The train started.

The roar of steam gradually overwhelmed the little witch's voice that kept saying "I'm sorry."

In fact, Neville and Harry didn't even think about it.

This little thing has long since lost its inertia and has been left behind by the moving train.

And their curiosity about Hogwarts is following the roar of the train.

Hermione was the only one who took the matter seriously.


"Children, do you want to buy some snacks?" The train saleswoman opened the carriage door and she pushed a trolley full of food.

Great, thank you, Auntie.

As the outsiders arrived, Hermione finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, I'll buy some."

"By the way, what do you want to eat? I can invite everyone to eat together." Hermione said to the three of them.

"No, I can just buy it myself." Harry took out a few silver coins.

"My grandma warned me not to be too greedy before I got in the car." Neville was a little hesitant.

"I'll eat three servings!" Rock didn't hesitate at all.

Hearing Rock's words, Hermione felt relieved: "Please give me three..."

"Chocolate frog!" Rock added promptly.

"Yes, chocolate frog, thank you."

With Harry and Hermione's consumption, the sales witch said goodbye and left with satisfaction.

Hermione was quite restrained in her spending, but Harry, a nouveau riche, bought a lot. Under Harry's temptation, Neville couldn't hold it back and started showing off too.

Although Neville's grandma warned Neville, it didn't matter. Neville's main character is forgetful.

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became relaxed.

With the chocolate frog in his mouth, Neville felt as if he had forgotten something. It was not until he saw a chocolate frog jumping out of the window and running towards freedom that Neville remembered it.

"Oops, I remembered, my Leif!"

"Leif?" Hermione was a little curious.

Neville rummaged around the carriage hurriedly: "Lif is a toad, he is my pet."

"Don't worry, he might have run away, but he should still be on the train. We can go out and look for him." Hermione suggested enthusiastically.

Watching them tossing back and forth and turning over snacks, Rock felt quite troubled.

"Let me help you!"

Rock took out his wand. He remembered a spell that worked well.

This spell is called the Flying Curse. Generally speaking, this spell cannot completely summon living creatures.

But in fact it is not so absolute. The magical zoologist Newt once used this spell to summon the magical animal Niffler.

In the original work, Harry successfully summoned flies, and Dean successfully summoned fish to fly.

It can even be more abstract. Hermione wanted to summon a book introducing Horcruxes, so "Advanced Dark Arts Revealed" flew in.

An excellent wizard can determine the properties of an item, lock it in a range, and then items that match the range will fly to you as desired.

It is one of the real high-level magic spells, and it is also one of the older magic spells in wizarding society.

"Toad, right?"

Rock closed his eyes, locked his magic power on the train, and then immediately said:

"Come on Leif!"

Before Hermione and the other three could react, Leif was already in Rock's hands.

"It turns out it's in the carriage." Rock carried Leif and took a look: "Hey, it seems that there is also the blood of the invisible beast."

Hermione's future cat, Crookshanks, is part catnives. This type of pet is often safer than magical animals and smarter than ordinary animals.

Rock also wants a pet of this type.

He handed Leif back to Neville: "Actually, it's nothing. Wizards' pets are very special. Unless they encounter natural enemies, they will not be lost."

"Thank you, thank you." I don't know if Neville heard it, but he immediately held the toad on his lap lovingly.

Hermione's eyes widened: "What kind of spell is this?"

"The Flying Spell or the Summoning Spell, you can see it in "Standard Spells - Level 4"." Rock put away the wand silently: "It is also one of the test points of the O.W.L. exam."

Hermione was shocked and quietly closed her mouth.

When she heard about Level 4, she already knew that her current amount of learning was no match for her.

You haven't even entered school yet, so you have to learn this level on your own.

Okay, okay, it's so volume, right?

But Harry said proudly as if he had become the master of glory: "A flying curse is nothing, not to mention that Roark's true ability has not been revealed yet."

"Could you do the same?" Hermione was shocked again. This was fourth grade content.

Come to think of it, he is the Boy-Who-Lived. He is mentioned in the books "Modern History of Magic", "The Rise and Fall of Dark Magic", and "Important Magical Events of the Twentieth Century".

Under Hermione's shocked eyes, Harry's confidence gradually disappeared.

Finally, he quibbled in a low voice: "No, I can't...but, I still know many other magic spells..."

Hermione: "..."

As time passed, no one from the Malfoy family came over to be slapped in the face, which made Roark a little concerned.

But after a while, the prefect came over and asked them to change into wizard robes, indicating that they were almost there.

After everyone takes turns to change clothes separately.

Hermione pointed quietly at Roark.

"There seems to be a catkin on the hair in front of you..."

After looking in the mirror, Rock found that it seemed to be cattail hair, which he probably got accidentally at the station.

Moreover, the color of this fur is very light. If you don't keep looking at Rock carefully, you can't find it.

"thanks for your reminder."


The train soon stopped, and the little wizards got off the train in a row, led by their prefect.

The station here is not too big, even a bit crude.

It was so dark that I couldn't see my surroundings clearly.

A very tall figure holding a lantern shouted in the distance: "First-year students! First-year students come over here!"

"Harry, come here." Hagrid's voice was a little loud, making Harry stand out among the young wizards. "How are you doing lately, Harry?"

It's hard to ignore him because of his giant size and his powerful voice.

Senior students have to ride the Thestral around Hogwarts and go to school from the main entrance.

The young wizards who have just entered school have to take a boat from the Black Lake to Hogwarts.

Naturally, the four of them boarded the same ship. Each ship had a ship's light, which could barely illuminate the way forward.

The black lake beneath him was like a pitch-black cloth, carrying the ship to its destination without any ripples.

In such an environment, the students could not help but feel a little nervous. None of them dared to look at the black lake below them, for fear that some huge monster would emerge from it.

There is indeed a monster, a giant squid of unknown origin.

In this darkness, Rock did not release the lighting spell, because all his attention was focused on the huge magic power.

This magic has been lingering around every new student since the young wizards set out on this path.

Like a contract with the castle.

This act of "going through the path that the founder walked" has become a ritual magic of an ancient curse.

Rock savored this special feeling.

The other little wizards were also silent, staring at the huge castle high into the sky.

As they approached the cliff on which the castle stood, it seemed to tower above them.

"Lower your head!"

Hagrid shouted as the first boats approached the cliffs.

Everyone lowered their heads as the boat carried them through the ivy curtain covering the face of the cliff to the hidden open entrance.

They followed a dark tunnel that seemed to lead beneath the castle, and finally arrived at a place that resembled an underground dock, and then climbed up onto a ground of gravel and pebbles.

Before they knew it, the little wizards climbed the stone steps and reached the gate of the castle.

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