"That sounds... bad..." Kalifa frowned.

"Wow haha~~~ Answer me quickly! Bai Xing! It must be yes! Wow~~~" Fanda Deacon ignored Shen Xing at all, only Bai Xing in his eyes, laughed excitedly and frantically, Looking forward to White Star's reply.

Under the gazes of everyone, Bai Xing seemed very nervous, bit his lower lip, and finally gathered up the courage to say loudly, "That...you...you're not my type..."

"Gah?!" Fanda Deacon, who couldn't stop laughing, suddenly froze in place, feeling that his heart was suddenly shattered!Bai Xing's weak words echoed in his ears from time to time...

"This answer...it's really cute..." Robin smiled slightly unexpectedly.

"Yes...is this the question...?" King Neptune and the others were all dumbfounded.Endured death threats for eight years because they weren't your type?

The excitement and anticipation on Fanda Deacon's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and then he barked his teeth and shouted angrily: "You bastard dare to think about my eight years of thinking. Such a naked trampling! It seems that you already have your heart!"

In the roar, he pointed at Sun Wukong and shouted angrily: "Is it him? Is it him? Damn it! You, who have no feelings for me, are an eyesore just by being alive! If I can't get it, don't either. I want it! Go to hell! White Star! Go to hell! Sun Wukong! Hahaha~~!

At this moment, Fanda Deacon is already like a madman, his hands are open, pointing to the sky, as if he is calling for something...

"You dirty man, it's just an insult to 'love', garbage like you, looking at Aijia's eyes!" Hancock looked at Fanda Deacon with a disgusted expression .He thought that a captive arrow would end him, but he didn't want to, but the entire island shook violently, and everyone almost fell to the ground!

"What's going on? What happened?" King Nipton looked out of the palace in surprise, but his pupils shrank suddenly, and his face became full of horror in an instant: "How could it be? Why? That is the promise of the promise. Ya...why does it move on its own?"

"Father, that's just the wreckage of history, not something important, you don't have to panic..." Shen Xing was obviously puzzled by his father's attitude.

"No... that ship must not have any mistakes!" King Neptune's eyes widened and he explained: "That is the ark that must not be moved until the fateful day!"

And the residents of Fishman Island, after seeing Noah, also showed expressions of fear!

"Huh? That's Noah from Fishman Street..."

"Why did Noah move to the sky..."

"That direction...obviously is Dragon Palace Castle..."

"Damn... what the hell happened?! At this rate... it's about to burst through the bubbles of Fishman Island..."

"If the bubble bursts, Fishman Island is over!"

Under everyone's fearful gaze, Noah's terrifying huge shadow has covered the sky above Fishman Island...

"Isn't the problem here?" Robin glanced at the unreliable guys from King Neptune and frowned: "It would be a little bad if such a big ship fell!"

"You did all of this, right?" Kalifa tilted her head and looked at Fanda Deacon with a frantic face.

"Hahaha~~ Except me! Who else can move such a big ark! White star! This is what happens when you reject me! Haha~~~ Fear it! Regret it! Hahaha~~ Monkey King! You too are with you Let the Emperor Pirates destroy this seabed together! Hahaha~~~!"

"Hehe~~ Sun Wukong... This is what happens if you underestimate our murlocs... Even if you are strong... Even if you... are not afraid of the sea... But then... how... As long as the fish man island is destroyed... As human beings...you can't...survive...under the sea...haha...the thought of you, who is known as the strongest in the world, will die here...that's really...good! Haha...we... ...Murlocs... are the strongest! Haha~~!"

Vanda Deacon and Hody Jones are crazy at the moment!Knowing that in the hands of Sun Wukong, they will surely die, so they used the crazy means of perishing in the end!

They actually wanted to use Noah to directly destroy Fishman Island, thereby destroying the Emperor Pirates!

Chapter [-] Destruction Moment

"You two lunatics, you actually want to destroy Fishman Island, this is our home!" King Neptune's shocked and angry eyes widened, and he yelled at the two lunatics, Vanda Deacon and Hody Jones. Voice.

"So what... as long as the Emperor Pirates are destroyed... What if the mere fishman island is destroyed? Until then, how difficult will it be for us to ask the world government for a place to live on land? Then we will be able to enjoy the real sunshine... It is the truth that the mere inferior humans are ruled by our noble murlocs!"

Hody Jones looked crazy, but the thing called ambition was exposed at this moment.But after Noah fell down, it was unknown whether he could survive or not.

"This guy...it's crazy..." Shenxing looked at Hody Jones, stunned by his words.

"It's actually taking me as a stepping stone, I have to say, your ideals are really great!" Sun Wukong looked at Hordy Jones with a playful expression and shook his head.

In fact, their thinking is indeed correct. According to the thinking of normal people, Fishman Island is destroyed, even if it is the four emperors, generals, etc., there is absolutely no possibility of being spared!

Because this is [-] meters deep in the sea, not to mention the terrifying water pressure, dangerous currents, sea beasts, etc., just holding your breath can kill you!

But it is a pity that what they are facing is Sun Wukong, a terrifying existence that cannot be measured by common sense and beyond their cognition!

Therefore, their original great plans and ambitions have become synonymous with funny in the eyes of those who know all the truth!

Using such clumsy tactics in front of Sun Wukong, you can't make fun of anyone!

The reason is that they still know too little about Sun Wukong, and they are still in the category of him being a 'human being'!That's how to deal with him in the same way that you deal with humans!

"Don't pretend that nothing happened... In fact, you must be very regretful and scared, right? Haha! You are begging to marry Shirahoshi to me~~... Maybe, I will spare your life... Hahaha..." Fanda Deacon thought he had the chance to win, but he laughed proudly and threatened Sun Wukong.

"Shut up! How dare you say such rude words to your concubine's beloved! You must never be allowed to live!" Hancock suddenly scowled and shouted.

Sun Wukong also slapped his forehead, speechless with black lines all over his head, waved his hand, and said, "Which monkey invited this funny? Hancock, cook him immediately, it hurts to look at..."

"Yes, Wukong!" Hancock got the approval of his beloved, and his face was flushed with excitement. It was a prisoner's arrow at Fanda Deacon, which instantly froze him into a stone statue!Then he kicked it into a pile of stones with one unceremonious kick.

"You... actually... killed him?!" Hody Jones widened his eyes in shock, and then laughed again: "It's really stupid, now, no one can save you!"

"Idiot!" Jenny Bonney looked at Hody Jones with a disdainful face, took a bite of the barbecue in her hand, and said lightly: "No wonder you dare to call the attention of our Emperor Pirates, it turns out that there is no such thing as I don't know how scary Goku is!"

"I can't blame them... After all, they only got information about Wukong through newspapers, and newspapers usually downplay some important information, so they didn't really see Marin Fando's war... Naturally, I don't know what's really scary about Goku! Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to draw our attention even if they were given a hundred courage..." Kalifa lightly adjusted her glasses and analyzed with a serious look on her face.

"Well, now is not the time to talk! Wukong! Noah fell..." Wei Wei pointed to the 'sky' outside.

As soon as Fanda Deacon died, Noah lost his ability to support, and fell directly from the sky... But because it was in the sea, the speed was relatively slow.

"Ah! It fell!"

"Fishman Island is coming to an end!"

The residents of Fishman Island looked at the huge ark that was rapidly falling, and they were all terrified!Fleeing in panic!But where can they escape?Once the murlocs are destroyed, how can they survive?

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