Who is Sun Wukong, that is recognized as the strongest in the world!none of them!Even the world government didn't dare to say a word in front of him. The current Monkey King, who is an idol worshipped by people all over the world, such an existence invited her to join his pirate group. Can she not be excited?

"I... never joke about business..." Sun Wukong looked serious.Turning around and looking at Fujitora with a smile: "Go back, these people, leave them to me!" Although the tone was flat, it was unquestionable.But he didn't plan to tease Fujitora again, because he didn't have that interest, it felt like bullying a child, but if he didn't know interest, it would be another matter.

"..." Fujitora smiled and looked at Sun Wukong without saying a word, feeling helpless and powerless, and then disappeared after a few flashes.

The navy has already understood some of Sun Wukong's temperament, so Fujitora smiled very clearly, if he dared to talk nonsense, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die, so he turned around and left very wisely!

Although it was a bit embarrassing, no one dared to make fun of him even if the rumors went out.Because this is a terrifying existence that even the entire world government can do with all its strength!He is no longer in the category of human beings, rumors say so...

"Follow me!" Sun Wukong said, looking at Jenny Bonny.

"Uh... the old lady hasn't promised you yet!" Jenny Bonny glared at Sun Wukong, a little unhappy about his self-assertion.But after she said the words, her back suddenly felt chills, and she suddenly remembered that this person is no longer the little famous pirate she dared to challenge before, but a terrifying existence that made the whole world fear and fear.

"You have no right to refuse...because...this is an order!" Sun Wukong said, the surrounding scene changed instantly, and they had come to an isolated island.

"This... this is?!" Jenny Bonney and the others all widened their eyes in shock.

"This is an isolated island, far away from the Soap Bubble Islands... I also rescued your companions for you, so, say goodbye to them..." Sun Wukong looked at Jenny Bonny and said.

"Hey! Did you listen to the old lady? Has the old lady promised you?" Jenny Bonny looked at Sun Wukong with a displeased expression. For some reason, she was in awe of Sun Wukong. Not a little bit of fear.

But seeing Sun Wukong's ignorance, Jenny Bonnie was helpless for a while, and said to the other companions beside her, "You see it too? My mother has already been targeted by this trafficker, so Bang Disband the Ni Pirates!"

Facing Sun Wukong and the rest of the Bonnie Pirates, they shivered even when they spoke. Sun Wukong fell in love with their captain and sister, and they couldn't resist at all, and they passed the desperate situation of death just now. They also figured it out clearly. Since the captain and sister have already made such a great character on the list, they should still be ordinary people. Pirates are too dangerous.

After the group said goodbye, Jenny Bonnie felt a little melancholy when looking at the back of her companion, but after seeing this war, she knew very well that with their group, going to the new world would be death. Since If so, it is better to disband sooner.

Packing up her mood, Jenny Bonney looked at Sun Wukong and said very seriously: "My mother put the words first, every meal my mother has to eat a lot of meat, fish or something doesn't matter, but there must be meat, you If you can't satisfy the appetite of the old lady, the old lady will be thrown out of the group!"

"It's okay... I can afford a hundred rice buckets like you!" Sun Wukong said, his mind moved, and he disappeared here with Jenny Bonny.

The next day, daughter island, restaurant.

Robin and the other women looked at the table, the two figures sitting cross-legged, devoured with no image, sweat on their foreheads.

There are at least dozens of plates stacked, but the two still have no intention of stopping...

Nami looked at Jenny Bonny with admiration on her face: "I didn't expect that there are such powerful women in this world besides Wukong..."

"Yeah! Now Wukong has found a company... Serving two rice buckets, Keya, you guys are busy now..."

Chapter [-]: The Attribution of Zhenzhen Fruit

The addition of Jenny Bonny is a happy thing for Sun Wukong, because from then on, someone will be drinking and eating meat with him!

It's just a meal, and Jenny Bonny's relationship with Sun Wukong is ironclad. It's a fight.

As for the addition of Jenny Bonney, Robin and the others were not surprised, because when they first met in the Soap Bubble Islands, they were already psychologically prepared.

On Daughter Island, on a wide meadow, Sun Wukong looked at the girls and said with a serious face: "Today I will teach you how to use domineering, but before that, we must first solve the problem of the ownership of the shocking fruit!"

As Sun Wukong said, he stretched out his right hand, and a Devil Fruit appeared in his hand.

