"They made Wukong angry... Maybe they will be locked in a small black room and play bad!" Robin turned on the black belly mode again at this moment.

"Huh?! My friends are going to be ruined by Lord Wukong? Oh my God! Don't!" Kemi immediately screamed in shock, his eyes were so wide that he even stuck his tongue out.

"No! Help! I don't want to be ruined by playing!"

When the mermaids heard this, they were so frightened that they trembled all over.

"Robin, it's this time, don't say such scary words!" Wei Wei looked at Robin helplessly.

"I'm not joking! If you don't persuade you, maybe you'll be locked in the little dark room!" Robin said with a smile on his face.

"Uh..." Ke Ya was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Sun Wukong, based on her understanding of Sun Wukong, maybe this is the case, she stepped forward helplessly: "Okay, Wukong, they are almost scared by you. If they are broken, please forgive them!"

Sun Wukong looked at the mermaids shivering, their faces turned pale, and even two of them were directly stunned. Feeling a little embarrassed, he waved his hand and said, "Margaret, Evlandella, Let them go!"

"Yes!" The two girls breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Sun Wukong's words, and immediately put all the mermaids they caught into the pool.

It's just that these mermaids have been frightened and weak, and have no courage to run away!Because they are afraid that if they run away, they will anger others, so what if they are really taken back and steamed and swollen?The foodie in front of them who was nibbling on the barbecue from time to time made their scalps go numb.

"I'm sorry, everyone, in fact, Lord Wukong is joking with you. He is a good person and won't catch you!" Seeing that Sun Wukong had released the mermaids, Kemi was immediately relieved, ran forward, and explained.

"Ke... a joke? People don't think it's a joke..." A courageous mermaid immediately said weakly.

It really frightened them just now, especially Jenny Bonney's sentence 'Steamed or braised', which scared them from head to toe.

"I'm scared! I want to catch you, who can stop me in this world?" Sun Wukong gave the mermaids a blank look, waved his hand lightly, and a breeze passed by, making them recover from their panic and fainted. The mermaid of the past also woke up.

"Don't call me a human trafficker in the future, otherwise I will really arrest you all..." Sun Wukong glared at them again: "My brother hates people calling me traffickers the most! tnnd, I have never kidnapped a person. !"

"Yes... I'm sorry..." Seeing that Sun Wukong was really just frightening them, the mermaids breathed a long sigh of relief. Did they really misunderstand them?

Although there are some doubts in their hearts, the mermaids are still vigilant, there is no way, they scared them too much just now!

"It's you who trespassed on Fishman Island and still want to capture our people? Damn pirates are so bold! The Neptune Army listened to orders and arrested them all!"

But at this moment, a loud shout came from afar, and Sun Wukong turned his head to look, but found that a group of murlocs was rushing towards here in the distance...

Chapter [-] Mrs. Charlie

"That...that's...ah~ it's the princes...why...why are the princes here?" After the shock, the mermaids were overjoyed, and all looked at the three in front of them with crazy faces. The third prince of Neptune, who took the lead, had heart-shaped eyes.

"Yo, girls in Ijiang, don't be afraid! We will definitely defeat these abominable illegal immigrants and save you!" The eldest prince Shenxing (also called Shaoxing) comforted the mermaids, and then turned his eyes to Sun Wukong Looking at the past, his eyes were full of anger: "Abominable human beings, even if they entered the country illegally, they still want to capture the residents of our country. It's an unforgivable crime! Ammonite team..."

"Yes!" As the words of the eldest prince Shenxing just fell, a group of mermaid soldiers behind him charged towards Sun Wukong with steel forks in their hands...

"You lowly murlocs, how dare you be so disrespectful to Wukong! It's so rude, and all of you will step down for the Ai family!"

At this moment, Hancock suddenly blocked in front of Sun Wukong, and his slender hands scolded the murloc soldiers who rushed over!

"Wow! It's so beautiful... I'm so sorry... We are so rude! I'm so sorry for scaring you..." The moment the group of murloc soldiers saw Hancock, their bodies instantly froze, and then Qi Qi's eyes were full of red hearts, and she apologized and stepped aside...

