Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 148 [Pure-blood Family and the Deathly Hallows]

This Auror looked extremely arrogant.

The Malfoys are not convinced?

How dare you speak like that to the Holy Pureblood Family?

Malfoy was suddenly furious at the Auror's words.

He took out his wand and wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

"What are you doing with your wand! Huh? A young wizard still wants to duel with me?" The Auror was startled and hurriedly stopped him.

Malfoy suddenly realized at this moment that the adult holding his head was an Auror. Regardless of his age or strength, he was a real child in front of him.


"I didn't want to duel with you..."

Malfoy's tone suddenly softened, and he stepped back subconsciously. His hand even shook accidentally, and the wand almost fell out of his hand.

He suddenly stood there with a red face, not knowing what to do.

He wanted Roque to look at him, but he never thought that the Auror would not give the pure-blood any respect at all. The little wizards around him were still looking at him, but he couldn't even say a word in front of this Auror.

And...this is actually the person who was embarrassed in front of Rock.

At this time, Malfoy was so ashamed and angry that he felt dizzy and dizzy, as if the Hogwarts train was shaking.


Rock's voice suddenly interrupted the farce.

He closed his book and looked up at the Aurors: "I killed the dementors, so the two Aurors should not embarrass my classmates."

"I think Principal Dumbledore will know what happened this time." Roark probably knew what the Auror was thinking, after all, his Legilimency was not a decoration.

There seemed to be no difference between what Roark said and Malfoy's "tell father", but the two Aurors were obviously relieved.

However, one of the Aurors, the one who pressed Malfoy's head just now, felt more fortunate than the Auror next to him after hearing Roark's words.

Because he was already prepared to be knocked out by Rock with magic.

He dared to tease the only son of the pure-blood Malfoy family, but he didn't dare to tease the user of the Patronus Charm just now, even though the two seemed to be about the same age.

The Auror knew very well about the pure-blood family. More than ten years ago, more than half of the pure-blood people had been killed by Voldemort. Now the pure-blood family has only gold galleons and not many people left.

Nowadays, even many of the people in power in the Ministry of Magic’s actual departments are already mixed-race wizards.

In addition, the Ministry of Magic had recently been attacked, and the status of Aurors had been elevated. If he didn't dare to say anything to a child from a pure-blood family, then there was no need for him to mess around.

But... there are still three thousand nails in the broken ship. If it can be done without offending anyone, the Auror doesn't want to offend anyone.

But there is no way, he understands Fudge too well.

This bastard has no bottom line when it comes to shirking responsibility for the sake of his own career.

So he wasn't afraid that the Malfoy brats would hate him, as long as he could call out the name of his most "respected" Minister Fudge.

But Rock is different from pure blood...

Both of them saw Rock's strength just now.

To put it bluntly, even if Roark said something against Tiangang at this time: "What are you doing with your wand! Huh? A little Auror still wants to duel with me?"

Then the reaction of the two of them was not much better than that of the Malfoy boy. They probably stood there with their faces flushed and confused.

The original intention was just to drag Fudge into trouble, but if Roark gave him a lesson because he looked like he was "bullying", there was nothing the Auror could do.

Fortunately, Roark was much more mature than he looked and seemed to know what the Auror was thinking.

"Ahem!" After the Auror glanced at Roark guiltily, he decided to finish his words and play out the whole drama: "What about Dumbledore? Minister Fudge has long disliked him!"

"I told you, I, Minister Fudge, will do it all! It's useless for anyone to hinder the Ministry of Magic's search!"

The little wizard suddenly became furious. Obviously they were the victims. It was good that they didn't report it to the Ministry of Magic, but the Ministry of Magic actually dared to come to trouble them.

"It was the negligence of your Ministry of Magic that led to the dementor riot!"

"Rock, don't worry! If you save us, nothing will happen to you! I will write home as soon as I get to school..."

"Is the Minister of Magic great? My dad often said that Fudge's head is filled with feces."

"Neville fainted. This is a good thing you did. The Longbottom family will definitely not let Fudge go!"

