"What? You... are you leaving?"

In Konoha's office, Tsunade looked at the Monkey King in front of him and roared out in a gaffe.The sudden news made her a little at a loss.The deep resentment in her heart made her very unhappy.

"En! I haven't practiced for a long time, so I have to go back and practice for a while..." Sun Wukong looked a little serious. He knew very well how powerful his opponents would be in the future, and he would definitely not fall behind in practice.If he has been indulging in a comfortable life like this, the power of comprehending the rules has been entrusted to those shadow clones. Over time, his power of rules has improved, and I am afraid that the combat power will decline instead!

It's like Sun Gohan in the Dragon Ball world in the original book, when he defeated Sharu, he was so awesome, but after reading the book for a few years, his cultivation fell, and his combat power declined seriously.This bloody lesson, Sun Wukong does not want to follow in his footsteps.

"Is it really decided?" Tsunade looked at Sun Wukong, still a little reluctant.

Sun Wukong nodded firmly: "Don't worry, I will be back in three years at most..."

"Three years? Then I'm going to be three years older..." Tsunade felt helpless, thinking of the age gap between her and Sun Wukong, but secretly smiled bitterly: "Forget it, I'm an old woman. , and who cares what those do..."

Today, after learning that Sun Wukong was going to leave, Yuhika, Hinata and other women came to Naruto’s office to say goodbye to Sun Wukong. They really wanted to leave with Sun Wukong, but unfortunately, as Konoha’s ninjas, they couldn’t leave for the time being. .After getting Sun Wukong's repeated assurances, he will definitely come back to see them within three years before giving up.

And Sun Wukong took Xiaoxue and other girls to dodge, disappeared in Konoha's office, and returned to his world...

As for returning to the world created by Sun Wukong, Xiaoxue and the other women stopped talking nonsense when they were shocked.The process of Sun Wukong's cultivation, I have also covered it in one stroke. In short, it is to return to my world master space and practice against the shadow clone after fusion... Then I understand the supreme rule... In short, in addition to doing it with my sisters After the things that are not ashamed and impetuous, that is cultivation...

Picking up the pendulum clock, it spun around, and in a moment, two and a half years passed... Don't say it's unscientific, it's unscientific in the first place!

Gaara has still become Kazekage, and Akatsuki has finally started hunting tailed beasts, and the first target is Gaara!

This is a bit funny. Akatsuki, who was afraid of Sun Wukong's strength, did not dare to act on it at first, but after more than two years, after it was finally confirmed that there was no news from Sun Wukong, their courage began to grow. The hunting plan is about to begin!They believe that as long as they gather all nine tailed beasts, even if Sun Wukong appears again, they will no longer be afraid!

The gears of fate are turning again, and some of the fates that have been changed seem to have been repaired and returned to their original trajectory. When it comes to fate, it is really unpredictable!

If you want to destroy or change the established destiny, you have to wait for the person who can break the destiny to come again...

Gaara, the hidden sand, is still captured by Akatsuki.

Naruto, who had just returned to Konoha, happened to encounter this incident. Therefore, Kakashi Ban, who had just formed with Kakashi and Sakura, accepted this mission and set out to rescue Gaara together!The story of the Gala has begun!

The endless void, there is nothing here, but the two violently colliding red shadows in the void make the entire space tremble violently!The solid space is like a broken mirror, shattered!

Their speed is indistinguishable to the naked eye, only the continuous roaring collision can be heard, and every collision causes the void to sink!

Such a terrifying confrontation, if it were placed outside, every punch would be enough to destroy the world!

Another violent collision, both of them were shocked by the terrifying force and backed away, staring at each other.

One of them suddenly waved his hand. Above the sky, the runes filled the sky and the divine light blocked the sun. They condensed together and formed a destructive light array. The power was unparalleled. , the breath gradually weakened!

"Drink!" At the moment of crisis, the figure who was shrouded in the light of destruction roared angrily, and with a "hum", the sword of God's light flashed out in his hand, and the divine light burned on it, dotted with stars. The rune slashed down, and the whole world was silent and silent, entraining the divine power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The array of light was shattered, and instantly transformed into hundreds of millions of divine lights, breaking through the barriers of space and time, and in an instant, the body of the person who slashed the divine sword was pierced... The divine light was so great that it illuminated the entire space...

"Damn it! You are lying on the main body, and you actually used that supreme light of destruction..." A loud shout echoed in the void, and it took a long time to dissipate.

