"Is he still dead..." Sun Wukong didn't answer, but looked at the white beard who was still standing proudly and imposingly until he died, and he sighed a little.

The scars on Whitebeard's body were even more shocking.Although it is not as exaggerated as in the original work, he has been facing the siege of at least three generals. Although his injuries are not fatal each time, they are definitely not light!

He had been seriously injured before, and then suffered the full blow of the Warring States period, and then used his only remaining strength to directly split the entire island apart, winning the opportunity for the Whitebeard Pirates to escape, while himself. , but died of exhaustion unknowingly!

But even if he died, he still shocked the entire navy. Even Warring States and others did not dare to rush forward for a while. This kind of spirit is really admirable!

"Dead?" Huang Yuan and others were stunned for a moment, then shocked, and then inexplicably angry. They were shocked by a dead man and didn't dare to chase after them. With a white beard, this guy really deserves to be the strongest man in the past!

But then there is some inexplicable sadness. The death of such a person will always make people sigh...

"It seems that the war is over..." Warring States looked at the white-bearded group who had left, and shook his head helplessly: "Although Ace was not executed, but the white beard is left, which is not bad... "..." He didn't plan to go after him, because each of them was seriously injured, and in addition, the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors, also made them jealous...

"This kind of person can't be hastily, it's okay to hand over his body to me, right?" Sun Wukong looked at the Warring States and the others, and said lightly.

"This..." Kong suddenly looked embarrassed, but he didn't dare to refuse: "Let's do it with you! Although we are hostile, Whitebeard is indeed a respectable person, even if you don't say it. , we will also bury him thickly..."

Nodding his head, Sun Wukong glanced at Hancock, who was not far away, and said, "Hancock will no longer be Qiwuhai from now on, and Daughter Island will belong to my Monkey King from now on!"

Chapter [-] The Empress's Love

Some people are happy and some are sad about the death of Whitebeard!

It was naturally the commoners who rejoiced, as one of the Four Emperors, the death of Whitebeard.For those civilians, it is the happiest thing!After all, the Whitebeard Pirates are just pirates, and in the hearts of most people, pirates themselves represent evil.

The reason why so many people scolded the navy and belittled the navy before was just the residents of the Soap Bubble Islands!

They have always endured the exploitation and humiliation of the Tianlong people, and they cannot raise their heads to be human beings. Naturally, they have an indelible hatred and hatred for the navy and the people of Tianlong!

But the majority of the public still have their hearts on the navy.After all, the navy maintains order, crusades pirates, frightens pirates, and protects countless people and saves them from disasters.

As soon as Whitebeard died, the world of pirates naturally caused an uproar. The position of the Four Emperors was vacant, and countless ambitious pirates also became active!

At the same time, the name of Emperor Sun Wukong has reached the point that no one knows about it!

Because this is the person who stands outside the law and stands at the top of the world!His words and deeds!That is the law!His power is like a god!No one can control it!

The old age is gone, and the new age has come!

After leaving Marin Fando, Sun Wukong returned Whitebeard's corpse to the Whitebeard Pirates, making the Whitebeard Pirates grateful to Sun Wukong, but at the same time grieved for the death of Whitebeard, and Ace was even more in the dark. In deep regret...

In the original book, Luffy suffered the death of Ace, but now Ace did not die, but it was Ace who suffered!He believed that it was his recklessness that caused Whitebeard to lose his life!

It may take a while to get out of grief and remorse and get back on your feet.

And Luffy and his party, Sun Wukong handed them over to Rayleigh, with Rayleigh's means, enough to teach them!

But Sun Wukong took Hancock and headed for Daughter Island...

When Hancock went to Marinfando, due to the emergency, she did not bring the Nine Snake Pirates with her, so now, she is alone...

On the Emperor, there are only Sun Wukong and Hancock in the room of Sun Wukong.

Outside the door, Nami and the other women were all close to the door, listening carefully. As for what they were doing, there was no need to explain.

In the room, Hancock is now half-naked, with his back to Sun Wukong, his body is shaking slightly, showing unease and fear, but more anticipation and nervousness: "Wukong...you...really can ...remove the things on Aijia's back...?"

In the past, what she was most afraid of was others seeing the secret behind her, but in front of Sun Wukong, she was calm.

"Of course..." Sun Wukong looked at Hancock's nervous and expectant look, and smiled slightly. He also knew that the slave mark on his back was a pain in her life, and it was better to get rid of it for her sooner, so she was not here. Nonsense, lightly placed his hand between her delicate and smooth back, the gentle touch made Sun Wukong's heart sway slightly, then shook his head, removing the distracting thoughts in his heart, and lightly smeared on her back, that profound effect on Han. The dragon's hoof print on Cook's back disappeared instantly...

"It's alright..." Sun Wukong smiled slightly and retracted his hand.

However, Hancock turned his body slightly, looking at the mirror in front of him with fear and nervous anticipation...

The hoof prints that had been giving her nightmares had disappeared, but instead she had smooth and pink skin, leaving no trace of it, as if she had never had it before...

"It's gone... It's really gone..." Hancock trembled with a tender body, with an unbelievable look in his eyes, relief, relief, and excitement...

Because of this, she was able to show her inner excitement, and the tears could not stop flowing out. From this moment on, her nightmares disappeared...

For Sun Wukong, she didn't know how to express it, because she had never thanked anyone... but there were tears in her eyes, and she looked at Sun Wukong blankly...

It was he who wiped out the entire Celestial Dragon family for me. It was he who erased the humiliation behind him and rescued him from his daily nightmare... He was his savior...

In Hancock's heart, there was already the shadow of Sun Wukong, but at this moment, it completely occupied her heart... It's just that she doesn't know, what does this represent?She just felt her heartbeat speed up and her whole body was hot, making her feel that it was a little difficult to even breathe...

Damn it, this is so tempting and criminal...

Sun Wukong touched his nose, but fortunately we had good concentration and no nosebleeds, so I quickly got up and walked towards the door...

But as soon as I opened the door, I saw Nami and the other women doing everything they could, sitting on the seats as if nothing had happened, chatting about the sky...

"..." Sun Wukong looked speechless for a while, but he didn't care and smiled slightly. Their appearance also just showed that his status in the eyes of the girls was not right.

When Hancock walked out of the room with a blushing face, Nami and other women all cast a hostile look at her!

No way, who called her so beautiful.

"Why do everyone look at me like this... Is there something wrong with Aijia?" Looking at the hidden hostility in the eyes of the girls, Hancock smiled slightly, and in an instant, it was like a dream.

"Okay...so beautiful..." Nami and the other girls all flushed, and their hearts beat faster.

After she came back to her senses, Nami looked even more exaggerated: "My God! This woman is so evil... I'm a woman..."

"Indeed...it's really dangerous..." Robin's hand holding the book was a little unnatural, and he felt his heartbeat speed up slightly!

"This setting is a bit too much! Do you want to be so defiant?" Perona's blushing still did not fade away, she looked at Hancock, her eyes widened.

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