"Your original ability is also very powerful! With the addition of the shock fruit, I am looking forward to your growth!" Sun Wukong said, picked up the shock fruit from Jenny Bonny's hand, and then surprised the girls Under his gaze, the Zhenzhen fruit turned into a little fluorescent decomposition and submerged into Jenny Bonney's body...

As time passed, Jenny Bonney finally felt an inexplicable force in her body, and then she squeezed her fist and punched it in front of her!

With a click, the atmosphere under the fist shattered instantly, spreading like a cobweb, and the sea in front instantly set off a huge wave, surging!

"Haha...Is this the power of the shaking fruit? It's really cool!" Jenny Bonney couldn't help laughing excitedly.Then pick up the barbecue on the left hand and bite down...

"A rude woman can't hurt!" Sun Wukong shook his head. He had seen many women of various personalities. People like Jenny Bonney actually had a different flavor.

Chapter [-]

"No matter how strong you are... If you want to become a real master in this world, then you must master domineering..."

On the grass, Sun Wukong stood in front of the girls, explaining in detail the knowledge and application of domineering...

Time also passed unknowingly, and soon three days passed like this...

And today, as usual, Sun Wukong personally trained Robin and the others...

Kemi went to Sun Wukong's side and asked, "Master Wukong, how long are we going to stay in this place?"

"Why, do you want to go back?" Sun Wukong glanced at Kemi in front of him.

"Yeah! It's been so long since I came out, and I want to go back and have a look!" Kemi said with a look of hope.

"Okay, we'll set off tomorrow..." Sun Wukong is also straightforward, he has also spent a lot of time on Daughter Island, and he also wants to go to Fishman Island to see it!

"Really? That's great!" Kemi was delighted after hearing this.

After practising today, at dinner, Sun Wukong said to Hancock opposite: "Tomorrow we will leave Daughter Island and go to Fishman Island for conversion, so prepare yourself!"

"Huh?!" Hancock's body froze when he heard it, and his face was a little ugly.He got up in a hurry and walked towards the inner hall: "I'm full..."

"Uh... why? This is? I don't think I said anything wrong, right?" Sun Wukong asked Kalifa beside him with an inexplicable face.

"En! I can tell from the words... there seems to be nothing wrong..." Kalifa gently lowered her glasses and said with a serious face: "But the problem seems to be the words you want to leave. superior……"

"What's wrong with these words?" Sun Wukong was a little puzzled, as if he had thought of something, but it was not very clear, and then he was too lazy to pay attention to it, and he drank and ate meat with Jenny Bonny to his heart's content...

Not long after dinner was over, a woman suddenly ran in in a panic, and said eagerly to Sun Wukong: "No... it's not good! Lord Wukong, Lord Snake Ji suddenly fell ill!"

"I'm sick? What kind of development is this? Wasn't it okay just now?"

"I don't know either. After eating just now, Lord Sheji kept clutching his chest and gasping for breath, as if in pain, and then suddenly fell down..."

"Well?" When Sun Wukong heard this, he seemed to understand a little: "It can't be that disease, right? By the way, didn't I just ask her to prepare? I'm going to take you away with me! This Hancock Could it be a misunderstanding?" Sun Wukong was suddenly speechless.

"Wukong, what are you dawdling about! Hurry up and see Hancock!" Nami and the other women dragged Sun Wukong and walked towards the inner hall...

When Sun Wukong and his party rushed to the palace where Hancock lived, they happened to see Granny Zha experimenting with Hancock.Whenever she recites a word of Monkey King, Hancock groans happily... The last pat on the forehead, full of helplessness: "Really... So it is... This hateful virus..."

"Zha, the concubine is so uncomfortable! Will the concubine die?" Hancock looked at the mother-in-law with a painful look on his face.

"Ah! I will die!" Granny said with a solemn expression.

"Don't make such a boring joke, you motherfucker!" Sundar Sonia on the side shouted immediately.

"She's not joking. If this disease is not cured, it will really lose her life!"

"Ah! It's Lord Wukong! Lord Wukong is here. Come and show Lord Snake Ji! What's wrong with her?" At this time, when Sun Wukong came in, all the sisters who were serving Snake Ji were all surrounded by them. He came over, his face full of urgency.

"Don't worry, with me here, Hancock will be fine!" Sun Wukong gave them a very positive answer, and after calming their minds, he walked into Hancock's side.

At this moment, Hancock is lying on the bed, his face is red, his hands are covering his heart and he is panting in pain...

"Hey~ what an injustice! Lord Wukong... Lord Snake Ji, this is..." When grandma saw Sun Wukong come in, just about to explain the situation, Sun Wukong waved his hand.Interrupted her: "You don't need to say more, I know what happened to Hancock..."

Saying that, he looked at Hancock and said helplessly: "Okay, you don't have to be sad, I already told you to prepare, which means that I won't leave you alone. You will leave with me too!"

"Huh? Wukong, is this true?" Snake Ji, who was originally in pain, immediately turned over and sat up, her pretty face flushed with surprises, and she still had the look of pain on her face just now.

"Enchantment, are you alright?" Snake Ji's appearance immediately surprised Sandasonia and the others.

"It really looks like this..." Zha Po looked helplessly at Snake Ji and Sun Wukong, and felt a headache for a while: "Master Wukong... Snake Ji is the emperor of Daughter Island... How can I go to sea with you... …”

"Hancock will be fine as long as he is by my side, why, do you want to watch her die?" Sun Wukong looked at the mother and said lightly.

"Uh...you're right...but..." Madam Zha wanted to argue, but she didn't know what to say.

"Hey! I said what the hell are you talking about? Can you make it clearer?" Nami said with a displeased expression.

"This is a disease unique to Daughter Island, and my ex died of this disease... I heard that my ex was also... In fact, I have suffered from the same disease before... Only after leaving Daughter Island did I save my life..." Serious face.

"Is it so serious? I think Hancock doesn't seem to have anything right now!" Nami looked at Hancock at the moment, and said suspiciously.

"That's the scary thing about this disease..."

"Okay, it's not as scary as you said..." Sun Wukong waved his hand lightly and said, "Isn't it just lovesickness, there's nothing left for me to leave..."

"A... lovesick?" Robin and the others were all surprised.Then their expressions became strange.

And Sandasonia and the others are even more stunned, the Snake Princess, who is like an iceberg, has lovesickness?

"Could it be that my elder sister is right... Master Wukong..." Sundar Sonia and the others have been scanning Hancock and Sun Wukong with their eyes. This shocking news feels like a dream.

"Since it's all right, let's go, Hancock, prepare yourself well, and leave with me tomorrow..."

"Yes! Since Wukong said so... no matter where... the concubine will go with you..."

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