After getting on the train.

To the right is the corridor, and to the left are rows of small carriages.

Neville looked around. The suitcase had just been handed over to the prefect standing at the entrance of the carriage. The prefect said he would remind them to put on their wizard robes before getting off the train.

After arriving at Hogwarts, the luggage will be transported directly to their dormitory.


Harry sat in the carriage and looked out the window quietly.

Outside the window, some parents are encouraging their children, some children are making trouble, and some children are playing with their younger sisters.

He also saw the twins acting strangely.

In some cases, the child has already boarded the carriage, but the mother is still telling the child something through the window.

There were other children like him who had nothing outside the window and could only sit in the carriage and look at others. Harry looked at Rock silently.


Rock was aware of it, and he felt that Harry across from him was thinking about something rude.


The carriage door was opened.

"Can I...sit here?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Neville regretted half of them.

He saw the two familiar boys.

"Of course. There is still room here." Rock nodded, "My name is Rock, Rock Anderson. This is Harry, Harry Potter."

" name is Neville Longbottom, just call me Neville." Neville breathed a sigh of relief. The other person's tone was as gentle as his temperament, and he felt like he was an easy person to get along with.

Then Neville carefully looked at Harry's forehead, but did not ask any rude words about the other person's scar.

This was beyond Harry's expectation. Most of the people he met so far expressed their desire to see his scars after meeting them.

Then he kept asking questions, which almost annoyed him to death.

So he simply kept his forehead exposed, since everyone knew that he, Harry Potter, was the Boy-Who-Lived.

This is also the face he developed while following Roark in the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley.

Neville didn't ask any questions, but gained Harry's favor.

"I am Harry Potter, you can just call me Harry." Harry was also curious about Neville, "Are all the wizards in your family?"

"Well, yes." Neville nodded.

"Then you must have learned a lot of magic?"

Neville was a little embarrassed, but he still told the truth: "I'm not that smart and my memory is very poor, so I didn't learn the spells taught by my grandma."

Although Neville was from the Longbottom family, he had never known a single spell before. It wasn't until the age of 10 that a magical riot occurred during his uncle's "falling experiment".

But Rock knew that this was not the case. He had seen Neville's settings in his previous life.

Shortly after his birth, Neville Longbottom was able to use magic to wrap his blanket more tightly around himself, but unfortunately no one witnessed the young Neville's unusual magical displays and talents.

The midwife simply believed it was Neville's father.

Later, what happened to his parents, the forgetting spell cast by his grandmother on him, and the expectations brought to him by the Longbottom family all turned into huge pressure.

Makes Neville look like a clumsy, introverted boy.

But when he grew up, Neville became the Herbology Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

You must know that all the professors at Hogwarts are great, except for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class - which is the annual class.

At the same time, Neville is also the savior in the dark line. He and Harry are both qualified, but Voldemort chose Harry.

His talent is not weak either. After hearing that the murderer who tortured his parents escaped from prison in the fifth grade, Neville made frightening progress in the D.A. party, and then directly became the leader of the D.A.

D.A. refers to Dumbledore's Army. Most of the people in it are the same age as Harry. These people are almost the representatives of the new generation.

Rock glanced at Neville, who was chatting more and more with Harry.

Both of them are living under unspeakable pressure, and it is normal for peers to chat with each other.


The chatter in the carriage stopped temporarily because the carriage door opened again.

"Did I disturb you guys?"

Hermione Granger stood outside the carriage door. She looked at the three people in the carriage.

"I haven't found a carriage where I can sit. Can you sit here?"

After hearing this, Neville and Harry both looked at Roark silently. Roark nodded indifferently, indicating that there was no one here.

"Thank you." Hermione felt a little embarrassed at this moment.

She was a little nervous. Although she had read a lot of books, she was still afraid of becoming the worst student in Hogwarts. This was something she could not imagine at all.

After all, she had only recently come into contact with magic, and she was afraid that she would not be as good as those who had studied magic since childhood.

Rock glanced at Hermione, then turned his gaze out the window and began to recall the details of the original work.

In the original book, when Hermione helped Neville find a pet, she probably also got to see the level of her peers.

Coupled with the pure-blood family she met, Neville and Ron, both of whom were mainly scumbags, it can be said that it gave Hermione a lot of confidence at once.

But now Hermione is still somewhat uneasy about the unknown world.

Hermione was a little nervous, thinking about meeting some of her peers in the carriage.

It is best to be someone who was born in the magical world, so that you can compare how you have learned in the past two months.

"Hello, my name is Hermione Granger. My father is a dentist. Our family currently lives in London." Hermione took the initiative to say hello to everyone.

Rock felt very interesting after hearing this.

Hermione took the initiative to tell her father's job and address, which was a kind of guiding greeting.

When ordinary people respond to greetings, they usually subconsciously answer in the format the other person said.

Especially among children, when it comes to their parents' work, they will definitely respond to each other.

As expected of a girl who can endorse before the start of school, this is not a scheming, it is probably just a subconscious question and answer made by smart people to satisfy their own needs.

Some people just have such a talent, it's just pure instinct, and they probably don't even think about it.

However, Rock had some bad intentions and wanted to tease this smart Miss Beaver.

"Hello, Rock Anderson." Rock responded immediately: "I was born in Wu's Orphanage. I was abandoned by my parents when I was a newborn, so I grew up in the orphanage."


Hermione's mouth opened wide in an instant. She had been paying attention to this boy just now, but she didn't expect that his life experience was so bumpy.

Harry also introduced himself: "My name is Harry Potter. You should know that my parents have passed away because of their resistance to Voldemort."

"As for the address... I have been fostered in my uncle's house since I was a child, but in fact I hate it very much. I am not happy there. I should say I have always suffered..."

During this time, Harry lived with Roark in the Leaky Cauldron. He felt more comfortable than ever before. He did not need to be forced to do housework, and there was no annoying cousin Dudley to bully him.

He was finally able to face up to his previous life and talk about it.


Hermione was speechless at Harry's experience.

Next it was Neville's turn.

Because of his parents' tragic experience, he actually didn't want to mention his parents in front of others.

But Roark and Harry also shared their experiences, and Neville felt that his own situation was not untellable.

"My name is Neville Longbottom, and my parents are both excellent Aurors..."

Neville put his hand on his own thigh and squeezed it unconsciously: "Not long after I was born, they were tortured crazy by the Death Eaters using the Unforgivable Curse... I have been following me since then. Grandma grew up.”


Hermione was completely stunned.

She didn't expect that in a small four-person carriage, three people with such rough life experiences would come out.

An unspeakable apology immediately welled up in the little girl's heart.

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