"Yo, it's mute! I haven't seen it for more than two years, and it's beautiful again!"

"Really...really?" Hearing Sun Wukong's praise, a blush suddenly appeared on Mute's face, full of happiness.

"You guys should hurry up, stop talking nonsense here!" Tsunade obviously couldn't see it, and snorted.This lady is jealous.

"En! Let's reminisce when we come back!" Sun Wukong saw that Tsunade was about to endure it to the limit, and he was no longer teasing them. With a flash, he disappeared into the Hokage office.

In the vast desert, the wind and sand are raging, and the howling wind shows the terrible power of nature.

In a cave dug out of rock, looking at the raging sandstorm outside, Naruto seemed very anxious: "I'm going to Shayin Village soon, but at this time... I can't wait any longer!" Said When he got up, he was about to rush outside, but was stopped by Kakashi: "Naruto, didn't I tell you, can't you be in a hurry?"

"But..." Naruto wanted to say something.But it was interrupted by Sakura: "Be patient, Temari is the one who can't feel at ease now!"

"If you encounter a sandstorm, you should stay motionless, you will lose your sense of direction in the sandstorm, not only can you only wander in the desert, but also people who die from dehydration are not uncommon... Besides, in this kind of sandstorm Among them, if you dare to go out, you are guaranteed to be gone for a while..." Temari said calmly with a calm face.

However, before her words were spoken, Naruto pointed to a figure who appeared in the sandstorm outside at an unknown time, and asked in confusion, "What about him? What's going on?"

Temari and the others immediately looked at the sandstorm and were all taken aback.

I saw that in the terrifying sandstorm, the wind was raging, but a tall and straight figure moved forward slowly. The terrifying sandstorm blew Buddha on his body, and even the corner of his clothes never blew.He is like a king in the wind, walking indifferently in the raging sandstorm. The seemingly terrifying sandstorm dare not touch him even a little bit. This situation seems very strange.

"Mr. Kakashi...that person...looks familiar?" Naruto stared at him, looking at the figure that was getting closer and closer in the sandstorm, and said in surprise.

"Well! It's a bit familiar..." Kakashi looked solemn and looked straight ahead without blinking.

"Ah! It's... it's Big Brother Wukong! Look! It's Big Brother Wukong!" Naruto suddenly shouted excitedly: "Big Brother Wukong! Here...here...!"

"It turns out...it's him..." Temari looked at the man walking in the sandstorm, looking a little excited: "That's right...and only a pervert like him can ignore this terrible sandstorm..."

"Yo! Temari, I haven't seen it for more than two years, and it's getting more and more sexy and beautiful!" When he came to the front, Sun Wukong directly ignored the excited Naruto, but he was the first to say hello to Temari.

Temari's face flushed, and he looked at Sun Wukong: "You haven't changed at all!"

"Master Wukong!" Kakashi greeted Sun Wukong respectfully.It was Xiao Ying who looked at Sun Wukong with admiration. Although she was not very familiar with Sun Wukong, she was still very clear about the rumors about Sun Wukong.However, she was obviously ignored by Sun Wukong. For Xiao Ying, Sun Wukong has never been very cold.

"This is not the place to talk!" Sun Wukong smiled lightly, waved his hand lightly, and the figures of several people disappeared directly here.When Sun Wukong came here, he actually came to take over the Ju few people on purpose.

On the other side, Deidara and Scorpion took Gaara to a dim cave, where an illusory figure was already waiting for them.The circles of ripples in his eyes show his extraordinary identity!

Chapter [-] Xiao Xiao

"It's too late! Get ready now..." The phantom of his face could not be seen clearly, and he didn't know what his expression was, but the circle of rippled eyes showed calm and majesty.

"Human Zhuli is stronger than expected!" Deidara was accustomed to the voice of the phantom and didn't care.The stone gate behind him slowly closed, and the cave became completely dark.

The phantom handprints formed and slapped the ground with a palm. With the vibration of the ground, a half-golem with a ferocious face was slowly summoned out...

"Okay, let's gather!" As soon as the phantom's words fell, six phantoms flashed again on the huge fingers of the phantom's hands, one with three.Scorpion and Deidara also jumped vertically on a finger and returned to their positions.

"Then, let's start!" The phantom formed a handprint again, and the huge golem suddenly opened its huge mouth, and a scroll rolled down...

"From now on, it will take three days and three nights, and you should pay more attention to the main body... Also, absolutely, you should use the main body to monitor the movement outside! Use the one with the largest range... Now is a critical moment, I I don't want to make any mistakes...especially the one named Sun Wukong. Although he has evaporated like before in the past two and a half years, who will know when he will appear again. So, for Konoha With Shayin, you have to pay close attention, and if there is any news, report it immediately!"


"Three days... it's a bit long... If that guy named Sun Wukong suddenly appeared, it would be a little bad for us... You're right! Itachi!" The phantom's tone Somewhat arrogant, looking at the shape, it seems to be a ghost shark.

"Well... if he really appears, then this time plan may be aborted..."

"Humph! Are you exaggerating him too much... If I really meet, I will show him the horror of art! Hmm~" Deidara was very unhappy with the attitude of the ghost shark and Itachi , and for the person who is called 'the strongest in the ninja world', he is obviously not convinced...

"I hope you don't get killed by then..." Ghost Shark said with a look of disdain.

"I won't be like you, don't let that guy run away in a daze... um~"

"You guy, do you want to die?" The ghost shark looked at Deidara, and his tone was full of violent killing intent.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Deidara also glared angrily.

"Enough! I called you here, not to listen to you quarreling!" The man with the ripples in his eyes shouted angrily, but it caused the ghost shark and Deidara to open their mouths, and finally calmed down , Obviously, for this person, the two of them are still a little jealous.

"If you all shut up, let's get started!" The phantom opened his mouth lightly, the knot in his hand was knotted, and on the fingertips standing under his feet, a circular aperture suddenly appeared, and a large black font appeared: Zero !

After that, on the fingers of other phantoms, a circle of light also lit up, and a font appeared in sequence: green, white, Zhu, Hai, South, North, San, Jade.

In an instant, a dazzling light appeared in the mouth of the golem...

"Sealing Technique - Magic Dragon Nine Seals!"

Nine phantom dragons materialized by chakra roared out of the golem's mouth and bombarded Gaara's body at the same time...


The ground collapsed in an instant, and the dazzling light illuminated the entire dim cave, but Gaara's body was floating in the air under the fluorescent deposit, and a steady stream of tailed beast Chakra overflowed from its body and was sucked into it. In the mouth of the golem...

At the same time, Sun Wukong and others have appeared in Shayin Village. Sun Wukong is too lazy to pay attention to those trivial matters. Kankuro also has Sakura for treatment, so Sun Wukong is not intervening, and Temari is sent to guard the border, until it is Chiyo The mother-in-law followed Sun Wukong, Kakashi, and Naruto to Akatsuki's secret gathering place...

With Sun Wukong around, it would be easy to find their location... In just an instant, the four of them had already appeared outside the cave!

"Is Gaara in there?!" Naruto looked at the sealed hole, looking very anxious, and rushed up without thinking, Kakashi didn't have time to stop it.

Inside the cave, Jue suddenly said solemnly, "The enemy has already appeared outside the cave..."

"What? Enemy! So fast?" Deidara looked surprised.The rest of the crowd also seemed extremely surprised.

"Do you know who the enemy is?" The ghost with reincarnation eyes said lightly.

"Well... they're all pretty amazing characters... Kakashi Hatake, known as a copy ninja... Sandyin's grandmother Chiyo... and Konoha's nine-tailed kid..."

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