Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 149 [The Origin of Wizards and Bloodline Magic]

"Therefore, I hope that young wizards will especially remember not to have any kind of conflict with dementors! They are very dangerous.

Dumbledore paused, and he looked around the auditorium seriously. He was slightly relieved when he saw that the students seemed to have listened to his words.

The dementor matter will be resolved by him and the parents of the students later. This is not a problem for the students to consider. Dumbledore only hopes that the students can be careful and cautious during this period and not give the dementors an opportunity. .

He did not mention what happened on the train in front of the little wizards, and even deliberately avoided it.

This is because Dumbledore saw an invisible appeal - Rock's appeal. This time many young wizards wanted to join Ravenclaw, which was a reflection of the other party's appeal.

This is a good thing, but also a bad thing.

Rock's performance on the train won the admiration of many young wizards. In addition, he has good popularity and excellent appearance, which easily caused young wizards to imitate him.

Dumbledore could foresee that this admiration for Roark would probably outweigh the fear of Dementors. If some young wizards learned the Patronus Charm during this school year, they might collectively make something that met the "qualification". Lanfondo” style thing to do.

Dumbledore glanced at Lupine, who proposed to teach the young wizards as much as possible to learn the Patronus Charm. Dumbledore could not find any reason to refuse students to learn advanced magic from Hogwarts, so he naturally agreed.

But he still hopes that after students learn the Patronus Charm, they will understand that not all wizards who can do magic can become the Dark Lord, and not all wizards who can do the Patronus Charm can be like Roark in the group of dementors. In and seven out.

This is also for their safety. Dumbledore does not want any students to accidentally die because of excessive arrogance. After all, it was not in Dumbledore's plan that the Dementors were sent by Fudge.

After the little wizards were silent for a moment, Dumbledore softened his tone slightly, and a smile appeared on his face again: "At the same time, what is gratifying is that this year Hogwarts has welcomed two new students. professor."

"The first one is Professor Lupine who generously filled the vacancy in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Dumbledore had a smile on his face, happy that he could find a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

But Snape at the teacher's desk was obviously not very happy. He looked at Lupine with eyes filled with hatred, as if he had seen rat droppings in a pot of potion.

Even the silver spoon slowly began to fold in half in his hand.

After the audience burst into warm applause for Lupin, the spoon in Snape's hand was so twisted that he couldn't take it anymore.

The students were very generous, and their applause was much warmer than the professors imagined. Professor McGonagall even had a hint of surprise on her expression.

Because Hogwarts has new professors every year, most students are no longer so surprised by the arrival of new professors. There is rarely such a warm welcome to a new professor.

Even Lupine was a little uncomfortable. He knew that the students most likely applauded him because of the encounter on the train, but to be praised and recognized for being the patron saint of "wolves" was a novel experience in his life. .

Snape, the big bat on one side, had his back molars chipped. He had never been applauded so hard by a student in all his years at Hogwarts.

After thinking for less than a second, Snape decided that this was because the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was so popular among students.

Lupine, a naturally evil werewolf, probably just got the benefit of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Snape stared at Lupine, and he was indeed the same type of person as James Potter. James competed with him for Lily, but Lupine even competed with him for the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts!

"Boom -" Snape's teeth grinding sound sounded like he was chewing beans.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, and the voice had already reached his ears, so he hurriedly introduced the second professor to everyone: "Professor Kettleburn, our teacher of Care of Magical Creatures, retired at the end of last year in order to have More time with his remaining little rascals.”

"So from now on, Ms. Wilmina Grapeland will teach everyone the Care of Magical Creatures class."

Rock in the audience clapped along with the little wizards. He was not surprised by this teacher.

Because nothing happened at Hogwarts in the past two years, and the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts last year was not Lockhart, but a reliable wizard hired by Dumbledore.

So Lockhart is still working as his best-selling author, Voldemort's diary is not in Hogwarts, and the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets has not been awakened, so naturally it is still sleeping underground.

This also leads to the fact that Hagrid has not been cleared of the crime of killing Myrtle fifty years ago and still has a criminal record on him, so he cannot be a professor at Hogwarts.

But it's not too bad, at least Hagrid is not really suitable to be a teacher.

