Chapter [-] Potential Development

"Strange, the unpleasant feeling is gone...and suddenly I feel so happy...I...what's wrong with me?...I can't refuse Wukong at all...and suddenly agreed to leave with him..." Han Cook held his blushing face in his hands, where he was tangled and shy, not knowing what was wrong with him.

"Hancock, this is love!" Zhapo said with a serious face.


"You can do it! Even the most recognized beauty in the world has been attacked by you!" Robin crossed his chest with both hands, and lightly stabbed Sun Wukong next to him, squinting his eyes slightly.

Sun Wukong reported the smirk, and now it is the best choice not to say anything, because he can clearly sense the murderous aura around him.

"The pain of not being able to see the person you think about will make you weak to death in a short time. Although the previous generations of emperors met people they admired, because they are emperors, they can only bury this feeling in They stayed on the island from the bottom of their hearts, and soon they were exhausted physically and mentally by this pain and even took their lives..." Zhapo explained with a serious look.

Nami, who was on the side, snorted unhappily: "It's not as scary as you said, right? I also know something about lovesickness. It's not fatal, right?"

"Alas! What you said is only for ordinary people, but for the people of Daughter Island, lovesickness is a deadly virus. If you don't want to die, you can only leave Daughter Island and go with that man. the outside world..."

"In the end, the problem lies in this strange island, right?" Kalifa lowered her glasses with an expression like this.

"That's really a strange island... I'm a little interested..." Robin heard this, his eyes slightly brightened.

"But as the emperor of Daughter Island... If you all leave, then who will protect this country?" Zha Po looked at Sun Wukong and said with a serious face: "Although, now Daughter Island is already in Wukong. Under the name of the adult, no one should dare to find trouble in Daughters Island, but there are always some unsightly people in the world, so our Daughters Island must also have strong enough people to stay on the island to protect Daughters Island. It is!"

"I thought it was a big deal..." Sun Wukong curled his lips and looked at the two Snake Ji sisters: "Sandasonia, what kind of virtue is Marig... You two come here!"

"Master Wukong, it's Marigelde!" Marigelde even forgot his own name, expressing his dissatisfaction.

The two sisters both came to Sun Wukong and looked at him suspiciously: "Master Wukong, what do you want to do?"

"You two are too tall, squat down!"

"Uh, yes!" Although they didn't know what Sun Wukong was going to do, the two sisters of Snake Ji obediently knelt on one knee and lowered their heads.Their height is not much taller than Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong stretched out his hands and placed them directly on top of the two sisters' heads...

A little bit of fluorescent light instantly wrapped the two sisters' tall bodies, and then, an extremely powerful aura gradually emanated from the two women's bodies...

"This...this is?!" Feeling the increasing power in the body, the two Snake Ji sisters suddenly widened their eyes in shock...

"Their 'qi' is improving... Wukong actually has this ability?" Wei Wei looked surprised.

But after a while, the soaring breath also stopped, Sun Wukong also retracted his hands from the top of the two women's heads, and smiled lightly: "I have developed all the potential hidden in your body, now, the strength of the two of you It's barely on the same level as a naval admiral!"

"No...isn't it? Is it true or false?" Daughters Island's sisters widened their eyes in shock, even Robin and the others were surprised. It was the first time they saw it.

"This... this power... is so powerful! I... I feel... it seems to be true..." Sundarsonia's face flashed with excitement, and the speed was like teleportation. Instantly flashed from the window to the outside of the hall, and then in the wide eyes of the girls, a punch hit the ground with a loud bang, and the ground instantly sank into a huge pothole, and the cracks spread all the way... …

Not to be outdone, Marigold jumped down directly from the big curtain. With a 'bang', her tall and fat body hit the ground, and a huge pothole was also shaken out...

"'s amazing..." Margaret and the other women looked surprised and shocked.

"He...what an incredible person! He created two general-level characters at random..." Zha Po looked at Sun Wukong, her shocked eyes almost popped out: "I thought Margaret and the others were It's a bit exaggerated... Now it seems... he really has the terrifying power to subvert the world!"

"That, Goku... Although the strength of Sonia and the others has improved... but I don't know if there will be any side effects?" Hancock asked with a look of worry although he was very happy.

The other girls looked at Sun Wukong with concern.

"It won't have the slightest impact, I just developed all their hidden potentials, but if they want to break through again, it depends on their own efforts. As long as they break through the current limit, they will add new ones. potential!"

"Wukong! Why don't you use this ability for us? You want us to practice hard every day?" After being shocked, Nami immediately looked at Sun Wukong with a displeased face.

"I am letting you cultivate, and I am also developing your potential. Otherwise, you will never reach the height I want in your life!" Sun Wukong rarely became serious.

Nami immediately smiled embarrassedly and stopped talking.

It's just that the girls from Daughter Island are swarming up at this moment, surrounding Sun Wukong...

"Master Wukong! Develop my potential too!"

"I want it too! I want it too!"

"Master Wukong, I know you like to touch this place... As long as you help me develop my potential, you can touch it as you like..."

"Damn it! Are you letting me touch you, or are you touching me?"

In the squeeze of a dry girl, the unscrupulous Sun Wukong simply raised his flag and surrendered, and then one by one, they developed all their potentials without any trace!

However, everyone's potential is different. Basically, everyone's strength is only at the level of a lieutenant general, but the strength of more than a dozen lieutenant generals is already very good. In addition, the two snake sisters are generals. Strength, protecting the daughter island is no longer a problem.

One hundred and eighty-six chapters promise each other

"Margaret, Eflandella, you two go down and prepare, leave with us tomorrow, and the others will stay on the island to protect Daughter Island!"

"Huh?!" Hearing Sun Wukong's words, the second daughter of Margaret was overjoyed, and her face was full of excitement: "Understood, Lord Wukong, we will prepare immediately..."

But when the two girls were about to turn away excitedly, Sun Wukong added another sentence: "Also, those two snakes are not allowed to be brought together..."

"Hey! Is that so?" The excited expressions of the two Margaret girls instantly showed a look of disappointment.

The residents of Daughter Island carry a snake on their body, which has become a habit and custom. Snakes are not only pets, but also indispensable weapons.They have been with them all the time, but suddenly they have to separate, and they are naturally reluctant, because the snake has become their reluctant companion.

As for the truth of why each inhabitant of Daughters Island has to carry a snake with them, don't think about it wrongly, because we are all pure people, pure people will not think about evil...

"Okay, let everyone else leave! Santa Sonja and Marigold stay!" Sun Wukong waved his hand and issued an order to evict the guests.

Originally, the other sisters wanted to try to leave with Sun Wukong and the others, but after seeing Sun Wukong's performance at this time, she knew there was no drama, so they all left with disappointment on their faces. The eyes of the second daughter of Della are called envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Hey! You guys, keep the three Snake Ji sisters and cut us all away, what are you trying to do?" Nami looked at Sun Wukong suspiciously at this time.

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