"Well? Such a beautiful girl, you two have made such a miserable situation!" Suddenly a voice sounded from not far away, but it was so startling that Feiduan and Jiao were both slightly startled, and turned their heads slightly at the same time. , looking at the figure that appeared beside the two Yumu people at some point, his pupils could not help shrinking, and at the same time he exclaimed: "Sun Wukong?!"

"This guy... actually came..." The thing that worried him the most finally appeared, and Jiao Du's complexion suddenly became extremely solemn.

"Haha~~ Monkey King! You guy actually appeared... Today, I will let you experience the horror of Lord Heretic God! Black haha~~" Compared with Jiaodu's solemnity, Feiduan seemed unexpected. Get excited.Sun Wukong is known as the strongest. If he kills him, he will be very fulfilled.

Sun Wukong didn't pay attention to the two, but squatted down and looked at the two Yumu people whose limbs were abolished and their chests were infected with scarlet blood. The signs of life were extremely weak, and their brows were slightly wrinkled, and their hearts could not help rising. A nameless anger, such a beautiful girl, it is unforgivable that this dude has such a heavy hand!

Fluorescence flashed in her hands, pouring it over the delicate bodies of the two Yumu people. In an instant, the scars on her body returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the blood and soil all over her body were purified. 's clean!

The two Yumu people, who were originally full of anger and were extremely messy, returned to their former beautiful appearances in an instant.

"This...this...this guy's healing ninjutsu...is so powerful?" Hiduan and Jiao both looked at the two Yuki people who stood up intact, their eyes widened in surprise, their expressions on their faces. , more dignified.

Possessing such terrifying healing ninjutsu, doesn't it mean that if he is seriously injured, he will recover in an instant?

"Who are you...?" The two Yumu people had already made up their minds about death, but they didn't expect such a savior to appear suddenly, and instantly heal her severely wounded, this instant transition between hell and heaven , which made her unable to react for a while.

"Sun Wukong...you can call me Wukong!" Sun Wukong said with a faint smile.

"Sun Wukong?!" The two Yumu people were slightly startled, and said with great surprise: "You are the Sun Wukong who is known as the strongest in the ninja world? Thank you very much for saving me!" The two Yumu people are extremely grateful He bowed to Sun Wukong, and immediately looked towards Jiao Du and Feiduan, his face became extraordinarily solemn: "Be careful, these two are members of the Xiao organization... They are both extremely powerful characters... especially It's the guy with the sickle, don't let him collect blood, or I will die, and I will suddenly be defeated by his secret technique..."

"Don't worry, the two scumbags, I haven't put them in my eyes yet..." Sun Wukong said with a faint smile: "You better step aside! They handed them over to me!"

The two Yumu people frowned slightly, but thinking of Sun Wukong's strongest identity, she didn't try to persuade them much. The strong all have their own dignity, so she had to step aside.

Seeing Sun Wukong looking towards them, Jiaodu and Feiduan were a little nervous.Although Fei Duan's words were arrogant, he is not a fool. He has a deep understanding of the power of Sun Wukong!If he can't collect the blood of the other party, he will only be abused.

"How did you know we were here?" Jiao Du looked solemn, looking at Sun Wukong, looking very puzzled.

"Haha~~ Actually, I have to thank you..." Sun Wukong said, looked over at Chao Feiduan, and said, "If you didn't say you wanted to kill me, I wouldn't have time to sense your existence, so There is no way to know what will happen here... Naturally, there is no way to rescue such a beautiful girl..."

After Jiaodu heard this, his heart suddenly became depressed, and he glared at Feiduan fiercely, his eyes were too obvious: It's all you bastard, don't you know that disaster comes from your mouth?

Chapter [-]: The Death of Jiaodu Feiduan

Originally, Sun Wukong didn't know about this matter. The world is so big that he couldn't pay attention to everything, but Feiduan just released Kuangyan and wanted to kill Sun Wukong. Who is Sun Wukong?That is the master of one dimension!Everything about him, as long as it is mentioned, will be known by his clear induction. This Fei Duan has murderous intentions towards him, and naturally he is clearly aware of it. Therefore, if you don't kill yourself, you won't will die!

In the original book, the two were captured by Feiduan and Jiaodu by the wooden man, so they were taken away by the tailed beast and died.But now, because of the appearance of Sun Wukong, her fate has changed.

"Why, didn't Yanyan want to kill me before? Why are you suddenly cowardly now!" Looking at Feiduan and Jiaodu, Sun Wukong looked indifferent.

"Humph! You are strong, we have to admit that, but we are not weak! Don't be too arrogant!" Feiduan was agitated by Sun Wukong's contemptuous words, and immediately roared, his feet a little on the ground, his hands The scythe slashed directly at Sun Wukong!

