Originally a very clean coffee shop, as soon as Sun Wukong and his party entered, it immediately became lively.

"Yo! You guys came so early... Hey, isn't this Kemi? When did you come back?" At this moment, a mermaid who was much bigger than any mermaid here floated out.

She has a pair of glamorous blue eyes, wearing a hooded top and holding a cigarette pipe, she looks very mature and charming; her lower body is the characteristics of a mermaid, very similar to a dolphin tail, but the tail fin is a meniscus!The whole person looks calm and dignified, like a mature and sexy beautiful woman.

"It really is her..." After Sun Wukong saw this woman, he immediately rubbed his chin.In other words, this is Aaron's sister, and Aaron has been killed by Sun Wukong.

Chapter [-]: Charlie's Prophecy

"Welcome... I didn't expect so many human girls to come at once..." Mrs. Charlie looked at Robin and the other girls and smiled, the surprise in her eyes flashed away, and at the same time she felt each and everyone in front of her. The beautiful face is so familiar?

But when she saw Sun Wukong, a flash of light flashed in her mind, she hurriedly took out a newspaper, looked at the Sun Wukong in front of her, and her eyes suddenly widened: "Emperor...Emperor...Monkey King?!"

"I won't eat you again, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Sun Wukong looked at Madam Xia Li angrily.Her fearful and flustered eyes made Sun Wukong very depressed.Well, even this dignified and mature Mrs. Charlie was frightened by his 'reputation'!

"It's... I'm sorry... A big man like you can come to the store... It's an honor for me... Isli, hurry up and bring the best pastries and coffee, I'll treat you..." Charlie After the lady was shocked, she immediately reacted and hurriedly called the mermaids in the store to work.Then she herself looked at Sun Wukong with great curiosity.

"I see curiosity in your eyes, let's talk about it! We just met for the first time, right? What do I have to be curious about?" Sun Wukong looked at Madam Xia Li and said calmly.There are many girls around, even if you are stared at by beautiful women all the time, there is no pressure.

"Uh... I'm sorry... I'm rude!" Mrs. Xia Li's face turned slightly red, realizing that it was inappropriate for her to stare at a man like this, she immediately retracted her gaze, cleared her mood, and said, "I'm just curious, What kind of person are you... I can say that the accuracy of my divination predictions is as high as 100%, but I can't predict the slightest information about you and your Emperor Pirates..."

"You still divination? Is the accuracy still 100%? Really or not?" Nami looked at Madam Charlie in surprise.

"Really! Madam Xia Li had predicted the coming of the era of the Great Pirate when she was a child... and even predicted the fall of Whitebeard before the 'big event' happened... The things she predicted by divination had never happened. Failed..." A mermaid with a dignified coffee came to Sun Wukong and the others, filled them up, and explained with a serious face.Looking at Madam Xia Li's eyes were full of respect and admiration.

"It's so powerful? Then you can give us a guess!" After Nami and the other girls were surprised, they all became interested in Mrs. Charlie's divination.

"I'm sorry... because I have foreseen unfortunate things many times... so I don't plan to do divination..." Mrs. Charlie shook her head and said, "And I've already said it... I made a fortune for you before. , but I can't count any information about you..."

"Really?" All the girls looked at Sun Wukong in unison.

"If you can figure out what happened to me, then you are really awesome!" Sun Wukong picked up the coffee that Wei Wei prepared for him, took a sip, and said lightly.

"Listen to your tone... Could it be that you covered up the secrets yourself? You really are a very scary person..." Xia Li looked at Sun Wukong with a solemn expression, feeling her heart skip a beat.It's okay if she doesn't touch, but when she touches it, Sun Wukong gives her an inexplicable heart palpitations and panic!

"Haha...that's as evil as you said..." Sun Wukong laughed and said, "Speaking of which, I'm also very interested in your divination, or else, you're calculating a fortune to see the future meeting of Fishman Island. how is it?"

"This..." Xia Li's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled slightly, and she hesitated.

"Maybe Fishman Island will be destroyed... Maybe..." Sun Wukong added casually.

Mrs. Xia Li's pupils shrank suddenly, her brows were slightly wrinkled and she looked at Sun Wukong, and then nodded solemnly: "Since you have said so, then I will make an exception..." Go to your room...

"Wukong, will Fishman Island really be destroyed?" After Mrs. Charlie left, Robin looked at Sun Wukong very seriously.Because these words came from the mouth of Sun Wukong, but she was very concerned about it.