When he returned Whitebeard's corpse to the Whitebeard Pirates, he had already taken the shaking fruit.After all, this is the shock fruit with the strongest attack power in the superhuman system.

"Zhenzhen...Fruit..." After seeing the Devil Fruit in Sun Wukong's hand, the girls sighed a little. After all, Whitebeard's death still made people feel a little regretful.

When Jenny Bonnie saw the Zhenzhen fruit, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she burst into tears, and then looked at Sun Wukong with great anticipation: "Wukong, give me this Zhenzhen fruit. !"

"You already have the ability of Devil Fruit, why do you still need to shake the fruit?" Nami immediately looked at Jenny Bonney in dissatisfaction: "Wei Wei and the others don't have any ability yet!"

"By the way... what is your relationship with Whitebeard?" Sun Wukong didn't answer directly, but asked Jenny Bonny curiously.

"The old lady has nothing to do with Whitebeard! I just admired him in the past..." Jenny Bonney stared at Sun Wukong.

"Forget it..." Sun Wukong shrugged indifferently.

He was still a little curious about Jenny Bonny's identity. After all, there were all kinds of speculations on the Internet before, some people said that she was the daughter of Whitebeard, and some people said that she was the daughter of Akainu!Although Akainu was killed by Sun Wukong!I have never seen others hostile to him as if they were the enemy who killed his father!

No matter what the truth is, since people didn't say it, Sun Wukong didn't bother to peep into her heart, so he threw the shocking fruit to Jenny Bonney.

Taking over the Zhenzhenguo, Jenny Bonney was a little dazed, looking at Sun Wukong in disbelief: "You...you really gave me such a precious devil fruit?"

She originally just expressed the desire in her heart, and did not expect Sun Wukong to really hand over the Zhenzhen fruit to her.Now that the Zhenzhen fruit is in hand, it feels a little unreal.

"Isn't most of the reason you joined the Emperor Pirates because of it?" Sun Wukong looked at Jenny Bonney with a smile on his face, and the deep eyes that could penetrate people's hearts made Jenny Bonney a little bit. She touched her head embarrassedly, she also has her own dreams and ambitions, otherwise she would not have created a pirate group by herself and went out to sea as a pirate.

After knowing that Sun Wukong has the ability to grab the fruit of others, she has already determined that the Zhenzhen fruit is in the hands of Sun Wukong, so she joined the Emperor Pirates.

Although it is not sincere, it is a purpose to join the Emperor Pirates, but Jenny Bonney also regards herself as a member of the Emperor Pirates. After all, she knows the horror of Sun Wukong, and naturally she does not dare. Do things that are imaginary and condescending.

However, since she had been drinking and eating meat with Sun Wukong like iron buddies, she also felt a sense of belonging.And when Sun Wukong threw the Zhenzhen fruit to her without hesitation, Jenny Bonny was moved for a while.

Even though she already knew her purpose, she still gave her the Zhenzhen fruit without hesitation. This trust really moved Jenny Bonney.

"Humph~~ No wonder so many women are willing to follow you. Your ability to buy people's hearts is really amazing! Even the old lady is moved by you..." Jenny Bonny looked at Sun Wukong, and then the very precious Jiang Zhen shook. Zhen Guo held in his hands, his face was full of excitement.

"That can't be helped! Among all the girls, you are the rudest one, so I personally feel that this shock fruit is the most suitable for you, so I gave it to you!" Sun Wukong looked at Jenny. Bonnie said with a serious face.

"Rude? Hmph~" Jenny Bonny glanced at Sun Wukong, snorted lightly, picked up a piece of barbecue in her hand, and bit it without any image, that look is indeed rude.

Seeing the appearance of Jenny Bonney, thinking of Zhenzhenguo's fighting methods, the girls thought about it, and they really felt that she was very suitable for Zhenzhenguo, so no one objected.

"But forget it, I already have the ability to fruit, this thing is a waste to me, you should take it and distribute it yourself!" Jenny Bonney finally handed the shock fruit to Sun Wukong.

"That's no use, I can give you the ability to have two kinds of fruits..." Sun Wukong is still quite satisfied with Jenny Bonny's actions. If she didn't say this, Sun Wukong would not really be shocked. Shake the fruit to her.After all, he doesn't like selfish people.

"Hey? Can I have two abilities?" Sun Wukong's words surprised Jenny Bonny.And Robin and the others didn't have much reaction. Their understanding of Sun Wukong, even if Sun Wukong said that he would destroy the world casually, they would believe it, because it was no surprise that he had already seen it.

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