Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 147 [Patronus Curse and the Wizengamot]

The fog in the carriage is like a sea of ​​clouds.

Spread out layer by layer around Rock.

The dementor wearing a black cloak suddenly retracted its hand that was originally reaching for Harry. Its hands began to clutch the cloak tightly, and its head shook up and down in pain, as if it was about to let out a sharp howl.

But its body disintegrated even faster. Washed away by the silver mist, black smoke erupted from the Dementor's body, and it completely disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This is a sight that Lupine has never seen before. The dementors actually have a moment to be destroyed?

Rock's Patronus was somewhat beyond his imagination, but Lupine didn't care to praise Rock's strength now, but immediately went to check on Harry's condition.

He hurriedly stepped forward to help Harry. His brother left such a child before his death. If Harry had an accident in front of him, Lupine really didn't know what to do.

'Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be anything serious...' Lu Ping breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Rock took action in time. Harry will probably wake up soon. If the dementors really sucked the happiness, I'm afraid Harry will be unconscious until he wakes up. Missed the back-to-school dinner.

Lupine put Harry on the seat and asked Hermione to help look after Harry. Then he stood up and glanced at the table unintentionally.

On the table in the carriage were the snacks bought by Ron and Harry, and in the middle were several chocolate frog wizard cards. The character on the card was "The Invincible Andros", who is said to be able to summon giant-sized guardians. god.

Lupine also collected cards like this when he was in school.

"That's awesome..." Lupine stared at the chocolate frog card.

The power of a patron saint usually does not depend on size, but has a lot to do with the ability of the spell caster.

There was such a story in the textbook Lupine was studying at that time - there was a wizard named Ilius. His rat patronus had been laughed at by the villagers because of his small size. However, when an army of dementors attacked his When they came to the village, it was Ilius' little mouse who saved the whole village.

But even though he said that... Lu Ping believed that the uniqueness of the patron saint could still explain some problems.

At least Dumbledore's patronus is the magical beast Phoenix.

Lu Ping breathed a sigh of relief, took out his wand, and after looking at Rock reassuringly, he went out from the carriage door. The carriage was handed over to Rock, who wanted to prevent the remaining Dementors from floating towards the train.

This is a fighting habit left over from the Order of the Phoenix. If Dumbledore is around, then leave difficult problems to Dumbledore, and Dumbledore will never let them down.

Now, Lupine also saw this reassuring strength in Rock.

He finally understood why those little wizards who were older than Rock came running to look for Rock.

Lupine believed that if he were the same age as Rock, he, James and others would probably follow Rock like Harry and Hermione.

"Buzz~" Lupine passed through the huge teeth of the patron saint, as if passing through a layer of enchantment, and made a sound when his body completely passed through.

This may be the result of Rock's deliberate control. His patronus only had an effect on dementors.

After getting out of the train, Lupine was able to see the full view of Rock's patron saint.

It was a huge silver wolf. Just those eyes made Lupine feel that he was almost as tall as himself. It crawled and bit several carriages in its mouth. The train was blocked by it like a long snake. Bite off.

But Lupine knew from his experience just coming through the teeth that the train was not damaged.

The Auror on the locomotive in the distance also saw this huge silver wolf, or it was difficult for him not to see it. He subconsciously blurted out in surprise: "Oh my god..."

"Merlin, is it Principal Dumbledore who is here to support us?" the Auror joked, and he asked Lupin happily.

This huge patron saint suddenly relaxed his tense nerves.

But Lupine was a little unhappy because he only saw two Aurors in total. There were so many Dementors that only two Aurors controlled.

To put it bluntly, in the past, if the Ministry of Magic discovered that any werewolf wizard was causing trouble, at least three Aurors would arrest him.

"Is there no one in the Ministry of Magic?" Lu Ping said with resentment.

The Auror suddenly became speechless.

The Ministry of Magic is indeed short of manpower...but this is not something he, the Auror, can decide.

Just like the order to call the dementors this time was given by Fudge, but the dementors rioted on the road, and so many little wizards had troubles, their parents would definitely not give up on the Ministry of Magic, and it is estimated that he, the Auror, would still be behind it. pot.

Thinking of this, Auror's mood became worse again.

