After hearing these words, Hermione suddenly became excited and showed her lion side:

"Okay! I will never let my grades fall behind!"

"But the two of us have to go shopping together!" Hermione then added: "And I will arrange the time. Ye Yan)"

"Buy some snacks and want some company?"

"Isn't it possible...?"

"Of course, just add more money. Three is no longer enough, now it's a box of chocolate frogs!"

Rock tested Hermione's bottom line. He remembered that in the original novel, everyone often gave each other chocolate frogs at Christmas.

Well, you should be able to afford a box of Hermione.

This time he wants to show off hard!

Hearing Rock say this, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered her head and said:

"Then let's set it on September 19th. In the middle of this month, I will call you then and the two of us will go to Honeydukes together."

"No problem, that's it, let's start learning quickly." Rock nodded, and then said that he was going to start teaching.

Hermione's face was a little red, and she tried her best to lower her head and pretend to be looking at the broomstick.

Because September 19th was her birthday, she agreed to go out not entirely for study reasons.

This is thanks to the flash of inspiration just now.

Rock, you don’t want to be without chocolate frogs either.

"It's not difficult to control a broom. The principle of a broom is to sense the wizard's own magic power." Roark explained the key points to Hermione.

"You subconsciously regard the broom as a living thing, so it is difficult to control. In fact, it is just a product of alchemy. Just like a Muggle TV, you can control it as long as you find the remote control."

"As long as you work hard to control the convergence of magic power and make the broom sense the signal, it will not be difficult to master the broom..."

Hermione quickly grasped the key points due to Rock's teachings, and then started practicing from the side.

While teaching Hermione, Rock also sorted out his own knowledge and gradually fell into deep thought.

Because he seemed to suddenly discover that there was a very interesting place in the wizarding world, where the concept of "releasing magic" was everywhere.

If you want the broom to move, you give the broom a signal.

If you want to use "Expelliarmus", then fly out a wave of light.

You want to cast the "Death Curse", which is also a wave of light.

Even the "fainting to the ground", "all turned to stone" and even the basic floating spell are all a wave of light.

Is the magic in the world of Hogwarts an application that stays between "waves"?

Or is it because these spells have obvious targets and need to be targeted?

Obviously not. "Repair as before" also requires selecting the target that needs to be repaired, and there is no directional light wave at all.

Under the spell of restoration, items will return to their original locations as if they were traveling back in time.

The first time he used Repair as New, the silky feeling shocked Rock.

There are many others that do not emit obvious directional light waves, such as the Patronus Charm and the Flying Curse.

What these two curses have in common is that they were produced in a relatively long time ago.

Is it possible that learning magic really depends on archeology?

Rock thought of the huge power of ancient magic, and then shook his head.

The level of magic is never determined by the destructive power of magic.

What's more, the Flying Curse doesn't emit waves at all. It emits a faint light at the tip of the wand, but it doesn't have the directional light waves that hit the target like "Expelliarmus".

"Ask your dean tomorrow. He must know a lot."

Roark's headmaster was Filius Flitwick, Head of Ravenclaw and Charms teacher.

There is a spells class tomorrow morning, so I'll ask him after class.

Charms class the next morning.

"Okay, I know everyone is looking forward to learning some spells in the Charms class." Flitwick said with a smile: "But before that, please open "Standard Spells - Elementary", we need to learn some magic The principle of..."

Professor Flitwick has a good personality and is very interesting. Although he is not tall, his strength is amazing. It is said that he won a duel championship when he was young.

Rock also opened the book. Although he has already mastered the magic spell above, listening to others explain the basic knowledge again can help him sort out the logic.

The knowledge in the world of Hogwarts is different from that of ordinary blue-striped wizards. Wizards in this world pay more attention to emotions and will.

In the eyes of wizards, people with stronger will can use stronger magic.

Both wands and spells are used to mobilize magic power in conjunction with will, and in some areas gestures are also used to help.

The magic spells in each country are also different, with obviously different pronunciation logic.

As for the magic wand, it is used in many countries.

Because magic wands can indeed help many wizards lower the threshold for spellcasting, like training wheels on bicycles.

However, because of the active magic power, Rock does not need to rely on the wand. Not only that, he responds positively to the magic power and can even use less emotions to cast the same magic as others.

He uses the magic wand now just to get that little bit of spell casting bonus.

After obtaining the craftsmanship of wands from other worlds, Rock must make a wand purely for increasing his strength.

He's going to turn his bicycle's training wheels into rocket boosters.

After explaining the principles in the first spell class, the students began to be taught the first spell - the levitating spell.

A hundred years ago, this spell was taught in Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

Now it has become the first spell for young wizards.

Flitwick waved his wand, and a feather appeared in front of each little wizard.

"Next, everyone can try to cast the spell on the feathers according to the tone I just taught." Flitwick said with a smile: "Don't worry, it is normal to fail on the first try. You don't need to be impatient."

"Strengthen your will!"

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Hermione successfully cast the levitating spell easily.

She was the first among the students to cast the Levitation Charm.

"Very good! Miss Granger! You are indeed a new student in Ravenclaw!" Flitwick immediately beamed, "Five points to Ravenclaw!"

Flitwick was very happy. Professor Sprout told him yesterday that Ravenclaw had recruited two very outstanding little wizards.

It turns out that he had been looking forward to this spells lesson since yesterday.

Flitwick began to look at Rock quietly, looking forward to whether Rock could successfully cast magic.

However, Flitwick believed that even if he could successfully perform it, he might not be as skilled as Miss Granger.

Rock is also thinking. He will definitely ask some over-the-top questions after class. He must show his strength well so that the teachers will answer those "too ambitious" questions.

So he gave up the wand and the spell.

Just by casting the spell silently and without a wand, the feathers floated.

Because there was no movement or even a sound, some young wizards who were focused on the feathers in front of them didn't even notice what Rock did.

But Flitwick, who had been staring at Roark, immediately widened his eyes and trembled with excitement.

He raised his feet happily, but accidentally fell off the increasing pile of books at his feet. However, Flitwick didn't care at all. Instead, he immediately got up and shouted at the top of his voice:

"Oh my God!! Mr. Anderson! What a beautiful wandless spell! What an excellent silent spell!"

"Twenty points to Ravenclaw!"

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