"Look at her divination skills..." Sun Wukong smiled faintly. Just now he peeped a little into the future, and the result was very interesting...

Hearing what Sun Wukong said, Robin had to stop mentioning it for the time being.

After a while, Mrs. Charlie came to the hall with a crystal ball...

"I will divination now... So please try to be as quiet as possible..." Madam Xia Li gave a very serious order, put the crystal ball on top of her head, and began to divination...

As time passed, a series of pictures appeared in the crystal ball, reflected in Mrs. Xia Li's mind... And Mrs. Xia Li's face turned pale instantly, she covered her head with her hands, and let out a painful low voice!

The boundless fire spreads across the fish-man island...

There are corpses everywhere, and there are shrill and desperate screams everywhere...

A figure was scattered across the field, looking up to the sky with a long smile, and his face was crazy and distorted!

A huge and terrifying shadow of a ship descended from the sky!The protective layer of the fish-man island was destroyed, and the fish-man island of Nuoda was smashed... The sea was surging and submerged the island... The terrifying water pressure shattered the entire fish-man island in a moment...

"Ah!" Madam Xia Li suddenly screamed in pain, her body softened, and she fell directly to the ground!The rapid breathing made her sweat profusely, but it was only a moment of divination, but it made her miserable!And the ending of Fishman Island made her even more terrified and heartbroken!

"So... so... why... so..." Mrs. Xia Li covered her head in pain, trembling and muttering to herself as if she had lost her mind.

"Mrs. Charlie...what's the matter with you? Are you okay? What did you see?" Kemi and the others were all shocked and anxious, but no one dared to go to help her because they were afraid of being interrupted. She, made unpredictable mistakes.

After a long time, Mrs. Xia Li just came back to her senses, her face was frightened, and her voice seemed to tremble a little: "Fishman Island... It will really be destroyed... No... Absolutely can't let this happen... Quick, quick Go... Be sure to tell His Majesty Neptune about this... You must not let other pirates enter Fishman Island..."


After hearing Mrs. Charlie's words, Kemi and the others all widened their eyes in shock!Since Mrs. Charlie said so, then Fishman Island will really be destroyed!When I think of that possibility, I can't help but shudder!

"Yo! It seems that your divination skills are good! It seems that you have seen a corner of the future..." Sun Wukong looked at Madam Xia Li and smiled slightly.

"You... I didn't see you in my prophecy... I beg you, save Fishman Island! If it were you, it would definitely be possible!" Madam Xia Li looked at Sun Wukong, suddenly full of excitement pleading.If someone can rescue Fishman Island, she believes, it must be Sun Wukong!

Chapter [-] Dragon Palace City

Charlie's divination prophecy only saw the moment of the destruction of the fish-man island, but she saw the culprit of the destruction of the fish-man island: Charlotte Lingling!Nicknamed bigmom, the only woman in the four emperors!

That's why Mrs. Charlie is so afraid of fear!Where the Four Emperors want to destroy, who can stop it?So she can only put her hope on Sun Wukong.

"Don't worry, I still like this fish-man island, and I won't let anyone destroy her..." Sun Wukong looked at Madam Xia Li and gave her a positive answer.

"Thank you so much! With your words, I'm relieved..." Madam Xia Li breathed a sigh of relief, and the promise of Sun Wukong was better than anything else.Then he said enthusiastically: "You just came to Fishman Island, right? If you don't mind, just stay at my house temporarily! All meals are free!"

"Oh~ that's a good idea..." Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, but at the same time he looked at Madam Xia Li very strangely, and said, "But... I heard that you are Aaron's sister, right?"

"What? She's... Aaron's... little sister?!" Nami on the side suddenly widened her eyes, and there was an inexplicable deep hatred in her eyes!This name, when Sun Wukong did not appear, was her nightmare again and again.

Seeing Nami's strangeness, Mrs. Xia Li sighed helplessly: "Aaron's actions are indeed too extreme... I had already foreseen his death... Maybe this is retribution... I... Do not blame you……"

"Haha... your mind is quite big!" Sun Wukong looked at the huge pair on Mrs. Xia Li's chest, but his face was extremely serious: "But I can see a trace of hatred in your eyes. …”

"Really..." Mrs. Xia Li looked at Sun Wukong with some complexity and said, "After all... he is also my brother..."

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