
Fujitora smiled and seemed to feel it, his face changed slightly, and he flew back just a little under his feet...

It's a pity that his reaction is not fast enough, or the speed is slow by a line!

Although Whitebeard was still some distance away from him, the terrifying shock force instantly bombarded Fujitora Yisho!You know, this is the full blow of Whitebeard's sacrifice!

While groaning, Fujitora's body with a smile flew upside down!The left cheek was cracked, and the teeth flew out with blood in his mouth. That appearance was simply terrible!

However, the situation of Whitebeard is even worse. His feat of saving lives has forced himself into a dangerous situation!Aokiji, who had been waiting on the side for an opportunity, has already launched an attack!

The figure flashed, his hands touched the tall and burly body of Whitebeard, and the terrifying cold spread all the way, but in an instant, half of Whitebeard's body was frozen!

But at the same time, Whitebeard also roared, and the only fist that was not frozen was suddenly hammered out!Accompanied by ice chips, Aokiji's entire body flew upside down... At the same time, a mouthful of blood was spit out...

But the injury he suffered was worth it, because the white beard, who had frozen half of his body, temporarily lost the ability to move, and at the same time, he had just repulsed the green pheasant, and the Warring States period seized the opportunity!The terrifying beams that have been prepared for a long time are sprayed out of the mouth in an instant!

It turned into a golden streamer in the air and bombarded Whitebeard's body!


An earth-shattering roar resounded!The terrifying aftermath of the explosion turned into a semi-circular light wave and spread out!The ground is cracked!A good island, unable to withstand the continuous destruction, shattered open...


Ace and the others all let out a shrill and sad roar!Cold and terrifying killing intent radiates from everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates!That looks so moving!


Suddenly, a heroic laughter resounded, and in the dust, everyone suddenly saw a black shadow leap out, and with a bang, landed in front of Ace and Luffy!

Holding a knife in one hand, he stood straight like a pine tree!Although at this moment, his clothes are tattered and covered in blood, it looks very terrifying!However, the terrifying and fierce aura was shocking and terrifying!

Chapter [-] The Death of Whitebeard

"Listen to me! The Whitebeard Pirates..."

Without turning his head, Whitebeard yelled at Luffy and the others with a great momentum.It's just that the breath is a little dazzling and panting.


The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were all shocked. Looking at Whitebeard's stalwart back, a bad premonition rose in their hearts.

"Our purpose has been achieved... Now I want to give the last captain's order!"

"Finally? Wait! Dad!"

"Why do you say such unlucky words!"

"We're going back to the new world together!"

After listening to Whitebeard's words, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates changed their expressions and roared hoarsely.

"I'm going to say goodbye to you here... Everyone must survive and return to the new world safely! I don't want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person..." The white beard turned to look at the people behind him with a look of expression on his face. solemnly said loudly.

Whitebeard is very aware of his current condition. He is already old, and his injuries are so severe that he has run out of oil and dried up!The blow before the Warring States period shocked his internal organs so badly that they were almost displaced, and the two blood holes in his abdomen looked even more frightening!

Fortunately, this is not the world of "Death", otherwise others may mistake him for false!And it is still a wonderful species with two virtual holes.

"Father! Are you going to die here?"

If it was Whitebeard, yes, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were in disbelief, and panic appeared on the faces that were originally full of fighting spirit!

"I'm a remnant of the era, and there is no boat that carries me in the new era!" Whitebeard suddenly stepped on the ground, the muscles on his arms tensed and bulged, and with a bang, the fist under his fist was instantly like a cobweb. Spread the crack!The scale of this time is more terrifying and terrifying than ever before!

Because this is Whitebeard's dying blow!

"Let's go! Little ones!" With the roar of Whitebeard, the whole ground began to shake violently!The large stratum is cracked, and it is actually an endless crack gap!

The navy standing on the ground all screamed in horror and fell down...

Even the sky has become dark at this moment!The clouds are surging rapidly and shaking!

For a time, both the earth and the sky were shaking and trembling!Horrible sight!

The frozen sea began to crack, and the sky-shattering waves surged out of it. The originally dilapidated island finally began to crack and disintegrate a little bit. , a bottomless abyss crack suddenly cracked, the crack expanded little by little, and gradually separated towards the two sides...

But for a moment, the entire island was actually divided into two, and the navy and the pirates were divided!

Such means make all the people who are present show their faces in shock!

And Whitebeard stood alone in front of all the navy, behind the dark abyss crack, and more turbulent sea water poured into it, that scene, shocking and exciting!There is a great man in charge of the gate, and the momentum of ten thousand people is not open!

Warring States and the others looked ugly and solemn, but they didn't act rashly!Because they were indeed shocked by Whitebeard's aura!

A strong man with a determination to die, but the state at this moment makes them terrified!Because such an enemy is the most terrifying!If one does not do well, he will be pulled into the back by others!This is not fear of death, but being dragged into the water by a mortal person, it is not worth it.

Looking at Whitebeard's stalwart back, Ace and the others all cried bitterly!

And the green pheasant dragged the injured body, but directly jumped into the abyss crack, the terrifying cold surging, freezing the turbulent sea water!If you don't do this, the already broken island will probably be sunk into the sea by the terrifying waves!

"Marshal...now...what to do?"

Kisaragi looked at the Whitebeard Pirates who were leaving on the other side, frowning slightly, especially the figure standing proudly with a knife in front of them, making them afraid to suddenly step forward!I can only watch those pirates leave by boat...

Time passed, and the white beard standing proudly in front remained motionless. This strange situation made Warring States and others frown slightly, and finally found something wrong...

"Could it be that Whitebeard already..." Zhan Guo suddenly widened his eyes, looking at the figure standing proudly, his pupils suddenly widened, just about to confirm, suddenly a figure flashed in front of him, his face suddenly condensed: "Master Wukong, you This is?……"

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