"Really? Wukong actually has such an ability?" Hancock's face was full of surprise. This is of great significance to those who are capable.

"Wow! So many... Sea Kings!"

However, at this moment, Kemi suddenly screamed in fear!

The girls looked forward and were all slightly startled, only to see countless huge sea kings floating in front of them, and the countless tentacles were floating in the water, making people feel a little scalp numb!

Here, it is like a lair of the sea kings!The two daughters Margaret and Eflandera were even more pale, and they were ready to defend themselves nervously...

And when the group of sea kings found that their prey was approaching, they all launched an attack restlessly...

Countless tentacles swept towards the Emperor, causing the sea to tumble, causing countless splashes, and the originally clear vision became completely blurred...

Laqi frowned slightly, tentacles or something, the most annoying, and with a wave of her hand, an extremely terrifying thunder light lased out!

At this moment, the thunder light trembled, and one after another terrifying thunder light spread to the surrounding area in an instant, hitting the sea area here, no terrible roar resounded, everything was so silent, and then, in the countless sea kings shrill roars In the sound, it suddenly stopped!

The sea kings that had come from the fierce attack were all still, and then they sank to the bottom of the sea powerlessly... provoking countless waves and bubbles!

Because this area is the nest of sea kings, so not many marine creatures suffer...


Seeing that the countless sea kings were all killed by Laqiyi, Margaret exclaimed in shock.

Even Hancock looked at Raqi with a surprised face!

"Haha...it's not that exaggerated..." Laqi was a little embarrassed by the girls, and explained: "I eat the thunderbolt fruit, which can control thunder and lightning at will, so it is only in this sea that there is such a thing. Effect……"

Thunder can conduct electricity, and when it is cast in this sea, the range of this attack is naturally very terrifying, because in the sea, there is no way to hide!

With one move, all the sea kings of this generation were solved, and Laqi also set a terrible record.

Of course, most of the sea kings did not die, they were just paralyzed by electricity and temporarily lost the ability to move...

Taking advantage of this gap, the Emperor shuttled through the sea at an astonishing speed, sneaking in the direction of the Fishman Island...

When they got out of the windless zone and came to another sea area, all the girls were attracted by the fish swimming around outside!

I have to say, the view is really beautiful!More real and exciting than visiting the Sea Life Museum...

Even Jenny Bonney took a huge piece of barbecue each, took a bite on the left, and tore a piece on the right, sitting on the plywood and enjoying the wonders of the ocean with the girls...

Perona, who has been huddled in her haunted house, also showed her face once, admiring it with the girls...

Others are sneaking under the sea, always worried and fearful, and cautious, but Sun Wukong and his party are so relaxed and comfortable...

Unconsciously, the surrounding sea suddenly became turbulent, and when I looked around, I saw an incredible stream of water flowing straight down...

"Then... what is that? It's incredible... in the bottom of the sea... there is actually a current flowing from top to bottom? It's like a huge waterfall on the bottom of the sea!" Ke Ya looked ahead, suddenly shocked exclaimed.

"This is... Downstream, plume!" Nami said with a look of surprise.

"This is the downdraft at the bottom of the sea... Is it a plume? It's the first time Aijia has seen it..." Hancock was also amazed.

"So there is such an incredible thing in the world! The outside world is really amazing..." Margaret looked excited.

"It's an astonishing giant current! It should be several hundred meters in diameter, right? Nature is really amazing!" Robin also said with a look of amazement.

"But there is a strong 'qi' underneath, could it be a sea king?" Lasha looked down and saw a pair of huge green pupils...

One hundred and eighty-eighth octopus island

As the girls all looked to the bottom of the sea, they found that there were huge blisters floating upward from time to time, and there were even countless shipwrecks and corpses floating around...

Then, I saw a huge black shadow getting closer and closer, and finally, a huge octopus-like sea king appeared in front of everyone!

"It's so big..." When Kemi saw this huge and outrageous terrifying sea king, his eyes were about to bulge out of shock, and Sun Wukong was a little helpless with that appearance.

However, this sea king is a bit exaggerated. In front of the big emperor, it is as big as an adult and a baby!

"Such a big sea king... It's the first time Aijia has seen it! There are seven or eight broken pirate ships in its tentacles! It seems that it is the pirate ship that it has sunk recently..." Han Ku Ke's expression became unusually serious, because this sea king is obviously different from other sea kings, this is simply the king of a sea king!

Sun Wukong looked at the sea king in front of him. In his memory, Luffy and the others seemed to have encountered a similar sea king when they saw the plume, but this one was obviously not the one that Luffy and the others encountered in the original book.

Because the skin of this one is darker, and the location is different.

This sea area is not far from the windless belt of Daughters Island, and the windless belt is the nest of the sea kings. There is such a terrible sea king in the sea area not far from the windless belt, and it is not enough. Surprising.

"Such a big sea king... What if the Emperor is sunk by it?" Evlandella looked nervous, even a little scared, she can't blame her, after all, this sea king does look like a shocker Full of power.

"Don't be nervous, it's absolutely safe to stay in the Emperor!" Nami looked at Alflandera, but smiled slightly.Appears very calm.But Sun Wukong knew that if this was an ordinary ship, the first one to scream would be Nami.

At this moment, countless terrifying tentacles have completely covered the Emperor, and it seems that as long as it shrinks like that, the entire Emperor may be crushed...

"Hum~ You dare to attack me, they are not comparable to those broken ships!" Tina hummed, a light band like a sharp sword suddenly appeared around the Emperor, and the speed suddenly accelerated, with a swoosh, In the screams of Margaret and the others, they collided directly towards the unbelievably large sea king...


A roar like a beast came from the mouth of the sea king, and there was a strong disdain in the green pupils!

From its point of view, that little boat, even dared to rush towards him without his own strength, is simply asking for his own dead end!Watch me smash her to pieces!

Thinking about it, the huge tentacles turned into a terrifying giant whip and whipped away towards the rushing Emperor...

With a loud bang, like the overturning of mountains and seas, the entire sea area was shaken, causing waves and blisters in the sky...

Accompanied by the blood mist and the shrill roar, the moment when the giant tentacles came into contact with the Emperor, they were hit with blood and blood, and then broke off...

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