"Let's drive the dementors away first... We can't make things worse." The Auror tensed up again. All he could do now was to redeem himself a little, and maybe he could be punished a little lighter in the future.

"A little difficult……"

Lupine looked worriedly at the dementors hovering in the sky. Although these dementors were very afraid of the huge silver wolf, it was like a cannon hitting a mosquito.

Only the area where the giant silver wolf was located was extremely clean, without a single Dementor, but this also caused the group of Dementors to crowd into other carriages in the distance.

Lupine and the two Aurors could at best prevent new dementors from squeezing into the train, but the dementors in the carriage could only place their hope on Rock.

"It would be nice if more little wizards could use the Patronus Charm..." Lupine frowned.

But he knows that this is unrealistic. The Patronus Charm is a very difficult magic, and Patronus can be divided into physical and non-entity. Let alone summoning a physical Patronus, at this age, just being able to spray silver mist from the tip of the sword is enough. Outstanding talent.

As for people like Rock, this is outside the specifications.

Lupine secretly made up his mind that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class he taught must set aside some classes to teach the young wizards how to practice the Patronus Charm.

"Just hold on for now, and leave the rest to Rock." Lupine believed that Rock would have a solution, just like he believed in Dumbledore.

"Rock? Rock Anderson? Is that Patronus his?"

The Auror raised his eyebrows in surprise. When he drove Harry here before, he saw the little wizard use a very beautiful Apparition.

"Ha! I knew that Principal Dumbledore couldn't be bothered to play with that idiot Fudge." The Auror took the opportunity to scold his superior openly and openly: "Now he seems even more stupid."

Lupine agreed with this point, but it was obviously not the time to reply now. The group of dementors with low IQ above them began to make moves again.

Suddenly - Lupine and the two Aurors felt the pressure suddenly lessen. They subconsciously looked back and saw where the giant wolf was.

The giant wolf had disappeared, but a pack of wolves appeared there, and each one was considered huge. At least Lupine felt that those wolves were bigger than his own wolf.

"Oh my god... I summoned multiple Patron Saints at the same time. I only saw Professor McGonagall use it when I was about to graduate and take the N.E.W.T. exam." The Auror on the side said in surprise.

Silver wolves ran in the air through the silver mist, biting the dementors continuously, while some silver wolves got into the carriage and eliminated the dementors in the carriage one by one.

Lupine and the Aurors could even hear the cheers and shouts of the little wizards in the carriage.

"Great! It's Rock! This is Rock's patron saint!"

"Finally saved! I want my father to complain to the Ministry of Magic!"

"Help me quickly, I have one here too!"

"I'm more anxious here. Neville has been sucked by this monster and fainted."

Many senior wizards have seen Roque's Patronus. After all, Roque used this move to defeat the four major academies. It has almost become his signature move in the academy.

Maybe it was the huge silver wolf that frightened the dementors hovering in the sky, or maybe it was the sudden decrease in the number of companions that made these low-intelligence dementors react.

In short, these dementors finally became more honest, and the two Aurors also breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, they felt a little numb.

It stands to reason that these dementors are all employees of the Ministry of Magic. There are so few this time. Fudge will inevitably blame him when he returns...

On the other hand, some young wizards also had their emotions absorbed by the dementors' riot, and one or two even fell into a coma, which was also troublesome.

The two Aurors were in a dilemma and their heads were spinning.

"Let's go check on the little wizards first..." One of the Aurors sighed.

He now wants to pay his respects to Rock Anderson at the dock. He heard Fudge say that this was a "master of the Order of the Phoenix" before, and he didn't know if the other party could contact Dumbledore.

At least Dumbledore must be allowed to trouble Fudge, and their boss should take the responsibility himself.

The two Aurors and Lupine walked into the train, only to find that the first few carriages were empty!

"Where are the students?" The two Aurors suddenly turned pale with fear.

Lupine guessed something, and he glanced at the frost condensing on the window.

The appearance of dementors will trigger fear and negative emotions in people's hearts. This is the ability of dementors. Even the surrounding environment will become colder, making people tremble unconsciously.

In this case, the little wizards will definitely stick together subconsciously.

When it's cold, people gather around the stove, and this train's stove, no doubt about it...

