Eye of Dao allows Gu Zheng to see the deeper substances in the ingredients, and the Heart of Dao allows Gu Zheng to see the substances originally hidden in the ingredients.

Whether it is seen or felt, this is a very remarkable magical power in the way of diet! These substances that can only be seen by the eyes of the diligent Tao and sensed by the heart of the Tao are like minerals buried deep in the ground in the Tao of food and drink. Only by seeing or feeling can they be excavated and displayed. It works as it should! If you can't see or feel it, then you can only let it be buried.

The feeling of the heart of Tao is not effective for all ingredients, because not all ingredients contain substances that can only be sensed by the heart of Tao.

Gu Zheng felt that because of the information in his brain, his heart of Tao had improved, and he was able to sense substances that he could not feel before. This is extremely unusual! Because Gu Zheng once asked Tiexian whether the heart of Tao would be as diligent as the eye of Tao. Tiexian told Gu Zheng that the realm of the heart of Tao is higher than the eye of Tao. Once Tao's special supernatural power is mastered, there is no room for further improvement! However, Tiexian also added when he said this. He said that his understanding of the way of diet is still at the level of "two begets three", and his control over the way of diet is only advanced, maybe it has reached the " When the state of "Three Lives and Myriad Things", that is, the immortal level of the way of eating and drinking is controlled, it is not certain that the heart of the way will be diligent.

Tiexian's control over the way of eating and drinking is already advanced, but his heart of Tao is the same as Gu Zheng's heart of Tao before. However, Gu Zheng's heart of Dao has a sense of refinement, what is it if it is not extremely unusual!

The more Gu Zheng thinks about it, the more excited he becomes, so much so that he even wants to give up the good wine in the pool, and see what amazing discoveries he will make with the heart of Dao after he has refined it! However, impulsiveness is the devil, and Gu Zheng can still restrain the desire in his heart. After all, the brewing of immortal wine this time is a lot of investment. If he really gave up like this, he will definitely feel distressed afterwards.

"Since you let me suffer, after I see the change of Dao Heart, I must drink you!"

Looking at the fragrant things in the wine pool, Gu Zheng gritted his teeth.

Finally, the final stage of the brewing of immortal wine was completed, and the fragrance that filled the room was something that Gu Zheng, the brewer, was still calm about, while Die Ling was already unconscious from the fragrance.

"Wake up, the wine is out!"

Although drunk and unconscious, it was just an appearance, when Gu Zheng's voice sounded in Die Ling's mind, she jumped up immediately.


Die Ling, who jumped up, swallowed loudly.

"Master, this fairy wine is finally ready. From birth to now, it has never been tortured by the master with delicious food! If the master does not make it well, I will really be drunk for a long time!" Die Ling mourned.

"Is it that exaggerated?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Yes, yes, it took so many hours to make Xianjiu this time, which is a time-consuming time that the master has never made before for any delicious food!"

Die Ling paused, then asked curiously: "Master, what is the name of this fairy wine?"

"What is your name?"

Gu Zheng murmured, naming names has never been something he is good at.

"Let's call it 'Star Market Drunk'!" Gu Zheng thought for a while.

"Star Market Drunk? Good name!"

Die Ling praised, gritted his teeth and looked at the wine pool and said, "I must get drunk once on this Xingxu Mountain, this disgusting thing that keeps me waiting for a long time!"

"Haha, okay, let's get drunk afterwards!"

Gu Zheng laughed, and pointed at the wine pool, the purple wine flew out of the wine pool like a water dragon, and fell into the jar in Qi Ling's hand.

One jar was full, Die Ling happily sealed the wine jar, and then picked up another jar.

As Gu Zheng thought before, the ingredients he put into the wine pool brought him a hundred jars of fine wine.

"Come on, let's taste it first!" Gu Zheng raised the altar to Die Ling.

"Master has worked hard, I respect you!"

Die Ling's wine jar collided with Gu Zheng's.

"Cuckoo, toot..."

Accompanied by the sound of two people drinking, a different kind of fragrance is unprecedentedly strong, which is also the characteristic of 'Xingxu Drunk'. In terms of smell, its most fragrant moment is not before drinking, but after drinking it with breathing The smell of alcohol, the distance that this smell can float is far beyond imagination.


Both of them took a few sips before putting down the wine jar, and let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Cool!" Gu Zheng said sincerely.


Didn't try to suppress the alcoholism of 'Xingxu Drunk' at all, Die Ling stared at Gu Zheng mistyly. After just a few sips, Die Ling was already drunk, so much so that she even felt a little hot from the smell of alcohol gushing out from Gu Zheng.

As the brewer of 'Star Market Drink', Gu Zheng naturally knows the characteristics of 'Star Market Drink' very well. This wine will be extremely fun in some ways, and Xiong San will definitely like it very much.

"Wine is good, but it must be selectively suppressed!"

