Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 21 [If it’s not off, it’s on? 】

Professor Flitwick's excited voice echoed throughout the classroom.

The other little wizards immediately stopped what they were doing, wondering if they had heard something wrong just now?

Casting spells without a wand? Silent casting?

Dude, what do you mean?

Little Wizard: It’s open, right?

The theory of talent has always been popular in the magic world. It is not difficult to understand that one is born divine and powerful.

Otherwise, Harry's story version of "I am the only one in the world" would not be so popular, but anyone with a little brain knows that it is actually an exaggeration.

Rumors also spread about the performance of Harry Potter in class yesterday - he was late for class.

But he must have learned it in advance, and his performance in the Transfiguration Technique was pretty good.

This made Professor McGonagall very happy.

But Harry's performance was good, only good for a first-year student.

Senior Cedric, Percy and the others performed almost the same way, or even better.

People have accepted that Harry is just a young wizard with some talent, and Harry himself is gradually stepping down from the altar.


The little wizards looked at the still feathers in front of them, then glanced at Hermione who had just succeeded. After just a glance, they immediately looked at Roark!

If you step on the altar in front of others, you will go to the altar on your back feet, right?

Okay, okay, I’ll give you a piece of the Savior’s cake and go get it yourself.

The Ravenclaw students were okay, but the Slytherins who were in class next to them had fallen into collective silence.

Being born into a family of wizards, they understand the value of silently casting spells without a wand.

Silent spells are theoretically a skill that Hogwarts teaches young wizards in their sixth year.

But that being said, not many people actually know how to do it.

After all, just because the school is willing to teach it doesn’t mean I can learn it.

What's more, I'm only in first grade now...

"Malfoy, do you want to get to know him after class..." A little Slytherin snake whispered to Malfoy, who wisely avoided Rock's origin.

But to his surprise, Malfoy immediately shook his head like a rattle.

He didn't even dare to look at Rock, his head turned to the other side, his eyes still a little erratic.

It seemed like he wanted to see it but didn't dare to.

"Okay, then I'll go by myself then." The Slytherin said helplessly.

He thought it was because Malfoy couldn't let go of his pure-blood pride and was unwilling to meet Muggle-born wizards.

But this is not an ordinary wizard... The Slytherin freshman sighed. He didn't even bother to do anything superficial in front of such a talented wizard. He felt that the Malfoy family would be so arrogant sooner or later.

This spell lesson passed quickly with everyone in a mixed mood.

Although the gap between young wizards and wizards of the same age has widened, which makes everyone feel a little uncomfortable, the successful spell casting of Roark and Hermione has also strengthened the will of many young wizards to cast magic.

Seeing peers perform successfully can indeed double your trust in magic.

after class.

In Hermione's envious eyes, Rock was proactively detained by Professor Flitwick.

"The spell you cast just now was so beautiful." Flitwick admired sincerely.

Excellent students will give teachers a sense of identity for their work.

Flitwick felt this way. Even though this was Rock's own talent and had little to do with Flitwick's teaching, Flitwick was still proud and happy.

"By the way, which one of "Standard Spells" have you learned?" Flitwick asked curiously.

Rock pondered for a while, and then said honestly: "I have read the seven books in the "Standard Spells" series about two or three times, and I have basically mastered all the spells in them."

"Read all seven books?!"

"Oh my God! This is really amazing." Flitwick was once again shocked by Rock's progress.

"Maybe Dumbledore wasn't as smart as you when he was a child..."

Legend has it that by the end of Dumbledore's first year, he was considered the brightest student the school had ever seen.

Compared with Harry, Dumbledore is the real cheater. In times of crisis, the phoenix comes to help, and the Patronus Charm is a unique magical creature.

Flitwick jumped down from the stack of books, and then used magic to search for something in the stack of books. He muttered, "I thought you could only study the third grade by yourself at your age."

"Looking at it this way, the extracurricular book I originally planned to recommend seems a bit useless."

Flitwick was rummaging through the books while explaining to Rock: "You are probably the little wizard I have ever seen who loves to learn the most before school starts. The last one was your Potions Professor, and he even made his own invention when he was young. It’s under a spell.”

"You don't know! It shocked me at the time, but even if he is so smart, his study progress in the first grade was not as good as yours!"

"And there are those troublemakers from Potter, they also...ah! Found them!"

Several books struggled out of the books and fell into Rock's hands.

Rock slowly read out the title of the book: ""The Achievement of the Magic", "The Power of Chadwick (Volume 1-7)"..."

""Achievements in Curse" is usually read when reviewing for the O.W.L. exam. I originally wanted to recommend this book to you, but since your level is already very high, just treat it as a review!"

"As for "The Power of Chadwick (Volume 1-7)", it is a textbook from Ilvermorny School of Magic. It is considered my private collection and is given to you."

"Of course! The most important thing is this-" Flitwick waved his wand, and the last book fell in front of Rock.

"I'm afraid your current level is enough to take the N.E.W.T. exam."

"And I usually ask students in my N.E.W.T. Charms class to read this book!"

N.E.W.T. exam?

Rock looked at the last book in his hand: "The Fifth Element: Exploration"

The N.E.W.T. exam, also known as the Ultimate Wizarding Test, is one level higher than the O.W.L. (Ordinary Wizarding Test).

The results of the O.W.L. examination are divided into six evaluations, and the first three evaluations are considered qualified.

Only those who pass the O.W.L. exam can take the N.E.W.T. exam.

For example, in the original work, Dumbledore, McGonagall, James Potter, Lupin, Sirius, Percy, Snape, Tom Riddle, Barty Crouch Jr., etc. all got quite good grades in the N.E.W.T. exam. Excellent results.

All of them are ruthless people.

This examination mechanism is actually the epitome of elite education and happy education.

Even if they live in the same school, they are likely to receive different educational resources based on their performance.

Consider how Voldemort came to know about Horcruxes - it was told by Horace Slughorn, the potions professor at the time.

If Voldemort wasn't good enough, Professor Slughorn would probably just say, let alone answering all questions, "This kind of knowledge is too early for you. Instead of thinking about it, you should first learn how to brew potions." .”

Rock looked at the pile of books in his arms and felt a little emotional.

The herbal medicine class is over and the magic class is over.

I have to bring something with me after every class.

However, Rock did not forget his main purpose. Under Flitwick's surprised gaze, Rock temporarily put the book aside.

He turned to Flitwick and raised his previous questions about the magic "wave".

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