"You take care of me! Kalifa, take her away!" Sun Wukong gave Nami a blank look. The other sisters were very obedient, but Nami had the most problems.

"Let's go! As a woman, jealousy is a big taboo, don't forget!" Kalifa looked at Nami with a serious face, and then pulled her out...

"Uh, Lord Wukong, is there anything else you told us to stay?" Everyone else left, and the two Snake Ji sisters stood in front of Sun Wukong, a little nervous and a little scared. After all, Sun Wukong is 'famous'!If it were another ordinary woman, I am afraid that Hua Rong would have been frightened at this moment, and the nickname of human traffickers is not for nothing.

Looking at the tangled expressions of the second daughter, Sun Wukong was speechless for a while, damn it, don't even look at the way you look, brother's taste is not so heavy!

Of course, this can't be said, otherwise it would be too hurtful.

"Okay, there are no outsiders here. Turn your backs to me, take off your shirts! I'll erase the slave mark on your back for you!"

"Huh?!" The Snake Ji two sisters listened, their eyes widened in shock, why did he know this?Did my sister even tell him such a thing?

And... Erase the Slave... Mark?Is this really possible?In shock, the hearts of the two sisters trembled inexplicably.

Thinking of the terrifying memory, Santasonia cried out in pain while holding her head. It looked like she was going crazy, showing how much damage the slave mark had done to them.

"Santa Sonja... Calm down... the matter has passed..." Marie Groud hurriedly comforted Marie Groud, and then looked over at Sun Wukong full of excitement: "Master Wukong... You... Is it true?"

Sun Wukong didn't answer, but Hancock on the side had tears in his eyes, and nodded excitedly: "Mary Groud, Santa Sonja, what Wukong said is true...because, the concubine's slave mark It's been wiped out by him!"

With that said, Hancock turned his back to the two girls, untied his clothes, and turned his long hair to one side, revealing his white and smooth back...

"Really... gone..." The pupils of the two sisters shrank, and then they were all shaking with excitement, that was excited, that was... excited!

Before I knew it, the two girls burst into tears...

No wonder my sister fell in love with him. He not only killed the entire Tianlong people for her sister, but also erased the slave mark behind her. This kind of kindness, even them, will be deeply moved...

Because it means so much to them!It is tantamount to redemption, tantamount to giving them a new life!

With their backs to Sun Wukong, the two sisters both shook their hands, took off their clothes, and then knelt down, because they were too tall, and for a moment, the imprint of shame on their backs, which they regarded as an indelible mark of a lifetime, appeared. in front of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong gently wiped the slave mark on everyone's back, and the slave mark that gave them infinite pain disappeared like this!

"Already!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly and withdrew his hand.

The two sisters immediately turned their backs to the mirror and looked...

"Really... gone..." For a time, the two women were shaking and shaking with excitement, hugging each other tightly, weeping bitterly, tears welling up!At this moment, their feelings can no longer be expressed in words!From now on, I can finally stop worrying and be on guard everywhere...

And Hancock also covered his forehead with one hand, covered his eyes, and cried silently...

After they reacted from their joyful crying, Marie Groud excitedly pressed Sun Wukong to the floor. The fat and huge body was pressed on Sun Wukong's body, and there was no gap at all... …

"Master Wukong! Thank you so much... This kind of kindness is really unreturnable! Let us sisters promise each other!" Marie Groud was very excited and pressed on Sun Wukong. That appearance, teach you What is the real reverse push method...

"Don't!" Sun Wukong was suddenly taken aback, his figure flashed, and he instantly appeared behind Hancock, hugged her tightly, and sought protection: "Quick! Block me! Your two My sister is so cruel!"

Well, however, Hancock was half naked at this time, and Sun Wukong was hugging her from behind. You know that feeling... And he glanced forward, the perfect shape, he almost didn't spit out a nosebleed... ...the temptation is too great!

Suddenly being hugged tightly by the person he likes, Hancock instantly showed a state of deep intoxication, and he almost fainted without happiness.But he still held on to his body and said to his two younger sisters with a serious face: "Mary Groud, Sandasonia, you two are so rude!"

"Ah! I'm sorry, sister!" The second sister Snake Ji came back to her senses when she heard Hancock's sweet drink, with an expression like I was wrong. This is my sister's sweetheart.

"Cough! Since it's all right! Then, I'll go out first!" Although he was a little reluctant to Hancock's tender and tender body, Sun Wukong also knew that the three sisters at this moment should have a lot to say. , therefore, wisely left here...

Chapter [-] Under the Sea

The next day, before leaving, Sun Wukong cast a huge barrier on the entire daughter island, even the part of the seabed is no exception!In this way, Daughter Island is considered to be in absolute safety.Only the residents of Daughter Island are allowed to enter and exit safely, and outsiders will be injured if they touch the barrier.

This is also for Hancock to be absolutely at ease and to leave with them in peace.

Under the reluctance of the entire Daughter Island residents, Sun Wukong and his party left Daughter Island on the Emperor, and the Emperor Pirates also added three more people: Hancock, Margaret, and Everland. pull.

The second sister Snake Ji and other members of the Nine Snake Pirates stayed behind to protect the daughter island and maintain the order of the daughter island.

Margaret and Eflandra followed Hancock as attendants. After all, as the emperor of Daughter Island, Hancock was naturally surrounded by people who served her.

For the two who left Daughter Island for the first time, obviously, they were very excited...

On the deck, Tina looked at the surrounding sea area and said, "Just here, Master?"


When Tina heard the words, she tapped her hand on the edge of the boat, and a transparent barrier instantly enveloped the entire Imperial ship: "Everyone, get ready! We're going down..."

"Go down from here? This is a windless zone, and the seabed is the nest of the sea kings...Is it too dangerous?" Margaret reminded immediately.

"It's okay..." Sun Wukong smiled indifferently.

And Tina has controlled the Emperor to sink slowly, but in a short time, it has completely sunk to the bottom of the sea...

"Lord Snake Princess...this..." Margaret was obviously very worried about Sun Wukong's actions.

"Don't worry! Wukong's decision is absolutely not wrong!" Hancock is a face of affirmation, looking at Sun Wukong's eyes, it is completely blind trust and worship.

Margaret's two daughters are speechless...

"By the way, Hancock, come here!" Sun Wukong seemed to think of something and looked at Hancock beside him.

"Wukong, what's the matter? Are you hungry? My concubine is going to prepare something for you right away..."

"Isn't that..." Sun Wukong was still very useful to Hancock's caring treatment. He took the initiative to come to her side, stretched out one hand, and the fluorescent light on it flashed on Hancock's body, piercing her body. All the negative substances in the corpse were purified: "Okay! Now you no longer have the weakness of a capable person... It is also a lot more convenient to go to Fishman Island..."

"Uh~ what did you just do?" Hancock blushed slightly, still in doubt, the feeling just now was very comfortable, and she was a little intoxicated.

"Goku has just purified the weakness of the capable person, that is to say, you are no longer afraid of sea water and sea rock!" Kalifa explained with a serious look.

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