"It's over... Fishman Island... is it really going to be destroyed?" At the entrance of the mermaid coffee shop, Mrs. Charlie looked at the falling ark Noah, her pupils shrunk, full of horror!

Because even if the soap bubbles protecting the entire Fishman Island were not smashed by the falling ark Noah, if it hit the Fishman Island, the entire Fishman Island would not be spared the fate of destruction!

And the mermaids behind Mrs. Charlie were all stunned and stunned on the spot!Yes, only the fear of facing death!

"If we are squashed together, will the entire sea be dyed red?" Robin raised his head and said seriously.

"Robin! It's time for you to stop saying such terrible things, okay?" Nami looked at Robin with a speechless expression, and then looked at Sun Wukong: "Wukong, if you don't do anything, the soap bubbles will just disappear. to be crushed..."

"It's over! It's over! Fishman Island is really over now!" King Neptune looked anxious and panicked at the moment.

"Woo~~ wow~~ I don't want to die! Woo~~ wow~~" Bai Xing was already crying loudly!The sound is crisp and sweet, and it seems to contain some kind of magic that can penetrate people's hearts!

Under the cry, three extremely huge and terrifying shadows seemed to have received some kind of summons, and they swam from afar at an alarming speed, aiming directly at the falling ark Noah...

Just with their distance, when they arrived, the soap bubbles had already been squeezed and burst by Noah...

"That's the sea kings... Why did the sea kings suddenly appear?" Ke Ya looked at the three sea kings that suddenly appeared. Could it be that they also want to save the fish-man island?

However, Sun Wukong tilted his head and looked at Bai Xing: "Awakened..." Immediately, his figure flashed, and he appeared under Noah. With only one hand, he directly dropped the slowly falling Noah. Ya to raise one hand up!

If he didn't do it, the soap bubbles would really be burst!

"Huh? ... Noah stopped suddenly? What's going on?"

"Ah! Look... there's a man there..."

"My God! He actually held up the whole Noah with one hand?!"

At the entrance of the mermaid coffee shop, the mermaids obviously recognized Sun Wukong and became extremely excited in an instant.

"Mrs. Charlie...Look! It's Lord Goku... Lord Goku caught Noah..."

"It's amazing! It only uses one hand..."

"I knew... how could Lord Goku be a bad guy..."

"Too...great...if he can make a move... Fishman Island can definitely be saved!" Mrs. Xia Li looked at Sun Wukong, who was holding up the entire Noah with his hand. ...

Chapter [-] Sea Emperor Poseidon

Around Fishman Island, countless sea kings were summoned by the cry of Baixing. The huge and terrifying figures and the deafening roar made the residents of the island tremble with fear!

Noah, who fell down, was caught by Sun Wukong, which saved the fish-man island from a devastating disaster. Is it not going to face another disaster when the sea kings attacked the fish-man island?

And King Neptune looked at the sea kings appearing around him, and at Bai Xing, who was crying aloud, he immediately became worried...

"This number is really scary!" Tina looked solemnly at the terrifying figure outside the island, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"Goku is stopping Noah... It seems that these sea kings can only be solved by ourselves!" Laqi looked at the sea kings outside with a solemn expression, and his expression was very serious.

Because there are too many sea kings, even they have to be taken seriously.

"Wait... They don't seem to be malicious..." Abis suddenly stopped Tina and the other girls, looked at the group of sea kings with a strange look, and looked very surprised, and then pointed to Bai Xing: "They were all caused by her crying, and she should be fine if she stops crying..."

"You mean...these sea kings were summoned by her cry?" Robin and the other women looked over at Bai Xing in surprise. She even had this ability?

When King Neptune heard this, his expression became even more ugly, because he knew Bai Xing's true identity very well. If this were exposed, he would not dare to think about the consequences!

"Your mission is completed... So, there is no need to exist..." Sun Wukong looked at Noah in his hand, and whispered softly, an invisible wave surged out of his palm, instantly spreading to the entire Noah...

The huge and exaggerated Noah immediately disintegrated under the shocking eyes of everyone, and disappeared without a trace in a moment...

Seeing this scene, Bai Xing, who was crying, immediately widened her eyes: "It's amazing..." Such a wonderful sight made her even cry temporarily.

The crying stopped, and the Neptunes also stopped their progress... They all looked towards Shirahoshi, as if they were waiting for her order...

Seeing this scene, Nami and the other women were all surprised: "Is it really called by her?"

"A mermaid princess who can summon the sea kings?" Jennie Bonney took a bite of the barbecue, squinted her eyes, and looked at Bai Xing, with an inexplicable light beating in her eyes.

Sun Wukong looked around, looked at those sea kings, and said lightly: "Go back to me! There is nothing to do with you here!"

When a group of sea kings heard the words, they all looked at Sun Wukong. Fear and obedience appeared in their eyes. Without any extra movement, they all retreated and evacuated from the deep sea...

"He... he can actually control the sea kings?!" King Neptune looked at the scene in front of him, stunned, and then looked at Bai Xing beside him, his eyes flickering: "Could he... is that we have been there all the time. The one who was waiting?"

Sun Wukong flashed and appeared in front of the girls. Kalifa stepped forward directly: "Wukong, there is something special about this mermaid princess, you should have noticed it?"

"No need to guess... She is actually the sea king Poseidon, one of the ancient weapons! She has a mermaid princess who communicates with the sea kings, the real king of the sea kings, who can order the sea kings all over the world, and has the ability to save countless people. The great power that lives or destroys the whole world!" Sun Wukong smiled and said Bai Xing's identity without hesitation.

"You...you actually know?!..." King Nipton was horrified when he heard this, his face instantly pale as paper.

"She... she turned out to be the sea emperor Poseidon, one of the ancient weapons? It's too surprising! I thought that the ancient weapon should be just a weapon, but I didn't expect it to be a mermaid?" Jenny Bonnie opened his mouth in shock, looking at Bai Xing with excitement in his eyes.

The ancient weapon that the world has longed for is actually right in front of her, can she not be excited?

Relatively speaking, Robin and the others will appear much calmer, because there is a more terrifying existence in front of them!

Didn't you see that Sun Wukong scared the sea kings to the ground with just one sentence?

"Ancient weapons... Sea Emperor... Poseidon... So it is... So it is... I should have thought of it long ago..." Hody Jones looked at Bai Xing with fiery eyes, his eyes were greedy and undisguised , that's an ancient weapon!For someone like him, it has a fatal attraction.

Looking at Fanda Deacon, who had turned into a pile of rubble, Hody Jones' eyes flickered fiercely: "No wonder this guy tried everything he could to get Princess Bai Xing... It seems that he already knew the true nature of Bai Xing. identity..."

"Death is imminent, there is a lot of nonsense..." Sun Wukong looked at Hody Jones in the prison, and said lightly to King Neptune next to him: "This guy will be handed over to you..."

"Thank you very much..." King Neptune nodded and ordered the murloc soldiers: "Take him down and put him directly in the prison tower..."

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