He is a hybrid giant with a strong physique. The spells cast on him by some insufficiently skilled dark wizards will not even have any effect, but it is precisely because of this strength that his common sense is somewhat different from ordinary people.

Magical animals that may seem harmless to him may be fatally dangerous to the little wizard.

In terms of strength and knowledge, he has no problem. It can only be said that with his accumulated knowledge and insights, he is actually more suitable for teaching advanced classes, such as those students in the upper grades who already have certain abilities.

Professor Graplan, who is now replacing Hagrid in class, is also the professor who replaced Hagrid in the original book. She is much more measured. During class, she leads students to observe unicorns with a gentle personality.

Unicorns are classified by the Ministry of Magic as Class 4X - the highest being Class 5x.

Professor Graplan's caution can also be seen in the choice of unicorns. Unicorns not only satisfy the little wizard's curiosity about powerful magical animals, they have enough 4X-level gimmicks, and their looks are also good enough. They are very popular, and most importantly He has a gentle temperament and can be regarded as a model for introductory teaching.

At least it's better than the hippogriff Hagrid chose. Although the hippogriff is only level 3X, which is one level less than the unicorn, she has a more violent temper and is also a dangerous carnivore. .

Seeing Hagrid on the stage staring at Professor Graplan with envy, Rock also began to think that it was time to find an opportunity to go to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets to look for the basilisk.

He happened to have some things he wanted to verify about the origin of wizards and blood magic, and he could also help Hagrid clear his grievances.

"Okay, I think the important things have been said." Dumbledore finally ended his speech. He rarely said a lot at dinners. On weekdays, he preferred to say a few words briefly, "Let's start. Let’s have a meal.”

Lao Deng waved his magic wand gently, and the next moment, the golden plates and goblets in front of the students were suddenly filled with food and drinks.

The students immediately began to feast, and Lupine on the teacher's desk ate faster than any wizard. It was hard to imagine how long he had been hungry. The big bat on the side sneered and began to eat gracefully.

By the end of the dinner, the students filed out and left the auditorium accompanied by lively discussions.

After turning a corner, Rock broke away from the large group.

It's still early now, and he won't be able to sleep even if he goes back. It's better to keep scrolling for a while and find a magic manuscript to read.

Walk down the water monster statue until you stop in front of an ordinary wall. There is a secret study behind it.

Rock pushed open the invisible door and walked in.

The name here is [Salazar Slytherin's Library]. It is a very well-protected study room. In the thousand-year history of Hogwarts, few people can discover this room during night tours.

Rock can know this room because of the game Legacy of Hogwarts.

There are many books about magic here, some of which are out of print thousands of years ago, and many of them were even left by Slytherin himself.

Magical progress does not necessarily depend on archeology, but mainly depends on who the archeology targets.

If it is Slytherin, then his research is relatively advanced even in the modern magic world.

Among them, what Rock is most interested in is the manuscript written by Salazar Slytherin on the origin of blood——

The main idea is that a wizard's power comes from his blood.

This was also the mainstream view in the wizarding world at the time, so wizarding society gradually distinguished between "pure blood" and "mixed blood."

Slytherin, who advocates pure blood, has an even more exaggerated idea. He believes that wizards are the product of super-friendly relationships between humans and magical animals.

Almost every talent found in human wizards can be found in magical animals. For example, the magical animal cat and leopard is born with the ability to telepathize, and some humans also have this ability.

So Slytherin believes that wizard ancestors used some method to obtain the abilities of magical creatures.

Based on this point of view, Slytherin started the magical experiment of "blood fusion" - merging with the blood of magical animals again, and then gaining the abilities of magical animals, so he cultivated a basilisk in the secret room of Hogwarts, presumably Just plan to fuse the basilisk's abilities.

There is only so much content in the manuscript, and the real practical part should be placed in the secret room by Slytherin.

The reason for this speculation is that Rock felt that the young Voldemort might have been shocked by Slytherin after seeing the manuscript of the Chamber of Secrets. He began to conduct magic experiments as soon as he graduated, and finally made himself a human being. Not a ghost.

Rock held the manuscript and sighed: "What a pity..."

It was not a pity that he only had half of the manuscript, but a pity that his views conflicted with those of Slytherin.


Peeves suddenly appeared in front of Rock through the wall.

