Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 19 [Hermione, you don’t want your grades to fall behind, right?]

Rock arrived at the auditorium soon.

His roommate had reserved a seat for him in advance.

The school's auditorium is also the canteen, where students usually have their meals.

And because the food is freshly prepared by the house elves, you can even order whatever you want.

There is still a lot of communication between the wizarding world. At least Hogwarts has a lot of delicious food, although none of the delicious food is local British food.

"Give me some fries first."

Rock put the flowerpot on the ground aside and said to his roommate.

Anthony handed the fries to Rock, then looked at the flowerpot on the ground, and said, "Harry came here just now to find you, the famous Harry."

Gryffindor is relatively miserable. Except for Thursday, there are classes in the first period of every day.

But because of this, Harry and the others finished class much earlier than Rock and the others, and their lunch time was more casual.

"Really? What does he want from me?" Rock chewed French fries.

"It's nothing, he seems to simply want to have dinner with you."

Anthony was a little envious: "It's great to be popular. I also want to make friends with the famous Harry."

You'll know it's scary when you get caught up with someone of the same sex, Rock thought to himself.

In this British land, the first thing Rock learned about charm in the morning was to learn to close it.

Otherwise, I really wouldn’t dare to go out.

If you hesitate a little, you might become the heir to Dumbledore's spirit.

"Anthony, you still can't do it." Terry, the roommate on the side, started to look at Anthony with his nose: "I was hit on by many senior girls!"

"What?! Impossible!" Michael on the other side was shocked.

Anthony did not give up: "What did they talk to you about?"

"There's nothing to talk about. After all, I'm so handsome, so it's normal for them to be shy." Terry waved his hand pretending to be cool: "They've just been asking about which dormitory I live in."

"Oh, being popular is such a pain!"

Michael calmed down instantly.

Are you sure they aren't secretly inquiring about the whereabouts of a handsome roommate of ours?

Anthony was even more sad. Why didn't he ask me but Terry when he was asking about the dormitory?

The little wizards are still having adolescent chatter, but Rock is done showing off as an adult without emotion.

"I'm going back to the dormitory first. I have to put down the flowerpot." Rock held up the flowerpot, feeling helpless.

This flower pot will eventually be placed in the dormitory.

Other people put trophies in their dormitories, but I put a flower pot.

In the afternoon it was flying lessons with Hufflepuff.

The flying class teacher is Ms. Huo Qi.

Ms. Huo Qi is indeed an expert in flying and Quidditch.

After all, people like this and have been playing it for decades.

He is also very serious. The only shortcoming is that his strength is really average, or his coping ability is average. In the later period of the original novel, he used a barrier spell to stop Harry and the others from fighting. He still has some strength, but not much.

Perhaps it is for this reason that she only teaches first grade flying lessons at school.

It depends on how capable you are and how much you can accomplish.

Flying lessons are still very good, because humans have always had a special desire for flying.

Therefore, the popularity of flying lessons is second only to magic lessons.

Hermione was so excited about this that she was even reading books about the use of flying broomsticks before class at noon.

However, this effort is destined to be a hot one but a cold one.

Because flying lessons are a few that are relatively useless in theory and focus on practical combat.

Rock summoned the broom into his hand easily.

But what Rock could easily do, Hermione couldn't do.

On this day, the brown-haired otter encountered the Waterloo of his life.

"Okay! Remember this tip, now you have ten minutes for you to move freely." Mrs. Huo Qi clapped her hands.

This free-flowing tone made Rock feel particularly like the physical education teacher in his previous life.

As a child, I looked forward to free time in physical education class.

"Rock, how did you do that?" Hermione was a little embarrassed.

If possible, she didn't want to show her bad side in front of Rock. But she really couldn't find the trick, so she could only find a way to find help.

And Rock in front of her was the best performer in the flying class.

But Hermione's voice did not elicit a response from Rock.

Because Rock is thinking about whether he can use magic power to realize the chakra skills in Naruto-climbing trees and treading water.

This is a way of using energy that allows you to stick vertically to walls or even water.

I tried it before when I was new to school, but it was not ideal.

Now that it has been strengthened again, he wants to try it.

Maybe you can fly directly on the broomstick with your feet, or even hang upside down on the broomstick.

As long as it succeeds, it will be the first time that the alien technique has been realized, and it is a memorable first step.

When other magic world skills are reproduced in the future, it will not be blind.

"Rock, can you teach me how to use a broomstick?" Hermione saw that Rock didn't respond, so she directly asked for help.

Rock put aside these distracting thoughts for the time being and looked at Hermione in front of him: "I'm sorry, Hermione. My private time is valuable."

"Okay..." Hermione was a little disappointed.

"But since we are acquaintances, if you want me to teach you, you have to give me at least three chocolate frogs, and I don't want the white chocolate frogs."


Hermione immediately changed her attitude, but then she was a little confused: "But where should I go to buy you chocolate frogs? They don't sell them in the school."

"The school has a secret passage directly to Honeydukes' shop." Rock lowered his voice.


"On the third floor of the castle, in Gosmur's Gunhilda Corridor, there is a hunchbacked one-eyed witch statue. After you hit the statue with your wand and say "Left and Right Separation", the statue's hunchback will open, This is the entrance to the secret passage.”

Hermione was immediately furious: "Rock, you actually learned the lesson badly on the first day! How did you know this secret passage?"

"This is a secret!" Rock touched his lips lightly with his index finger and said, "You just need to go over there and buy chocolates, or you can just give me the money and I will do it myself."

Of course, Rock felt that he would probably save the money after receiving it, but would not buy snacks.

Hermione was a little torn. She was thinking about the school rules and was afraid of being expelled, but at the same time she wanted to learn to use a broomstick quickly.

More importantly, Hermione felt a little unsure. She had only taken two classes now, and she had already failed one. What would she do in the future?

If Rock turned on Legilimency, he would definitely say that Hermione's idea was unnecessary.

Many young wizards in flying classes make rapid progress simply because they have been exposed to it since childhood. Even if they are born into a wizarding family and don't know a few magic spells, they have been exposed to flying broomsticks.

She already has an innate advantage, but Hermione really doesn't have any talent in this area.

But if you learn a little bit about logistics, it won’t be a big problem for daily use.

Looking at the hesitant Hermione, Rock felt that his snacks might fly away, so Rock immediately decided to add fuel to the fire:

"Hermione, you don't want to fall behind in your grades!"

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