When the light of the gods dissipated, there was only one person left in the field. His red hair was like fire, he straightened his waist, his eyes were fierce and domineering, and he could penetrate all things in time!

The arrogance of the whole body is like fire, and all kinds of divine runes are lingering on it, exuding immortal power.The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, but a faint smile appeared: "What is cheating, who told you that you are just a clone, you can't use it..."

The arrogance dissipated, and the long red hair was restored to a bright black. Although it lost the masculine and domineering before, it was still handsome.The current appearance can only show that he is a normal person!In the form just now, who would dare to stand in front of him?

"I didn't expect this kind of practice to be able to improve! It seems that after comprehending the supreme rules and remodeling the physical body a few times, my physical potential has also improved a lot... This time, the sublime cultivation was really not in vain, but It seems that it has reached its limit now... If you want to improve, you can only strengthen your physical body after comprehending the supreme rules..."

After Sun Wukong felt his body getting stronger again, he smiled faintly: "In this period of time... two and a half years should have passed in Hokage... It seems that it is time to go out for a walk..."

Chapter [-] meet again

In Hokage's office, Tsunade looked at the documents on the table with a solemn expression: "I always feel a bad premonition... I hope nothing happens..."

"Tsunade, looking at your constipated expression, is this swollen?" Suddenly, a faint laughing sound came from behind him.It scared Tsunade, but the familiar voice made her tremble, she looked behind her with wide eyes, and stood up with a 'huh', her face full of surprise: " Wukong?! When did you come back?"

"It's now!" Sun Wukong said with a slight smile.

"You're still the same as before!" Tsunade calmed down his excitement and looked at Sun Wukong, who was alone, and couldn't help but become curious: "Why are you alone? What about Xiaoxue and the others?"

"They! It seems that they don't want to come back for the time being..." Sun Wukong waved his hand lightly and said.

Compared with the world he created, this Hokage world is simply a sky and an underground, where there is a lot of spiritual energy, and there are all kinds of incredible things waiting for them to take risks.Now Xiaoxue and other women are like crossing into an incredible world. Following the adventures of Luna and other women in the mainland, how can they still be interested in this ninja world.

It's like a group of otaku dreaming of traveling to another world or the second dimension. After finally traveling, how could they think of coming back so easily.

"Don't want to come back? What do you mean?" Tsunade looked suspiciously at Sun Wukong.

"Oh! You will understand this kind of thing in the future. Now, let me confirm whether you have missed me in the past two and a half years!" Sun Wukong smiled and stretched out his hand towards the place where Tsunade couldn't describe it. caught it.

"You...you pervert! Get out!" Tsunade's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she shouted at Sun Wukong.

"Just kidding with you! Look how excited you are!" Sun Wukong smiled lightly and said, "But your expression was very solemn just now! What happened? Did someone oppose you? Tell brother, brother will help you right away Kill him!"

Tsunade looked at Sun Wukong, smiled slightly, and shook his head.Although this guy is a ruffian, the caring in his words still warms her heart: "Xiao, you should know, right? They haven't seen any movement for more than two years, but recently, they suddenly Take action, Sandyin's Gaara, that is, the current Fengying, was kidnapped by them, Xiang must be watching Shouhe's attention!"

"Is that so! As Sandyin's ally, who did you send to support him?"

"The newly formed Kakashiban...that's Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura!"

"Xiao's members, all of them have the strength of shadow level or above, and Naruto has their goals in the body: Nine tails, you send the three of them over, but it's a bit dangerous..." Sun Wukong's eyes were fixed. On Tsunade's pair of big waves, he said very seriously: "I'll go over and take a look!"

"Actually, I'm also worried about this issue. Since you're willing to go, I'll leave it to you!" Tsunade nodded and said, "However, when you talk, can you keep your eyes in a normal place? "

"Isn't it normal for you here?" Sun Wukong looked at Tsunade seriously and said, "Let me rub it for you and treat it!"

"You...I..." Tsunade suddenly realized that the two of them had just met, and they wanted to give Sun Wukong a ruthless meal!It's a pity, if I do it, I'm afraid there will be a few less pieces of tofu on my body.He could only hold back the anger that rose in his heart.

"Lord Tsunade... just... ah! Lord Wukong!" Mute opened the door and walked in, just about to say something, but when he saw Sun Wukong, his face suddenly looked surprised, and what she wanted to say had already been said by her. Forget it.

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