"Yeah! As long as I'm here... eh?" Sun Wukong didn't finish his words, and suddenly looked towards the door...

"What's wrong?" The mermaid princess looked pitifully at the door and curiously.

But I saw a huge axe flying, "ding~~", hitting the door edge of the hard shell tower, erasing a shining spark, and bursting out a harsh symphony!

Then, with a 'bang', it slammed into the wall, rebounded, as if there was some mysterious force pulling it, and slashed straight towards the mermaid princess...

"Ah!" The mermaid princess immediately screamed in fear, her delicate body trembling!

"Don't be afraid, there is me!" Sun Wukong patted her lightly, and the mermaid princess suddenly felt the fear disappeared, her eyes widened, and she looked at Sun Wukong with curiosity and doubt.

"You dare to commit murder in front of me, but you have a lot of courage!" Sun Wukong stretched out one hand, and the suction surged!The axe that was slashing straight towards the Mermaid Princess turned its direction in an instant and flew back to Sun Wukong's hand, where he grabbed it and pinched it in his hand!

The big axe in his hand shook violently for a moment, then completely quieted down, and was immediately crushed by Sun Wukong!

Just got rid of a big axe, and another sledgehammer flew in along the door, aiming directly at the mermaid princess!

After that, several big knives and hammers flew in...

"Vanderdaiken, you are killing yourself!" Sun Wukong frowned slightly, rolling his hands, and all the weapons that flew towards the mermaid princess were shot down to the ground!

"Okay... that's amazing!" Looking at everything in front of her, the mermaid princess widened her eyes in shock.

"I said, I will protect you!" Sun Wukong looked at the mermaid princess and smiled.Originally, I thought that a thunderbolt would kill Vanderdaiken, but after thinking about it, forget it. If this guy is not a bad guy, how can I improve my favorability!

"En... Thank you..." The Mermaid Princess suddenly burst into laughter, and the sense of security Goku gave her made her extraordinarily relieved.

Can you be worried?With such a great character as your bodyguard, can she not feel safe!

"My name is Sun Wukong, what's your name?"

"White Star..." Bai Xing said weakly.

"By the way, have you been staying here?"

"Well...it seems like it's been eight years...because someone wanted to kill me...so my father and the others won't let me out..." Bai Xing thought about it seriously and said.

"Eight years!" Sun Wukong sighed deeply, looking at Bai Xing with pity.

Chapter [-]: The Ordinary Meaning

"Hey! I seem to have heard Princess Bai Xing's cry just now?"

"Quick! Go in and have a look! You guys are on guard. If you find anyone suspicious, arrest them immediately..."

At this moment, the outside world suddenly became extraordinarily lively. Bai Xing's cry made the guards of Dragon Palace City enter a state of alert. A large number of guards patrolled around, and some of them came quickly towards the hard shell tower...

Looking at the hidden door, his face changed greatly, his face turned pale instantly: "Damn! Why is the door open? Her Royal Highness!"

"Ah! Someone is here! I'm sorry..." Bai Xing was slightly surprised, and hurriedly stretched out his hand, grabbed Sun Wukong in his hand, and hid it behind him.Her actions were obviously to protect Sun Wukong. Although it was a bit redundant, Sun Wukong did not resist. The kindness of others could not be refused!With a thought, the traces of destruction in the room and the weapons that were shot down by him mysteriously disappeared!

"Your Highness Princess, are you all right? You are not injured!"

A team of guards entered the hard-shell tower at an astonishing speed. Looking at Princess White Star who was sitting nervously on the bed, the leader said nervously.

"No...it's okay...I had a nightmare just now...suddenly found...the door was open...so...started..." Bai Xing waved his hands in a panic.

"Well? Is that so? What the hell is going on here?" The leading murloc frowned and looked at the murloc behind him, full of anger.

"Ah... I'm... I'm sorry... Minister Right... It seems... when I was delivering food to Her Majesty the Princess... I forgot to close the door?" A guard suddenly walked out with a pale face, full of fear. .

When Sun Wukong entered, the door was indeed unlocked.

"Damn it! I just went out to greet the distinguished guests... You made such a big mistake for me... Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise it would not be enough to chop your head a hundred times..." Furious, he cursed at the leader of the guards.

"I'm sorry..." The guard leader also knew that he had made a big mistake, trembling in fear, and repeatedly apologized.

"Fortunately, it was just a false alarm!" Minister Right breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Bai Xing and said, "His Royal Highness, we have a distinguished guest from Dragon Palace City, so we will say goodbye first..."

"Ah! It's alright...you go to work first!" Princess Bai Xing immediately waved her hands happily, she wished they would leave quickly.

Minister Right took a good look around and found that there was nothing suspicious, and took the guards away. The door of the hard shell tower was closed again, and it was locked from the outside...

"Hu~" Seeing everyone else leave, Bai Xing also let out a long sigh.He held Sun Wukong in front of him with both hands, and said gratefully: "Thank you just now... I was really taken aback..." The voice was very soft and pleasant: "That... you are Hai A thief? Also... a bad guy?"

"I'm a pirate, yes, good people and bad people, it's up to you!"

"Is that so... Then... Master Wukong should be... a good person..."

"Haha! Since you said so, I'll take you out for a walk! After staying in such a room for eight years, you must really want to go out for a walk, right?"

"Hey? You...are you really going to take me out?" Bai Xing's little face immediately flushed with excitement, full of excitement, but then he shrugged his head again: "Forget it, I said it just now. , someone wants to kill me... I know who the culprit is... His name is Vanderdeacon (also called 'Vanderdeacon IX' in translation) because he rejected his marriage proposal, so he hates me very much..."

"That lord...is cursed by a demon called 'Target'. Whenever and wherever, it seems to be able to aim at my life locked as a target... So it's very dangerous outside, I can't step out of this place One step for the hard shell tower!"

"What a curse, he just ate a devil fruit called 'Target Fruit', don't be afraid, let's go, with me, that guy can never hurt you, if you have time, I will help You kill him so you don't have to stay here forever!"

"Yes...is it! You can say that...I'm really happy...but...forget it...by the way! Have you ever seen the real sun? Will the stars at night still reflect the sky? Have you ever seen different kinds of flowers and animals with hairy bodies?"

Listening to Bai Xing's naive and simple questions, and looking at her eyes full of anticipation, a nameless anger suddenly rose in Sun Wukong's heart, and he wished he would immediately crush Vanda Diken to death!

But in the same way, Sun Wukong is also a little grateful to Van Dadiken, because of his existence, he has created such an innocent and loving Princess White Star.

"I can't answer these questions... I'll take you to witness it in person!" Looking at Princess Bai Xing, Sun Wukong smiled slightly. the island of...

"Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?! This...this...this is?"

The sudden change of scene made Bai Xing's eyes widen in surprise, and everything around her made her even more unbelievable...

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