Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me?

Chapter 7 [Going to Nine and Three-Quarters Station]

Time passed quickly, and the few days left disappeared from the tip of the wand practicing magic.

Today is September 1st.

The official opening day of Hogwarts.

Platform nine and three-quarters of King's Cross Station was bustling with people, and several guys wearing slightly mysterious clothes walked in and out of the crowd from time to time.

"Rock, I swear I'll never ride the Knight Bus again!"

Harry found a support column to hold on to, but he still hadn't recovered from his motion sickness.

Rock was a little helpless and could only comfort Harry: "It doesn't matter, it's still an attempt. There will always be a first time for everyone."

Because Harry got to know Roark and read a lot of books, he no longer knew as much about the magical world as he did in the original book.

On weekdays, when Rock is not practicing magic, he will accompany Harry to the street stalls in Diagon Alley to buy some magical snacks.

Harry was mainly the one consuming the snacks. Rock was not very interested in these snacks and mainly wanted to accompany them.

Otherwise, he would be embarrassed to just read Harry's books, and he would also have to go shopping with others to satisfy Harry's emotional need for a friend.

As for the chocolate frog in your mouth…

Rock commented that this was a reward for being a companion.

Before school started, Harry saw the news about the Knight Bus from somewhere, and he immediately became Gryffindor-like curious.

He also made excuses for himself.

"Hey, Roark. No young wizard worth his salt would miss the Hogwarts train."

"What, one person costs 11 silver coins. Hmm... okay, is this expensive?"

"Please, this is a once-in-a-lifetime request from a friend. I will pay for your fare. Please be sure to sit with me!"

With the idea of ​​having sex for nothing, Rock had no choice but to follow him on the knight bus.

Then the eleven-year-old Harry experienced the driving skills of the famous mountain racing master Yingqiu.


After a while.

Harry finally regained his composure.

"Don't worry, the train doesn't leave until eleven o'clock. We arrived very early now." Rock patted Harry on the back and continued: "There should be many empty carriages at this time."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Harry waved his hand to indicate that he was almost rested.

The two then carried the box and found the third pillar between platform nine and platform ten.

Rock didn't hesitate, and took the lead to show Harry off, carrying his suitcase and crashing into the pillar.

After passing through the pillar.

The scene in front of me immediately showed that it was different from the outside world.

Various owls flew overhead, and Rock had seen many of them, such as gray wood owls, screech owls, and grass owls.

Cats and toads also ran past Rock's feet from time to time.

The keen-eyed Rock also discovered a cattail, which should have been raised by the senior students themselves.

It is not uncommon for magical animals to be pets. There is also a special magical animal store in Diagon Alley, where the original Hermione bought Crookshanks.

In addition to these animals, there are adults and children wearing robes everywhere.

"Rock, I told you that you should also get a pet." Harry followed up carrying the box.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later."

The school does not actually force you to bring pets, it just says you can bring them.

Roque still has this little money to support himself, so he can't let his pets suffer with him.

But soon, the two of them looked away from the pet and turned to look at the platform. It was an old-fashioned red and black steam train with the number "5972" on the front.

Rock looked at the train but thought of many other things.

For example, wizards are arrogant towards Muggles. Are wizards arrogant?

Arrogant indeed, but wizards are not arrogant. Magic cameras, Hogwarts Express, magic elevators, and even the Ministry of Magic are placed under special telephone booths.

It can be said that wizards have been following Muggles closely and copied everything they could.

It is a matter of strategic contempt and tactical attention.

The Knight Bus we just took has been on the road since 1865.

It was a relatively new Muggle "bus service" imitated by the then Minister of Magic, Dugald MacPhail.

However, Muggles need many aspects of construction and reform from their emergence to official operation. This thing cannot be used immediately.

The wizard thought about it, so he did it, and it was quickly implemented.

This depends on the wizard's small social model and the exaggerated personal abilities-because this is a group of authority dogs who have mastered the authority of the world.

Looking at the Hogwarts Express, Rock would not sarcastically say something like "express".

Because it was the early 1990s, it was impossible for him to use the technological speed of a few decades to mock the current magical transformation.

Although this "magic transformation" is said to have been used from 1835 to now and has not improved much, at least in 1835, this thing was indeed far ahead.

What's more, improvement has nothing to do with technology, but with politics - the thinking of the predecessors of the Ministry of Magic is that future generations will improve it; while the attitude of the descendants of the Ministry of Magic is: believe in the wisdom of the predecessors and just use it.

In this era, Rock would be very satisfied if the train ride experience was not crowded or dirty.

And according to his observations, many wizards still have some petty bourgeois sentiments, so the train interior and seats shouldn't be too bad.

As for the speed, it is enough. After all, it will not be until the late 1990s to early 2000 that the train speed will continue to increase.

"Rock, let's go quickly."

The closer he got to Hogwarts, the more excited Harry became. During these days, he had been learning spells.

Just now I couldn't do it outside in front of Muggles, but now I can do it as I please.

Harry immediately cast a levitating spell on their suitcases to experience the feeling of not having to carry a suitcase.

"Well, let's go." As soon as Rock finished speaking, he paused slightly.

He felt as if someone was watching him, and when he looked back, he saw a pair of "acquaintances" in the distance - Neville Longbottom and his stress monster grandma.

"Well, forget it, it has nothing to do with me, let's find the carriage first..."


Neville lowered his head dully, listening to his grandmother's teachings.

Old Mrs. Longbottom saw the "lightning scar" just now.

So Mrs. Longbottom, with the idea of ​​letting Neville make more friends, asked Neville to quickly go up to say hello to Harry and get to know them.

This time Neville was almost numb.

He knew that his memory was not very good and he was not very good at communication, but he was not really a fool.

Those two boys always attracted attention here on the train platform.

One of the boys was young and looked to be the same age as himself, but he was handsome, with azure eyes and sparkling platinum hair. Although he is dressed very ordinary, his temperament is very gentle, which makes people like him unconsciously.

The other is more famous, with the lightning scar on his head, the famous Boy Who Lived.

One of these two people has a good appearance and one has a famous reputation.

Grandma, do you know how many wizards are quietly sizing them up around you?

This station isn't just for first-year students!

What's the difference between asking someone like me, who can't understand what they say, to strike up a conversation with them, and asking me to fight a mysterious person?

But you must listen to what grandma says.

So Neville stood on the same spot, his steps seemed to be filled with lead, moving bit by bit, towards the direction of Rock and the two, until his face turned red and he could not say a word.

At this time, Harry had cast a levitating spell on the suitcase and entered the carriage with Rock.

Neville also noticed that the pretty boy seemed to look back at him, which made Neville's face turn redder.

Old Mrs. Longbottom was a little angry: "Neville! You can forget everything, but you must never forget the glory of our Longbottom family!"

"You should be bold, have courage like Frank, and embody the tradition of our Longbottom family!"

"I...I know!"

When he mentioned his parents, Neville became unusually hardened.

Seeing this, old lady Augusta Longbottom finally nodded, indicating that Neville could get in the car.

Neville took two steps boldly, but stopped abruptly and turned around immediately.

He forgot to take the luggage from grandma.

Old Mrs. Longbottom: "..."

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