Peeves represents the students' will to cause trouble, and his actions are often related to the students' collective subconscious. However, since he was beaten by Rock in the first grade, he has become Rock's lackey.

It may also be because from that time on, most students subconsciously recognized Rock.

"How did you come?"

"A ghost! A ghost named Snape is wandering in Hogwarts Castle!" Peeves tipped off.

Then there was a knock on the door behind Rock.

Peeves swooped through the wall again and disappeared.

Rock turned back and looked at his Potions professor, "Oh, I thought it was a dementor coming, but it turned out to be Professor Snape."

Snape's clothes were fluttering, more like a dementor than a ghost.

Behind Snape stood Principal Dumbledore.

Although this study is secretive, it is indeed no secret to Dumbledore.

But Roque was a little confused. What were these two people doing here? They were worried that he would become a bad example and came here to catch him, right?

Now he still holds the manuscript of Slytherin's magical experiments in his hand.

Dumbledore also raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Roark happened to be here. Not many young wizards could find this study.

"Dementors?" Snape looked gloomy, and he immediately started to attack: "I never thought, Mr. Anderson, after just one summer vacation, your politeness would evaporate faster than the potion?"

"Or -" Snape suddenly paused, then looked at Rock with disgust: "It's because during your time in Knockturn Alley, you were exposed to too many bad things that you shouldn't be exposed to, such as - werewolves and so on. ."

Snape and Rock had a good relationship before. The two often discussed the production of potions together. Snape helped introduce Rock's Knockturn Alley to some channels.

Rock has never been arrogant. No matter how talented he is, he has no intention of looking down on others in their professional fields. For example, Hagrid. Even though the other person may not seem smart, his love for magical animals is real. He has been for nearly fifty years. The accumulation of knowledge has made Hagrid almost as good as any master of magical animals in the world.

In addition to learning, knowledge also requires time to accumulate. In this regard, Snape's experience helped Rock a lot, and some of the inspiration Rock gained from other worlds also helped Snape. Despite the age gap, But the two of them are indeed both teachers and friends.

It's just that the relationship between the two has been a little bad recently.

Because Rock was very curious about the origin of the wizard's bloodline, and werewolves were well-known products of bloodline experiments, so Rock had been in contact with werewolves in Knockturn Alley in the name of wolfsbane potion, and even made friends with them as a potion master. Got some werewolf friends.

Snape, on the other hand, discriminated against all werewolves equally because of Lupine.

Especially the "werewolf friend" thing, Snape was a little uncomfortable with it, because it always reminded him of James and Sirius.

In addition, he was Rock's teacher, and he didn't want to see Rock look a little like James, so the two had a small conflict.

"I remember that before you went to Knockturn Alley, I specifically warned you that wizards would become unlucky if they were close to werewolves." Snape's black eyes remained motionless, staring at Rock like stones.

Rock nodded: "You are right, but on September 1, 1993, we at Hogwarts welcomed our first werewolf professor."

"Become a colleague you get along with day and night."

Snape's expression suddenly froze, and he immediately turned to stare at Dumbledore.

"Ahem..." Dumbledore coughed twice hurriedly.

Rock cannot be allowed to continue talking, otherwise Rock will burn the flames of war on him next.

Snape would probably have to argue with him for a long time about hiring Lupin.

However, Snape's mouth had already begun: "Oh! This is great. There happens to be a master of Wolfsbane Potion in the school, Dumbledore. You can completely entrust him with the things you asked me to do before."

"A giant monster came to Hogwarts, and it happened to have his favorite stick. It was a perfect match, with Merlin's guidance."

"Well... Professor Snape's scolding was very good, but the aggression was a bit lacking. I think scolding the Mudblood directly might be more in line with the Half-Blood Prince's unique style."

"But I'm also curious, Professor Snape, why do you hate werewolves so much? Did werewolves beat you when you were a child? Or did they steal the girl you liked?" Rock asked curiously.

Snape's eyes suddenly turned dark.

He was silent for a long time, and finally noticed the manuscript written by Rise Lytherin in Rock's hand: "Oh, look what I found. Isn't this the manuscript you are looking for? Dumbledore?"

"It seems that our Mr. Anderson's views on magic have some overlap with those of the Dark Lord."

Snape moved the track and decided to let Dumbledore give Rock a good treatment.

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