Just standing under the sunlight was a dream and extravagance for her in the past!

Now, dreams have come true...

Time passed little by little until night came...

"I'm really happy! Thank you, Lord Wukong!" Bai Xing was lying on the turf, his beautiful fish tail swaying from time to time, showing his inner excitement. Shiny, very beautiful, looks beautiful and innocent.

"It's getting dark, let's go back!"

"It's so fast! I want to see what the night sky looks like!" Bai Xing suddenly became disappointed when he heard it, and then suddenly became shocked, and said with great anticipation: "But before you go back, you can bring your Am I going somewhere?"

Chapter [-]: Stupid Ambition

Mermaid Cafe.

"Mrs. Charlie, have you heard? Dragon... Dragon Palace was captured by the Emperor Pirates..."

"Unbelievable...I didn't expect...they are all bad people..."

"Is this true? How could this be?" Mrs. Charlie's eyes widened in shock when she heard the mermaids in the store telling her: "What the hell is going on?"

"I heard that Goku-sama kidnapped Princess Shirahoshi... Then the fight broke out, but the Neptune Army was completely defeated... Now they are all locked up as hostages!"

"Damn! Damn human trafficker... I shouldn't believe him!" Mrs. Charlie clenched her fists tightly, her face turned pale, and her eyes were full of unwillingness and anger: "This time... Fishman Island may really be over!"

Similarly, this shocking news also reached the ears of Hody Jones and others, so this rare opportunity made Hody Jones and Vanda Deacon join forces in advance in a secret place. met everywhere.

"You're late, Vanda Deacon!"

"I'm so sorry...because there are very important things to do...the notorious Hody is your Excellency, isn't it?"

"Speaking of notoriety, we should be each other, madman Vanda Deacon! Please take care!" said Hody Jones, holding out his right hand.

"Oops~ handshake? That's not good, wait a minute!" said Fanda Deacon, putting a pair of gloves on his right hand and holding it with Hody Jones.

Because his right hand records the target record of Bai Xing, in order to be able to threaten Princess Bai Xing at all times, this crazy guy has not washed his hands for even eight years.

From another point of view, Vanda Deacon's perseverance really has to be admired!

"What an accident! I didn't expect that you, who is notorious, would come to invite me one day! But, hurry up! Why did you ask me to come here? I'm still in a hurry to go with my Princess White Star."

"Capturing Dragon Palace City, are you interested?" Hody Jones' eyes were full of fierce light, even madness.

"Oh? It seems like a good idea!" Fanda Deacon's eyes suddenly lit up, but at the same time he hesitated: "But I heard that the Emperor Pirates are visiting Dragon Palace... This is terrifying. The behemoth... I don't want to die..."

"Haha... Don't forget, this is the bottom of the sea... It's the world of our murlocs! How can the inferior humans be, no matter how strong they are? And... I just got a tip... Dragon Palace City has been captured by the Emperor Pirates. The regiment was captured... The reason is that your Princess White Star seems to have been kidnapped by that Monkey King..."

"What?! Really sad news! Damn Monkey King! He dared to snatch Princess Bai Xing from me! Unforgivable! Unforgivable! Princess Bai Xing is mine! It is mine! We clearly love each other deeply... ah Damn Emperor Sun Wukong! Even if you are feared by the world, whoever dares to snatch Princess Baixing from me, I will make him splatter blood on the spot! Wait! Princess Baixing, I will definitely save you! You are belong to me!"

After Fanda Deakin shouted out his twisted love for Shiraishi, he decisively shook hands with Fanda Deakin to form an alliance!

The strongest force under the sea was born!

Although the Emperor Pirates are terrifying, even the entire world government dare not provoke them, but these two lunatics are not afraid at all!Because this is [-] meters deep in the sea!This is Fishman Island, here is the world of their fishmen!

Everyone wants to be famous, everyone wants to soar to the sky!

And the only shortcut is, if they destroy the Emperor Pirates, which is known as the strongest in the world, what kind of situation would it be!

Maybe not in other places, but here, there is no difficulty at all!They think so!

Their ideas look so arrogant, mindless, and idiots!But this is not difficult to understand, because this is the seabed that their murlocs are proud of, and the bottom of the sea is the world of murlocs!

And everyone in the world agrees that Sun Wukong is an incredibly powerful person!And most of the members of the Emperor Pirates are also capable. As long as they are capable, I am afraid of you being a fart in this seabed!


In the forest of the sea, Sun Wukong has brought Bai Xing to the cemetery of Princess Yiji.

She just knelt quietly in front of Princess Otoji's grave, folded her hands, prayed, and blessed silently in her heart...

However, Sun Wukong looked in the direction of the Dragon Palace City, but his brows were slightly wrinkled: "What a strong smell of blood..."

After a little sense, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face: "Huh? Hody Jones... Vanda Deacon, these two actually joined forces?"

Ryugu Castle, because there was no command of the Neptune Army, Hody Jones and the others easily attacked Ryugu Castle!

"Hoho...Ladies of the Emperor Pirates...Thank you so much...If it weren't for you, we really wouldn't be able to enter Dragon Palace City so quickly!"

Hody Jones and the others came to the hall of Dragon Palace unimpeded all the way, looking at Nami and the others, but grinned.

Because the soldiers here were all knocked out by Nami and the others.

"Huh? Are the soldiers here?" Robin put down the book in his hand and looked at Hody Jones and the others, a little surprised.

"They're not rescuers! Damn! Hody Jones, Fanda Deacon, why are you here?!" King Neptune and the others all changed their faces when they saw the people who came, and they were full of shock.

"Haha~~ Where's Princess White Star? Where is my princess? Hurry up and hand her over! Marry me! Haha~~" Fanda Deacon exaggerated and exclaimed with great excitement.That crazy look looks a bit wretched again.

"Don't you have a record on her? Go find it yourself!" Hody Jones said lightly without looking back.The corners of his eyes turned slightly to Vanda Deacon, with a hint of contempt.

"What a joke! Hody Jones, I know that Princess White Star must be with that Monkey King now, so I won't go to die easily... Now, before that guy comes, let's catch them quickly! In that case, there is a bargaining chip!" Fanda Deacon looked at Nami and the other girls, his eyes flickering fiercely.He shouted so much just now, just to vent the excitement in his heart, really want him to go to Bai Xing?He's not that clueless!The three words Sun Wukong made him feel terrified and terrified!

"Emperor Pirates... This name... sounds frightening..." Hody Jones grinned at Nami and the others.The palm of the hand grabbed the ground with a claw, and there was a loud click. The entire ground was cracked open directly under his grasp, and then the bubble coral supporting it was instantly shattered!

The soap bubbles shrouded in the hall disappeared in an instant, and the turbulent sea water poured directly in...

"But if it just disappears... it will be interesting!"

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