One move to solve the corner, the two tailed beasts of the two Yumu people were brewing a crimson fireball in the huge mouths, spewing out, and its power was such that even the ground was destroyed and disintegrated...

"No!" Fei Duan's face changed slightly, not as indifferent as before, his body quickly retreated, 'Boom~', a shocking roar suddenly sounded here, the flames shot into the sky, and the terrifying big explosion caused everything around him in an instant. bombed to rubble...

Thick smoke and dust filled the sky, the fire was raging, and the moisture in the air was evaporated in an instant!

"Ah! It's so hot! Is this guy the two-tailed cat demon known as the Wraith... It's a bit difficult!" Feiduan hid behind a gravel and looked at the huge two-tailed in front of him. The cat has a calm tone and a solemn expression.

And at this moment, Jiaodu, who was stepped on by the two-tailed cat, suddenly split into pieces, and mysterious black lines spread out from his body and limbs, connecting the limbs of the body that flew out. It was the two-tailed cat and the whole body that was directly entangled, and immediately caused the two-tailed cat to let out an angry roar. In the violent struggle, the mysterious black thread was in danger of almost breaking...

"Hey, hey, there's no need to do it this way... You sacrificed one of your own heart, and you want to grab the other party..." Although Feiduan's tone was still very dull, his expression finally became solemn. .

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-two Spells: Death by Blood

"You're talking too much nonsense. If you have the time, you might as well prepare quickly... This guy is very powerful, and I can't control it for long..." At this moment, Jiaodu looked a little terrifying, with a torn body densely covered with The black line is connected, and it looks like a ghost, terrifying and disgusting.

"Ah~ I see! You're very noisy!" Feiduan replied in a very unhappy manner, and the seal in his hand was knotted, and he used the blood to draw a large circle on the ground, with a triangle in the circle... He began to protect himself The Curse Ritual is getting ready...

The body and limbs of Jiaodu are also connected by countless strange black lines, and they are combined again, but on the body composed of black lines, on the shoulders and back, there are four ugly faces. It looks so weird...

Countless black threads spread out from his back and chest like thousands of hair strands, tying the two-tailed cat firmly again!No matter how she struggled, it was in vain!

In the roar, Er-Tailed Maoyou's eyes suddenly showed endless fierce light, and a fiery fireball spewed out of his mouth again, bombarding the horns that bound her...

The blazing flames caused all those weird black lines to burn, and the faces of the corners changed slightly: "Water Escape·Water Wall!" A strange mask connected to the black line on the left shoulder suddenly spurted a wave of waves and tsunami, towards The blazing fireball swept away...

The collision of the fireball and the waves suddenly made a 'chichi' sound, and as the water vapor spread, the space here was filled with a thick layer of water mist for a moment...

The collision of water and fire, it stands to reason, should be extinguished by water, but that is only under normal circumstances. This fireball is issued by the two fully tailed beasts by the wooden people. How can ordinary water escapes resist? , the temperature is too high, the water will be evaporated, the fireball will carry the power of destruction, pass through the water curtain, and bombard directly towards the corners...

Jiao Du's complexion changed greatly, and he cast Tu Dun · Tu Spear again!The chakra flowing in the body directly hardens the skin, raising the defense to the limit!

And the much weakened fireball has reached the corner of the corner, just touched, it is a 'bang', a violent roar erupted, the fire wave swept through, destroying all the surrounding rocks!

At the center of the violent explosion, Jiaodu's body was blown out like a cannonball, and the two masks on his back completely withstood the aftermath of the terrifying explosion, and shattered open with a crackling sound...

With a bang, Jiaodu's body directly smashed into a large rock and was submerged in the gravel pile, but an angry shout sounded in vain: "Lei Dun·Pseudo-Darkness!"

A strange mask wrapped around a black thread suddenly stretched out from the pile of rubble, and in the shriek, a sharp spear of thunder radiated, entraining astonishing power through everything, towards the second tail that had just ejected a fireball. The cat lashes away again...

Lightning flashes, turning into a deadly and dazzling streamer in the air...

With a 'puchi' sound, accompanied by the shrill screams of Er-Tailed Cat, the Thunder Spear pierced through its body in an instant...

Blood splashed and tickled on the ground...

The two-tailed cat let out a shrill scream again, but it jumped up and slapped down angrily at the corners in the gravel pile...

"Hey...blood...but it will be fatal..." Feiduan, who was already ready, suddenly showed a hint of madness at the corner of his mouth. The sickle in his hand flew out, and after being stained with the blood on the ground, in an instant, It's just shrinking back...

In a hurry, he glanced at the corner of Jiaodu, who was almost alive under the attack of the two-tailed cat and the repeated claws. After Feiduan obtained the blood of the two Yumu people, the entire scythe became scarlet... ...and the skin of his whole body is also wrapped in a layer of strange black and white, it looks very strange, the face is surrounded by black lines, and there is a black circular pattern between the eyebrows... At the moment, Feiduan, it seems, It is very strange, it is really like the evil god in the legend, full of evil intentions and madness!