"Let's go, the students should be in the inner carriages." Lupine continued walking inside with the two Aurors.

Sure enough, just as Lupine guessed, the closer you walked to Rock's compartment, the more students there were. They would even rather squeeze in the corridor than get closer to Rock.

"Give way, we are Aurors!" the two Aurors shouted loudly, squeezing through the students.

Finally...after all the hard work, the two Aurors finally arrived at this carriage.

This carriage, which was originally suitable for four or five people, was now crowded with a bunch of little wizards. Only Rock was slightly free, and it seemed that these little wizards didn't dare to really push towards Rock.

As soon as the two Aurors arrived, they heard Rock inside talking: "Okay, don't squeeze any more."

The little wizards had just experienced a disaster and were insecure. Rock understood, but he just saw a little wizard taking advantage of the crowd and actually took the chocolate frog on his table.

Roque frowned and knocked on the table. Centered on the point he struck, the wooden table immediately set off a wave.

Then, this wave swept across the entire carriage, and the rooms in the carriage suddenly began to gradually expand!

Traceless stretching spell!

The two Aurors' eyes widened immediately.

Experts know that this is the Hogwarts Express, which was originally created by dozens of wizards. It is not easy to cast magic on this train.

Reminiscent of the terrifyingly huge Patronus just now, the expressions of the two Aurors gradually turned to respect.


The space suddenly became larger, and several young wizards who had been supporting each other just now accidentally fell down.

Rock now saw clearly that it was Crabbe next to Malfoy who ate the chocolate frog. This little fat guy really dared to show off.

"Phew!" Malfoy, who had accidentally fallen, climbed up from the ground. The larger space made him feel a little relieved.

They were almost squeezing him to death just now, especially with the fat little Crabbe standing next to him.

Malfoy looked up and saw two Aurors walking in. He seemed to have remembered something, and immediately raised his head and said to the two Aurors: "You are from the Ministry of Magic, right? I will tell you what happened this time." Told it to my father."

The two Aurors were about to say hello to Roark when they were stopped by Malfoy's words.

One of the Aurors didn't want to talk to Malfoy. He was about to bypass him and go directly to Roark who was sitting inside, but the other Auror suddenly took notice.

He stopped his colleague and said to Malfoy: "The Dementors came to investigate the fugitive Sirius on the orders of our Minister Fudge!"

"However, during the investigation just now, our colleague Dementor was brutally killed? Do you know what this means?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Malfoy instead of being angry, became happy.

It seemed that this Auror wanted to cause trouble for Roark. Although this was not a good thing, it was just right for him.

There is also something to be said for making friends. His performance under the dementors just now was too bad. If he were Rock, he would definitely not make friends with someone like him.

But now that Rock is in trouble, if he steps forward to solve the trouble again, then this time he and Rock will be helping each other.

In this way, he, Malfoy, can proudly stand in front of Rock, extend his hand to him as a gentleman, and say: You have power, but I have power.

Just the thought of standing in front of Roark as an equal made Malfoy extremely excited. He wanted Roark, a wizard who had not left school, to fully appreciate his own strengths and the power of the so-called twenty-eight sacred tribes.

"Ahem!" Malfoy adjusted his collar and said to the Auror: "My father is Lucius Malfoy, and I am a member of the Holy Pureblood Family."

"I will tell my father the truth about the accident caused by your recklessness this time."

When he heard it was Malfoy, the Auror's eyes suddenly lit up.

He just happened to see that this little boy wanted to show off, and when people want to show off for the sake of face, they are actually the best...

The Auror smiled and patted Malfoy on the head: "I told you, the order this time was given by our Minister Fudge. With the ironclad order of our Minister Fudge here, it will be useless even if your father himself comes."

Malfoy suddenly frowned: "Our pure-blood family will report this situation to the Wizengamot! Do you know the Wizengamot? Not even the Minister of Magic!"

There are only fifty members of the Wizengamot, and it also has the ability to review the Ministry of Magic. It is the highest court in the wizarding world.

"I said it's useless. I, Minister Fudge, came and did it all!"

The Auror suppressed his smile. He put his hand on Malfoy's head and shook the little wizard's head: "Steamed buns? Your Malfoy family is not convinced!"

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