The warm sun shines on her body, the breeze blows, making people feel comfortable, the flowers and trees sway in the wind, and the sparkling sea is like the stars...

This ordinary everything is so ordinary, but in Bai Xing's life, it is so precious, maybe we can only meet occasionally in dreams...

In Dragon Palace City, King Nipton, who had already prepared the banquet, looked at Robin and the other girls in confusion when he saw that the noble figure was missing in the arena: "The banquet is about to start, what about Lord Wukong?"

"It seems that he hasn't been seen since the beginning..." Robin smiled slightly: "Don't worry about His Majesty the King, that guy is a guy who can't be idle. If he wants to come, he will go somewhere to admire the mermaid!"

"Uh...then this banquet..." Neptune and the other ministers of Dragon Palace City were speechless for a while, and the main lord ran away, so how can this banquet be held?

Just when I didn't know what to do, a guard suddenly ran in with a panicked expression: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! It's not good! It's not good! Her Royal Highness...the princess is gone!"

"What!" Nepton stood up suddenly, a fierce breath emanating from his body, and stared at the guard: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Just asked me to deliver the food prepared for the banquet to Princess Baixing...but...but...the door of the hard shell tower is still locked, but Her Royal Highness has disappeared..."

Chapter [-]: Occupy Dragon Palace City

"White Star!" His Royal Highness Shen Xing and the other three princes all had gloomy expressions on their faces, and their eyes were full of hostility when they looked at Robin and the others.

Nami and the other women all looked at each other, and they seemed to get the same answer from the eyes of the other party, and they all gave a helpless smile...

"I'm asking you very solemnly now... Your captain... Where did Sun Wukong go?" Shen Xing looked at Robin and the others with extremely bad eyes.

In this case, Sun Wukong and Princess White Star disappeared at the same time, and they naturally aimed the object of suspicion directly at the Emperor Pirates.

Although Shen Xing and others are very aware of the horror of the Emperor Pirates, their fear and fear cannot equal the position of Princess Bai Xing in their hearts. For their sister, even if they die, what are they afraid of?

"This... we really don't know... maybe... your princess... Maybe it was really taken by Goku to play..." Nami said a little helplessly.

"Speaking of... your she beautiful?" Perona asked with a serious face.

"Of course, Bai Xing is the most beautiful mermaid princess in the world! Mi is shivering~" The second prince Huang Xing rapped proudly.

"That's over, he must have been kidnapped by that guy..." Perot said seriously.

The expressions of Shen Xing and others changed drastically. Just as they were about to speak, they were interrupted by Hancock on the side.

"Huh! You can't pretend that you didn't hear what Aijia said!" Hancock stood up and looked down on Xiang Shenxing and others with a very arrogant attitude: "Only Aijia can be called the most beautiful in the world. woman……"

"'re right...but...white star will not lose to you..." Huangxing looked at Hancock, his face turned red, although he was killed by Hancock The beauty was amazing, but she still didn't let go.

"Huh? It really doesn't look like a lie from the look on his face... Is there really someone in this world who can match Hancock's beauty?" Kalifa lightly adjusted her glasses, and suddenly said to the person who didn't The masked mermaid princess became interested.

"Impossible... Aijia is the most beautiful in this world!" Hancock raised his head and said very arrogantly.

"Yes~... You are the most beautiful woman in the world..." The guards all around looked at Hancock with idiotic expressions and praised in unison.

"You... take them down for me!" Shen Xing looked at his subordinates, and suddenly became furious and roared, but it woke up all the murloc soldiers who were addicted to Hancock's beauty.

"Yes!" The surrounding murloc soldiers took up their weapons and surrounded Robin and other women.

"Suddenly using force...isn't it right?" Jenny Bonney ate the food without any image, and said vaguely to King Neptune and his party with her cheeks puffed up: "It's very dangerous to do this. Oh..."

As she said that, she didn't see any movement from her. The murloc soldiers all around suddenly became old and unstable, and they were not as tall as the waist of others' trousers...

"Ah! How did I... become a child? This... what the hell is going on?!"

"Oh my God! How did I suddenly become an old man? It's over... it's over... What kind of magic did you cast... us...?"

A group of murloc soldiers who became 'crooked melons and cracked dates', in an instant, a terrifying shadow was cast in their hearts...

"Damn! The Emperor Pirates... It's really scary..." Shen Xing looked gloomy, looking at the soldiers who had been dealt with in an instant, his expression became more solemn than ever, he raised the steel fork in his hand, and turned towards Jenny Bang. Ni attacked the past...

But I saw a ghost suddenly emerge and easily pass through Shenxing's chest...

"I'm an incompetent little shrimp... let me die!" Shen Xing instantly squatted on the ground with a negative expression and drew circles.

"Big... big brother?"

Shen Xing's behavior made Huang Xing and others stunned. Is this still the mighty and domineering prince they knew, yet calm and dignified?

And Tina slenderly held a hand, and an iron bar was born from her hands, forming a cage that directly tied Nepton and others firmly in it.

"Hey~ we are here as guests, why did we suddenly capture Ryugu Castle? Is it bad to do this? What if Wukong gets angry?" speechless.

"If we don't move, they will. Of course, it's better to do it first!" Tina said with a serious face, then looked at Tina: "Tina, contact Wukong and ask him if he Someone's princess was kidnapped?"

"Okay!" Tina put her slender hand on her temple and said for a moment, "Princess White Star was indeed taken out to play by the master, and is now on an isolated island [-] meters away from Fishman Island..."

"Two... [-] meters? Could it be that you have already taken Bai Xing out of Fishman Island?" Neptune's expression changed suddenly.

"Bastards! You guys are really not at ease!" Shen Xing, who recovered, couldn't wait for the shameful act just now, so he roared: "It seems that you are really here for Bai Xing!"

"That...don't be so excited...I don't think Wukong is the one who kidnapped you, the White Star Princess, at most he just took the White Star Princess out for a walk!" Ke Ya comforted from the side.

"For a walk? Who would believe such a lousy excuse!" Shen Xing shouted angrily.

"Excuse? Humph! You really look down on you! Who do we want to deal with, do we need an excuse?" Lasha said with a look of disdain.

"This..." Neptune and the others were at a loss for words, because with the terrifying strength of the Emperor Pirates, they really didn't need it.

"Forget it, don't talk nonsense with them! Let's have a banquet by ourselves! So much delicious food can't be wasted, and other things will wait for Wukong to come back!" Jenny Bonnie greeted with a big smile. The girls come.

"That's not good?"

"What's wrong. Dragon Palace City has been occupied by us..."

At the same time, Sun Wukong is sitting on the shoulders of Princess Bai Xing and taking her around. Although it is ordinary and simple, this is the most exciting, extraordinary and happiest day for Bai Xing!

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