"You don't seem to have a long memory..." Sun Wukong looked at Feiduan, but shook his head lightly, slowly stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the scythe that slashed down with a flat expression...

"Not good!" Fei Duan's complexion suddenly changed greatly, which reminded him that the one who was created with the Elephant Turning Technique was so easily pinched by the opponent's weapon, and then instantly killed in seconds!

Under the shock, Feiduan just wanted to stabilize his body and pulled back, but how could he move faster than Sun Wukong?

The right hand that was slowly grabbed seemed unpleasant, but when Feiduan just thought of withdrawing and retreating, the scythe in his hand was already in his hand, and then, under his changed face, he clicked. With a sound, it was pinched and broken into several sections, leaving only a bare handle to hold in hand...


The broken scythe in his hand turned into a stream of light, and in an instant, Feiduan's head was cut down...

Looking at the body far away from him, Feiduan felt that this scene was so familiar...

Doesn't it mean that the same trick cannot be used a second time?what is happening?Fei Duan was instantly blinded, even if it was the main body, he was still instantly stunned... Such a gap is a bit big!If you can't even get close to your family, how can you talk about the next plan?

"It's so strong!" The two Yumu people not far away were shocked to see that the guy who almost killed her was just a face-to-face in front of Sun Wukong, or was he killed?

The headless corpse fell to the ground with a 'pop'...

Jiao Du was horrified when he saw it. Now he only has two lives left. This face-to-face encounter is like a second person, which makes people not dare to fight Sun Wukong again!He is a calm and rational ninja, knowing that the opponent is invincible, he naturally will not die in vain, and directly squeeze the seal of the instant body technique in his hand...

However, he still stood there, nothing happened...

"Why? The technique failed?!" Jiao Du's expression changed greatly, and he was terrified.

"Do you still want to escape in front of me? Is it possible?" Sun Wukong smiled lightly and flicked his fingers. In an instant, a cluster of small black flames bounced off Jiaodu's body...

"Bake~~" As soon as the black flames were stained on Jiaodu's body, in an instant, it spread all over his body, accompanied by a scream, and it was directly burned into nothingness...

In the face of absolute strength, everything is just an illusion.Powerful as a horn, in front of Sun Wukong, he is just an ant and has no resistance.

Feiduan, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, wanted to shout loudly to scare Sun Wukong, and proudly declared his immortality.But seeing this scene, he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to breathe.He didn't expect that Sun Wukong would be so terrifying. He used to clamor to kill others, but thinking about it now, it's ridiculous.

At this moment, he is lying on the ground quietly, holding his breath tightly, and pretending to be dead... I even moved my head, he shouldn't find out that I'm not dead yet, right?At this moment, Feiduan has been praying to the evil god he respects.

Because of the terrifying black flame, he felt the threat of death. That thing was a hundred times more terrifying than Itachi's Amaterasu. It took less than a second to burn all the horns in an instant, even if he had Immortal body, that has to be finished!

Now, Feiduan, I feel the real fear of Sun Wukong!Now, he finally understands why Gui Sha and Itachi are so afraid of Sun Wukong!I used to think foolishly that if I had an immortal body, a spell, and a dead man with blood, I would be able to shout at others. Now that I think about it, it's really fucking funny...

The two Yuki people on the side were shocked and speechless for a long time.Even though she was completely transformed into a beast, she couldn't defeat the two of them, but Sun Wukong solved it so easily!Doesn't this mean that this person's strength is far superior to that of a tailed beast?

"The strongest in the ninja world... No wonder he is called so by others... Only a strong man like him can have such a title..." The two Yukito exclaimed sincerely.

Coming to Sun Wukong's side, Yumu Ren's tone also became extremely respectful: "Master Wukong, I really appreciate your help this time, and now I have to go back to the village to report this matter to Master Raiying, if If possible, please go to Yunyin Village with me, so that I can thank you for your life-saving grace..."

"Is Yunyin Village?" Sun Wukong nodded lightly and said, "Okay, I'll be fine anyway, I'll accompany you to play." It seems that there are also two beautiful girls in Yunyin Village. .

"But before that, let's get rid of him first!" Sun Wukong said, but Feiduan's head walked over, and then he lightly mentioned it, and said lightly: "Hey! Why do you want to pretend to be dead? When? Did you want to kill my arrogance before?"

Flying without a sound...

"You really pretend to be dead! Forget it, since you are pretending to be dead, then I'll let you really die!" Sun Wukong smiled lightly, the black flames in his hands emerged, but Feiduan opened his eyes in fright. Exclaimed: "Wait! Wait! I'm just joking with you..."

"He... he's still alive?!" The two Yumu people looked at Feiduan's head and were able to speak, their eyes widened in shock, looking a little incredible.Rao is a well-informed woman, and this is the first time she has seen such a bizarre situation where only one head can speak.

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