After the war, the world government also began a big purge!Especially the Soap Bubble Islands, they attach great importance to it. Because of the relationship between the Tianlong people, the auction house here will auction even the slaves. This has added a stain to the world government and even lost a lot of people's hearts. Therefore, The navy dispatched a large number of troops to carry out a major cleaning here!

Countless armies surrounded all the exits, and three generals personally executed it. This is great news for the residents of the island, because they no longer have to live the dark life of fear.

But the pirates on the island feel bad for everyone, especially those supernovas who temporarily live here, they have become the target of the navy!

Because long before the war began, countless naval warships had been stationed around the Soap Bubble Islands. These supernovas just wanted to leave, and they didn’t dare to act rashly for a while, so they could only hide in secret and look for opportunities to leave.

But who would have thought that the war had just ended, and the navy would start a big cleanup of the Soap Bubble Islands with thunderous means, which caught the supernovas by surprise...

This time, the pirates of the Soap Bubble Islands have suffered from blood mold for eight lifetimes, even the supernovas are no exception!Of the ten, six have been arrested.

Because the three generals of the navy who performed this task: Kizaru, Aokiji, and Fujitora smiled, the so-called supernova, in front of them, was still far away.

Now, the four people who have not been arrested are: Eustace Kidd, Basil Hawkins, Trafalgar Law, and Jenny Bonney.

But facing the three admirals, as well as the countless naval warships, and many pacifists, it seems that it is only a matter of time before they are arrested...

Because of Sun Wukong's relationship, the world government is very cautious in doing things now, even if it is a small matter, it is not enough to be careful, to ensure that nothing goes wrong!This also indirectly makes it impossible for their nemesis to be lucky.

In a jungle not far from the coast, Jenny Bonney looked at the figure blocking the front, and her expression became extremely dignified and ugly...

"So...are you going to capture it by yourself...or do you want the old man to do it yourself?" Fujitora smiled and lowered his head, his face was flat, the blind man seemed to be talking to himself.

"Damn it! It's obviously not that far..." A man behind Jenny Bonney looked at the coast not far away with a face full of unwillingness. When he looked at the person in front of him, his face was full of fear and tension. Even the hand holding the weapon was soaked with sweat: "It's Fujitora's smile... This is really over..."

"Your navy really looks down on us! To deal with such a small person like us, it is troublesome for a general like you to go out in person..." Jenny Bonney looked at Fujitora and smiled, although she was nervous, she still snorted coldly. .

"One of the eleven supernovas... I don't think you are just petty people... Although it's a bit of a bully..." Fujitora smiled calmly, but his hand had already touched the sword of the stick. handle.

"Then... the old man is saying once... are you going to capture it... or... do you want to try to resist?"

"Damn! I'm fighting with you!" A pirate finally couldn't bear the boundless pressure, his eyes were red, he roared, and with a knife he slashed at Fujitora with a smile...

"It chose the latter...there's really no way..." Fujitora smiled lightly, and with a light ding sound, the stick knife was touched by his thumb, revealing a section...

The air froze instantly, and the earth here trembled for it...

What followed was the extremely terrifying gravity, and then, with a loud bang, the pirate who came from the slashing fell heavily to the ground in an instant, smashing out a bottomless bolt. Terrible black hole is coming!


All the companions behind Jenny Bonnie gasped in shock. For them, this terrifying strength was simply not something that people should have. Kneeling to the ground, begging again and again: "Surrender! We surrender!"

In the face of absolute strength, they can only obey their fears and admit their powerlessness and weakness, because of resistance, there is only death!

"You..." Jenny Bonney looked at her companions and suddenly felt very disappointed, although their behavior was justifiable.

"Big sister... Surrender! The general's strength... is not something we can contend with..." A man looked at Jenny Bonney and persuaded kindly.

"Hmph! A bunch of useless bastards! The old lady won't surrender!" Jenny Bonney shouted angrily, but just a little bit under her feet, she attacked Fujitora with a smile...

Fujitora smiled and frowned slightly, holding the staff sword in both hands, but he jumped back, dodged away, and kept a certain distance from Jenny Bonney again...

"Huh?" Jenny Bonney looked at Fujitora with a smile, her face full of arrogance, full of ridicule: "I haven't even attacked yet, but I was scared, haha... You are an admiral of the navy, really Shame!"

"You don't need to be aggressive... Although I don't know what your ability is, I still know a little... You can make people younger or older... This is indeed a very tricky ability... But as long as you are with you If you keep a certain distance, I think you should be fine, right?" Fujitora smiled and held the sword in both hands, as if he would attack at will.

"You are so blind..." Jenny Bonney said, looking around, trying to find a space to escape, then picked up a large stone on the ground with a solemn expression: "Never mind, No matter whether it works or not, there is no other way, we can only fight!" Thinking to himself, he threw the stone in his hand into the distance...

Fujitora smiled and immediately turned his head to look over there, and at the foot of Jenny Bonney, at this moment, he actually jumped towards the coast on the other side...

"Although my eyes are blind...but my heart is not blind!" Fujitora shook his head with a smile, his dull aura instantly became extremely sharp, and then the sword in his hand was suddenly sold out, and a sword was slashed out!

There was a loud bang, and no sword energy was seen, but the ground cracked directly under his sword, and a shocking and terrifying crack came out!

Then, with a puff, the fleeing Jenny Bonnie suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew upside down. When he landed, he spit out a mouthful of blood from the boss again...

Chapter [-] Two rice buckets

With just one blow, Jenny Bonney's back was blurred with blood, and the terrifying wound was even more shocking.

If the internal organs are damaged, if this is not treated in time, there is a danger of death.

The attack power of Fujitora's smile was extremely terrifying, how could Jenny Bonny's body alone be able to resist it.If the other party didn't mean to take her life, it wouldn't be this level.

Jenny Bonney's ability is also very powerful in some respects, but in the face of such a general-level character, it is a bit underwhelming.

"I didn't expect the strength gap between the old lady and the generals to be so big... I really don't know how strong is the pervert who crushed a group of generals just by being domineering?" Jenny Bonney endured the huge pain, her face showing A wry smile.Thinking of Sun Wukong, I feel even more incredible.

"Take it down...Remember, use Hailoushi handcuffs to handcuff her..." Fujitora smiled and ordered the navy who was on standby not far away.

"Yes..." A group of marines saluted immediately, picked up the handcuffs and walked towards Jenny Bonney and her companions...

"Damn! The old lady was actually caught..." She struggled to stand up, but the pain and weakness made it impossible for Jenny Bonney to resist, so she could only accept the reality unwillingly and helplessly: "Could it be that the old lady The journey has just begun, is it about to end? I’m really unwilling!”

"If you're not willing... join my pirate group!"

A figure suddenly flashed out, looking at Jenny Bonney in front of him, but smiled slightly.

"It's you?!" Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Jenny Bonney's eyes widened in shock.

"Sun... Sun Wukong...!" And the navy was so frightened that their legs trembled, and then they sat down on the ground without any image, their faces full of horror.

And Fujitora on the side smiled, and his face changed greatly!

With a light wave of her hand, soft fluorescent light shone on Jenny Bonney's delicate body. In an instant, the wound on her back was restored to its original state, but her tender skin was exposed, but it made people feel a little crazy. a feeling of.

"Add... to join you... are you kidding me?" Although Jenny Bonney was shocked that her injury improved instantly, she was even more shocked by Sun Wukong's invitation!But at the same time, it also revealed a great surprise!

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