Hearing the excitement among the young wizards, one of the Aurors hurriedly glared at the Auror, seeming to blame the other for going too far with his bad idea.

However, judging from the reactions of these students, the goal has indeed been achieved.

The sound in the carriage suddenly became noisy. A large number of students accused the Auror, and the Auror seemed to stutter: "You! Just wait!"

"For obstructing the Ministry of Magic's law enforcement, Minister Fudge will arrest you all. No one can escape."

After that, he hurriedly apparated away.

He looked frightened by the unity of the Hogwarts students, which was a bit like the appearance of a villain in children's literature.

But that's just because this carriage is full of junior wizards. Senior wizards, the ones with brains like Cedric, are basically on the periphery.

The audience was so cooperative that it made them happy to be black.

However, this trick is really useful for young wizards. The young wizards who have just experienced the trouble of Dementors have finally regained some vitality at this moment.

They cheered around Rock, thinking this was a victory for students against power.

Even Malfoy, who felt dizzy just now, was praised for being the first to stand up, but Malfoy felt that he was actually embarrassed just now, so he didn't appreciate the praise.

He just sat aside with a red face, pretending to be a failure and not daring to look at anyone else.

"They won't really take us into Azkaban, right?" Ron on the side shrank his neck and asked in a low voice.

He had just seen what Dementors looked like. It would be really scary to be imprisoned in Azkaban.

Miss Otter was more worried: "No, maybe it's worse than that. We might get expelled from school for disobeying the Ministry of Magic."

Ron frowned in confusion. Why would it be worse to be expelled from school?

The train moved on.

As a new professor, Lupine began to show his face in front of the students. Along the way, he controlled his patron saint to help calm the hearts of the junior students.

Because he is a werewolf, Lu Ping does not actually use his Patronus Charm often. He is always worried that his wolf Patronus may reveal his identity.

But unexpectedly, on the Hogwarts train, he was unanimously sought after by the young wizards because of his wolf patronus, because they also wanted a patronus like Roark.

What is this?

The little wizard Hermione who was following Roark actually nodded and said in a serious manner: The patron saint is the same as Roark, you don't need to feel inferior.

Lupine was stunned for a moment. He seemed to know why Harry said he was not afraid of wolves.

For a moment, Lu Ping felt that life was a little strange.

Rock, on the other hand, looked at the little wizards in the carriage along the way, not knowing what to say.

He glanced at Ron in the carriage, who was enthusiastically explaining to the twins what had happened when the Aurors came to the carriage.

On one side were Cedric and other senior students, who were also listening to the junior students explain what had just happened.

Rock had witnessed step by step how Fudge went from being Minister of Magic to rumors that he was going to overthrow the existing pure-blood family system...

Rumors are really deceptive, and even students like Cedric are beginning to be dubious about it. This is something Rock has learned.

Sometimes it may be easier to deceive a person through his information channels. To deceive the emperor, you may only need to deceive the eunuchs around him.

For example, now, wizards from lower grades are passed on to upper grades, then to professors, and then to the ears of Dumbledore and parents. Even with Dumbledore's shrewdness, he still needs to personally identify whether the rumors are true or false. .

If you want to distinguish the authenticity of the ingested information, you have to pay a cost. The cost paid by Voldemort was quite high back then.

A life was lost directly.

Rock looked thoughtfully at Ron's pocket, where there was a little mouse hidden.

Unfortunately, Lupine was always on the train, and the mouse didn't dare to show his head at all.

I don’t know if this little mouse can hear what the little wizards are saying.

In the night, the train arrived at the station with a whine.

It was a hustle and bustle as we got off the bus: owls were hooting, cats were meowing, and Neville's pet toad was squawking under his hat. Even the small platform was frozen, and cold rain was falling around me.

The senior wizards will take the Thestral carriage to Hogwarts, while the first-year wizards will take a boat and retrace the steps of the four founders.

"I still can't see the Thestral..." Hermione on the carriage felt a little regretful.

"That's a good thing, Hermione. You have to have seen death to see the Thestral."

Hermione glanced at Roark and did not ask why Roark could see the Thestral.

She remembered that when she first entered school, she was sitting in a carriage with Rock, Harry, and Neville.