"You've been cursed by me...hehe~~ Come on! Come and feel the best pain with me!" With a frantic shout, Feiduan actually took out a very sharp stick from his arms. The iron rod, and then, with a 'puchi~' sound, went straight through his chest!


On the other side, the two-tailed cat is attacking Jiaodu frantically. Every claw that falls is cracking rocks, and the power is amazing. Under this continuous attack, Jiaodu dare not resist, because he is standing in front of him. Yes, but the two-tailed cat!

Gradually, he was forced into a desperate situation, and he was about to be killed by one claw. The sharp claws of the two-tailed cat suddenly stopped, and the blue tailed beast coat quickly dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye... In a moment , the two Yumu people have retreated from the state of complete tail beast transformation...

At this moment, with blood on the corner of her mouth, she covered her chest with her hands with a painful face, her eyes were full of shock and doubts, she obviously hadn't been hit, why did she suddenly feel as if she had been pierced through her chest by a sharp weapon? Her vitality is quickly fading...

"What the hell... did you do..." The two Yumu people turned their heads with difficulty and looked at Feiduan who was standing in a strange circle with a greatly changed appearance.

"Have you finally caught up..." Jiao Du breathed a sigh of relief, looking at his three broken masks, but his brows were slightly wrinkled: "According to the budget, only one heart should be killed... No I thought that I was killed three... It seems that I am still too impatient... But, well, at least getting a heart of human pillar strength can be regarded as compensation..."

"Hehe~~haha~~~" Feiduan's face was full of madness at the moment, and he couldn't stop shouting madly, the expression on his face looked a little perverted: "The pain that others feel when they are about to die will be deeply rusted. Engraved in my body, it will become a kind of pleasure beyond pain...Ahaha~~~ It hurts! But it's cool! Wooha~~ So, next, where do you want to taste What about the pain? Is it Or here..."

In the end, Feiduan pointed the iron spear at his heart: "Or... do you want to end this pain as soon as possible..."

Looking at Feiduan's frantic and sullen face, his corners suddenly felt unhappy, I didn't make you shy now that I lost three lives!Immediately he shouted angrily: "Feiduan! Do you want to kill her? Stop talking nonsense! Quickly get rid of her! We have to catch the live one back..."

"...Ah ah~~ People are getting really excited... Forget it, then it's up to you!" Feiduan wanted to play again, but seeing that the corners were really on the verge of anger, and finally After restraining his mind, the iron spear in his hand pierced his hands and feet fiercely, abolishing his limbs...

Chapter [-]: Misfortune comes out of the mouth

As the sharp iron spear pierced his hands, feet and limbs, scarlet blood dripped down the sharp iron spear, and the two Yumu people not far away also groaned at the same time, and their hands, feet and limbs were instantly covered with blood. Invading wet, she was already confused, her breath became weaker and weaker, and she was about to enter a coma...

"Then... let's start the ceremony..." Feiduan used the blood to draw a larger circle on the ground, with a triangle in the circle, and then slowly lay on the pattern, the sharp iron spear in his hand penetrated again up his chest...

"You're always so troublesome... hurry up! We must bring the Erwei Ren Zhuli back as soon as possible to avoid another accident!" Jiao Du glanced at Feiduan and said lightly.He took out a large newspaper from his arms and looked at it. The contents on it were all famous criminals in the Ninja world, and there was a series of zeros on top of each person's head.

"Got it! When did you become so wordy... Are you so afraid of that guy named Sun Wukong? Don't worry! As long as that guy dares to come, I will use my technique to kill him with my own hands. Yes!" Feiduan immediately replied unhappily, his tone was full of confidence and arrogance.

Indeed, his technique can be regarded as the most terrifying technique in this ninja world. As long as he collects blood and walks into the ritual circle prepared in advance, then this person will surely die!No wonder he was so loud.

"Maybe your technique... is the only way to deal with him..." At this moment, Jiao Du Dao surprisingly did not refute, but agreed with this very seriously.

"Hum! It's good to know!" Feiduan became even more interested after receiving the recognition and praise of Jiaodu: "The Evil God is invincible! He is the strongest! Don't disturb my ceremony..."

However, what Feiduan and Jiao didn't know was that when they were talking about Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong, who was far away from Konoha, accompanied Tsunade and the girls shopping, suddenly frowned slightly and stopped.

"What's wrong? Wukong!" Tsunade and the girls noticed the strangeness of Sun Wukong, and they all looked at him curiously.

"It's alright! I just sensed that an arrogant man said he wanted to kill me by himself... hehe... interesting!" Sun Wukong waved his hands indifferently and said, "You guys go shopping first! I'll teach those two a lesson in the past. The guy who doesn't know how high the sky is..." As he said that, his figure flashed and disappeared directly...

"This guy is still the same! If you say go, go..." Tsunade and several women shook their heads helplessly.

"Forget it, since that guy is gone, I will also go back and correct the documents! Otherwise, it will accumulate more and more, so I will be busy!" Tsunade greeted the girls and returned to Hokage's office with mute. .As for the girls of Yuhi, they continued to hang out. They were very relieved about Sun Wukong's strength, and they didn't have to worry at all...

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