"Oh my god! These humans are so scary! I'm not playing anymore!" Taruma, the leader of the New Murloc Pirates, jumped up and took a bite to the ground! In the 'click' sound, this guy actually bit out a hole in the ground and drilled into it at an astonishing speed...

"Do you still want to run away in front of the old lady?" Jenny Bonney snorted coldly, swam down to the bottom of the sea, then squeezed her fist and hit the ground with a punch!

"Crack!" With a roar, the ground here cracked open!Then burst!Countless bubbles rose up!

Taruma screamed, bleeding from his nose and mouth, and was shaken out of the cracked ground!Floating out of the water like a dead dog...

"It's really unpleasant to fight in the water... It's been a while since I was breathing..." Jenny Bonney shook her head helplessly, and had to return to the Emperor.

"The ability just now was... Whitebeard's... Shake Fruit?" Husuo looked at Jenny Bonney with a look of horror: "Damn! We are no different from killing ourselves! Sure enough, the world's first It's not something we can shake!"

While speaking, he suddenly discovered that a shadowy figure flew out from the Emperor again, and even in front of him!

Xiusuo was shocked, and just about to swing his sword to block it, a beam of light suddenly shot out. At such a close distance, it was difficult to hide!

Then Xiusuo was horrified to find that his speed suddenly became extremely slow!

A cold light appeared in front of me, that was... a sword!

Xiu Suo wanted to block with the long sword in his hand, but unfortunately the speed could not keep up...

I only felt a sharp pain in my chest, and blood spattered...

The dull light shot out again, and the figure of the yarn was like a swimming fish, freely traversing the deep sea, the long sword in his hand turned into a cold light, and the remaining fish people were all cut...

But for a moment, the men brought by Hody Jones and Fanda Deacon were all wiped out!

Completely defeated, completely defeated!

King Neptune and others were all dumbfounded!The Er Da pirate group, which made them helpless, was cleaned up so easily!

The world's No. [-] Emperor Pirates is indeed well-deserved!

Tina took action and cleared Fanda Deacon and others into the prison she created...

After finding a huge bubble coral, the sea water in Ryugu Castle was expelled again...

However, the original scale is no longer there. After the fight, the ground was in tatters and became a bit messy!

At this time, Bai Xing's huge and beautiful shadow is also from far to near...

"Ah! Father, look! It's Bai Xing... Bai Xing is back!" Shen Xing was overjoyed when she saw Bai Xing.

"White Star... It's great that you're fine..." King Neptune instantly became tearful the moment he saw Princess White Star.

"Is she a mermaid princess? It's so big? But she's really beautiful!" Ke Ya looked at Princess Bai Xing with a look of amazement.However, when he saw someone, his cute little mouth pouted immediately.

"This guy is quite enjoyable..." Robin squinted his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but behind this smile, there was a trace of danger hidden.

Even Hancock's face showed a trace of unnaturalness at this moment.

It turned out that the place where Sun Wukong was staying was actually the huge pair of white stars in the middle, and the look on his face was full of enjoyment. Seeing Nami and the others all rolled their eyes.

"Ah! What's going on? Father and brother, why have they been arrested?" Bai Xing immediately became anxious when he saw the appearance of King Neptune and the others. cried.

"Okay! Don't worry, I will rescue them!" Sun Wukong patted Bai Xing lightly and comforted.

It's just that the place he's in is naturally... well, the flexibility is good!

"Well, you must rescue the father and the elder brother!" Bai Xing heard Sun Wukong's comfort, and was obviously relieved.The degree of trust has already approached her father and brother.

Entering the Dragon Palace, Sun Wukong jumped down gently, while Bai Xing hurriedly rushed towards the cage, looking at Neptune and the others, he couldn't help crying 'wow', causing King Neptun and the three The prince was in a hurry for a while, so he comforted...

And Sun Wukong came to Nami and the others and smiled slightly: "You guys are making a lot of noise!"

"It's not all because of you! The princess was kidnapped and ran away without saying hello..." Nami was the first to speak and glared at Sun Wukong.

"What is kidnapping! I just took her out for a walk!" Sun Wukong shrugged his shoulders and looked at Tina: "Let Neptune and the others go!"

Hearing the words, Tina nodded, and directly removed the cage that trapped King Neptune and others!

"You guys are really making a big deal! I saw that Bai Xing has been trapped in the hard shell tower for eight years, and I have never been to the outside world, so I took her out for a walk. You are too nervous, right? "Sun Wukong looked at Neptune's king.

"Yes! Father, Lord Wukong took me to see a lot of things! There are long-haired animals, and the real sky and sea... The sun there is really warm... I even went to see my mother. Oh! I'm really happy..." Bai Xing immediately flushed, and excitedly told what she saw that day.

"I'm so sorry... Lord Wukong! It seems that we misunderstood you!" Looking at Bai Xing's happy smile, King Neptune came to Sun Wukong and apologized respectfully.

Chapter [-] The Ark Noah

"Scumbags like you, dare to call the attention of our Emperor Pirates! I really don't know if you are stupid or ignorant!"

Sun Wukong stood in front of the prison, looking at Hody Jones and the others who were locked up, his face was indifferent.

"Hmph~~ Sun Wukong... it's really... miscalculated... I didn't expect... as capable people... you... you don't have the weakness of capable people... this kind of thing... I have never heard of it. . . . " Hody Jones was skinny now, and his skinny appearance could be blown over by a gust of wind.The voice is weak, but the eyes still look fierce and abnormal!

I thought it was a perfect plan, I thought it would make the noble murloc famous in the world!Let the inferior humans see, the murlocs are the noblest race!Fish people are the overlords of the sea!Because the 'world number one' you fear has not been killed by our murlocs!But who knows, the plan has just been implemented, and it has become a joke!

"But...don't be too happy too soon...because the battle...but it's not over yet...hehaha!~~" Hody Jones changed his tone and suddenly burst into a weird laugh. The state, that voice, was so hoarse and unpleasant that it sounded like a horror.

"Oh~ Really, is there something else you can't do?" Sun Wukong looked at Hordy Jones with interest, his eyes full of jokes.So far, he still hasn't given up. What level of arrogance has he reached?Or is it crazy?

And Fanda Deacon also woke up at this time, twisted his neck, and the moment he saw Sun Wukong, his complexion changed greatly, but when he saw Princess White Star next to him, his eyes immediately became extremely hot, and he was so bold. Directly ignoring the existence of Sun Wukong and others, he jumped up excitedly and shouted at Bai Xing: "Ah! Bai Xing... wow ho~~~ I finally see you, my Princess Bai Xing... Now... ...answer me quickly...if it's yes, you can save yourself from death...hurry up and marry me..."


Nami and the other women's faces became strange. At this time, this guy still said such sarcastic words, doesn't he understand his current situation?

"You bastard... For eight years, you have been throwing weapons and thinking about killing Shirahoshi! Now, you have the face to say such shameless things! Shirahoshi has endured the fear of death for the past eight years. You bastard!" Shen Xing was immediately furious when he heard this, if he had a weapon in his hand, looking at his angry expression, he must have stabbed a fork at him...

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