Gu Zheng gave Die Ling a meaningful look, which caused Die Ling to bite her red lips lightly, very shy.

"Master, I understand!"

Die Ling spoke in a low voice, but she didn't lower her head to speak. On the contrary, she looked at Gu Zheng with fiery eyes.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Zheng smiled, reached out and rubbed Die Ling's hair, helping Die Ling suppress some impulses.

"Tell the master, how about this 'Star Market Drunk'?" Gu Zheng smiled.

"'Yaochi Xianniang' is pink, and 'Xingxu Zui' is purple. Comparing the two colors, I prefer 'Xingxu Zui'. Its color feels like a liquid gem, and 'Yaochi Xianniang' "Although it can also give me this feeling, it is a little less glossy and clear than 'Xingxu Drunk'. In terms of fragrance, 'Yaochi Xianniang' is incomparable with 'Xingxu Drunken'. 'Yaochi Xianjiu' Niang' is also very fragrant, but the fragrance is not enough to make me drunk when I smell it, let alone the smell of alcohol. In terms of taste, 'Yaochi Xianniang' still can't be drunk with 'Xingxu' 'In comparison, the taste of the two fine wines is sweet in the mouth, but the sweetness of the wine in 'Xingxu Drunk' is more like the sweetness of consciousness, and it is more charming than the sweetness of the wine that stays on the tongue. It’s an obsession that makes people salivate just thinking about it!”

Die Ling's voice stopped, she was really drooling.

"Continue, there is still 'gong'!" Gu Zheng said.

Comments on delicious food generally only say 'color and fragrance', but comments on fairy wine are 'color and fragrance'. Because every kind of immortal wine, even the lowest grade, can be transformed into immortal essence after entering the body. It's just that for immortal cultivators like Gu Zheng, due to the rapid improvement of their cultivation base, the immortal essence that immortal wine can provide is gradually neglected.

However, starting from the medium quality, the effect of immortal wine is not only as simple as transforming immortal essence, it also has the effect of expanding the capacity of the immortal power ball! However, the general immortal wine can not expand the capacity of the Xianli ball very much, unless it is a high-level immortal wine like 'Yaochi Xianniang'! However, even if it is a high-level immortal wine, it does not mean that the immortal power ball of the immortal cultivator can be expanded every time. After expanding it once in this way, it will take a while to expand it again.

"Gudong Gudong!"

Die Ling took a few more gulps of the immortal wine, reaching the amount needed to expand the Xianli ball, then closed his eyes and waited for a while.

"It's 20% better than the effect of 'Yaochi Xianjiu'!" Die Ling laughed.


Gu Zheng nodded and smiled, looking at the angry man and Sun Cheng who were already too greedy: "One person, one pot, remember to suppress it!"

Nu Han and Sun Cheng were already attracted by the smell of alcohol, and they had already come over when Die Ling started to comment.

Waiting and watching was finally about to turn into tasting. Impatiently, Sun Cheng and the angry man thanked Gu Zheng, and immediately toasted Gu Zheng with an altar of 'Star Market Drunk'.

After meeting Sun Cheng and the angry man, Gu Zheng began to check the ingredients stored in the prehistoric space.

The first thing Gu Zheng checked was the ingredients outside the circle, and there was no special change in these ingredients under the induction of the heart of Tao.

His brows were slightly frowned, and the ingredients outside the circle were the ones that Gu Zheng felt were most likely to correspond to the refined Taoist heart, but the Taoist heart didn't respond to them.

"Could it be that……"

Gu Zheng is going to sense his natural materials, earth treasures and fairy ingredients. Relatively speaking, these two ingredients are relatively special, and they are also the few ingredients in the circle that have special substances in the induction of the original heart of Tao.

The first treasure of heaven, material and earth that Gu Zheng sensed was the 'Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit' obtained from the 'Death Cloud and Mist'. When Gu Zheng sensed it, his brows that were originally slightly frowned stretched out, and ecstasy appeared in his eyes !

'Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit' is the most special treasure of heaven and earth owned by Gu Zheng, so Gu Zheng naturally sensed it before. However, Gu Zheng's induction this time, really found some unusual substances from the 'Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit'. Moreover, what makes Gu Zheng even more excited is that these substances have extremely extraordinary effects!

"After returning from the 'Rotten Swamp', I must first improve my Dao Eye!"

Already having a plan in mind on how to use the 'Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit', Gu Zheng began to check the second treasure of heaven, material and earth.

Then, all the ingredients of Tiancai Dibao and Xianpin were inspected, but Gu Zheng found nothing new, which also made him more convinced that the cooking of 'Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit' would most likely be due to those special ingredients. The effect of the material, thus triggering some kind of opportunity!

Even though he knew that ordinary ingredients were no longer possible, Gu Zheng still stored ingredients for him and sensed all of them with the heart of Tao before he was done.

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