At that time, she hesitated to ask, but it turned out that the life experiences of the three people in the carriage were worse than the last. This made Hermione feel guilty for a long time, and at least it taught her the first lesson in life.

If you want to see the Thestral, you have to see death. You don't have to think about it to know that this is not a good thing, and maybe it's a sad past. So Hermione wisely chose to shut up this time, and just looked at Roark with a slightly maternal feeling. He leaned close to his side.

This is not the first time Rock has ridden on a Thestral carriage. He had ridden once in the second grade last year, so it was not a novelty for him.

However, although it was not novel enough, Rock was still curious about the creature Thestrals.

The condition "Only one who has witnessed death can see the Thestral" is full of fantasy in itself.

In the wizarding world, death has always been a relatively unique word. This comes from the Deathly Hallows, the legend of the three brothers, and this legend is recorded in "The Tales of Beedle the Bard".

The story of the three brothers revolves around three holy artifacts, which are said to have been created by the God of Death.

However, Dumbledore believes that the creators of the three holy artifacts may not be Death, but the Peverell brothers. They are both very powerful and dangerous wizards, and the legend is only inspired by some of their real-life experiences. story.

The Three Hallows of Death are the Resurrection Stone, the Cloak of Invisibility and the Elder Wand.

The elder wand is in Dumbledore's hand.

The Resurrection Stone is in the Gaunt family ring and technically belongs to Voldemort.

The Invisibility Cloak is in the hands of Harry Potter. Rock often borrows it from Harry and plays with it when he has nothing to do.

But it was because of his exposure to this unique invisibility cloak that Rock became curious about Thestrals.

General invisibility cloaks are made from the hair of invisible beasts. This kind of invisibility cloak is not permanently effective and will lose its magical effect over time.

But the invisibility cloak of the Deathly Hallows is very special and will always remain intact. Rock has studied the material of the invisibility cloak, and he does not think that the Deathly Hallows has anything to do with the fur of the invisible beast.

But to say that the skin of the Thestral was used, Rock didn't think it was possible. He just felt that the story of the Thestral and the three brothers of death fit very well.

In the story of the Three Hallows of Death, the youngest brother, who holds the invisibility cloak, calmly chooses to witness death in the end.

Invisibility and witnessing death always give Rock a sense of déjà vu as the source of the story is the Thestral.

Rock thought as the carriage drove along. After walking through the muddy road and a section of uphill road, the carriage finally arrived at the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

On top of Hogwarts Castle, there are terrifying cloaks flying constantly, which are the dementors familiar to the students.

"Oh my god, I have a bad feeling..." Ron stared at the dementors above his head, his face turned pale with fright. They wouldn't have to spend a semester with the dementors, right?

The expressions of the other little wizards were not very good either, and everyone walked into the auditorium with an uneasy mood.

The dinner in the auditorium started and ended very quickly. After the Sorting Hat finished sorting the freshmen into houses, the highlight of the dinner disappeared.

It's just that the results of the sorting this time were somewhat beyond the professors' expectations, and many students were somewhat dissatisfied with the sorting hat's decision.

They all said they wanted to go to Ravenclaw.

In the past, this situation would only occur in Gryffindor House, because the principal, Dumbledore, was born in Gryffindor, and Dumbledore had his own appeal.

Everyone hopes that they can be like Dumbledore.

Why do you want to go to Ravenclaw?

The professors looked at each other. Before they had time to learn all the details of the train, they only knew that something big happened on the train.

Dumbledore glanced at Roark, with a glint in his eyes.

He stood up and faced the students, saying the welcome words of the sorting ceremony: "Welcome!"

"Welcome to Hogwarts for the new school year!"

"I have a few words to say to all of you, and one of them is very serious. I think it would be better to make this clear before you get confused by this delicious meal..."

"You must all know that our school is currently hosting a number of dementors from Azkaban. They are here to perform official duties of the Ministry of Magic."

"While they are here, I must make it clear that no tricks, tricks, or disguises will fool the Dementors—"

Dumbledore looked at Harry and added: "Not even the Invisibility Cloak."

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