"You...you..." Shen Xing was furious when he saw the unbearable appearance of his subordinates, but the moment he saw Hancock, his old face turned red, and he was known for his calmness. .

"Okay...a beautiful human woman...too...so beautiful...mi... trembling... hee duo!" The second prince Long Xing looked at Hancock with a blank face, his face flushed, and he even rapped. His voice was a bit unpleasant.

"I...I..." As for the third prince Manxing, he was too excited to speak.

"This kind of charm... Could it be..." The eldest prince Shen Xing seemed to have thought of something, his pupils suddenly shrank, he hurriedly took out a newspaper, and after flipping through a few sheets, he looked at Hancock, and his whole body suddenly froze. Trembling: "Pirate Empress...Boya Hancock..."

"Then...then he is..." Shen Xing suddenly looked at Sun Wukong, and took out a newspaper from his hand. In an instant, he took a breath, and instantly went cold from head to toe: "Emperor... ... Sun... Wukong... how could... he... actually... came to... we... Fishman Island?!"

"Huh?! He... he is... Emperor Sun Wukong?!" Man Xing stared at the newspaper in Shen Xing's hands, his eyes widened in shock, and he was so frightened that he stepped back several steps, with a click, very quiet. Image of a butt sitting on the ground.

This can't blame him for being timid. With Sun Wukong's current reputation, even if the Four Emperors saw him, they would be scared into a cold sweat.

"Master Wukong, I'm really sorry... I didn't recognize you right away, I'm sorry, please bear with me, it's my honor to be a guest on Fishman Island, I don't know if you can come to our Dragon Palace City as a guest to show our negligence. place!"

Shen Xing immediately bowed deeply to Sun Wukong, and his attitude changed [-] degrees!Because Shen Xing is very clear, if they anger the disaster star in front of them, the whole fish-man island will probably be destroyed in an instant!

"No, we have just come to Fishman Island. There are still many places we want to see. We will not go to Dragon Palace for the time being." Sun Wukong waved his hand to refuse. place.

"This... that's really a pity! But when you want to come, we are always waiting for you!" Shen Xing looked regretful, but he was inexplicably relieved. Standing in front of Sun Wukong, the pressure was really high. too big.

After he finished speaking, he looked towards Kemi: "You brought Master Wukong, then, it's up to you to take them to see the whole fish-man island!"

Shen Xing was very smart and knew that Sun Wukong was surrounded by women, so he didn't volunteer to be a tour guide.After saying a bunch of polite words, they left!Because they had to go back and report the matter to their father, the appearance of Sun Wukong, it was a shocking event!

Looking at the backs of the three princes leaving, the mermaids also looked at Sun Wukong with adoring eyes: "It's amazing! Even His Royal Highness is so respectful to him..."

"That's right...don't mention the name of other people's trafficker...Emperor Sun Wukong...that's really an amazing person...I heard that even the whole world government dare not take him what to do..."

"We didn't get caught by him...it's great..."

Looking at the mermaids, Sun Wukong shook his head and looked at Kemi: "Kemi, is there a restaurant here? We haven't even had breakfast yet!"

"Yeah~ I know there's a mermaid coffee shop not far from here! I used to work there too..." Then he pointed to the mermaids beside him and said, "They too!"

"Mermaid coffee shop?" Sun Wukong listened, suddenly remembered the mermaid who could predict the future, and nodded immediately: "Okay, let's lead the way!"

"Are you going to the mermaid coffee shop? Just in time, we are almost at work, let's take you there!" A group of mermaids also dared to swim over at this moment.

"Lead the way!"

Not long after, Sun Wukong and his party followed the mermaids to a coffee shop.Along the way, I saw a lot of humans.Whether it's a human or a murloc, everyone looks at them with astonishing eyes. After all, a large group of girls attracts attention everywhere, not to mention the scene where a large group of girls is surrounded by a man, that is very annoying. envious and jealous.

"Welcome, Lord Wukong, everyone please come in..."

"Mrs. Charlie, we have brought you many distinguished guests!"

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