
The murloc soldiers just wanted to escort Hody Jones away, but Sun Wukong immediately stopped them: "Wait, I'll give him to you, but it's not just for you to put him in the prison tower!"

"Uh! Could it be that Lord Wukong wants me to cut him off?" King Neptune asked with some doubts.

"Do you still use your own hands to kill him?" Sun Wukong waved his hand and said indifferently: "I only told you because of Bai Xing's face... This guy is the real murderer who killed Princess Yiji..."

"What... what?!" King Neptune and the others were shocked by the sudden news, their eyes widened in shock!

Even Hody Jones looked at Monkey King in astonishment!Why would he know such a secret thing?

Shen Xing clenched his fists even more, his eyes filled with endless anger: "Master Wukong... Are you... true?"

Sun Wukong was too lazy to talk nonsense, he waved his hand lightly, and a light curtain appeared in front of everyone in an instant, and above it, the truth of Princess Yiji eight years ago was being played in detail..."

When they saw that Hody Jones had shot and killed Princess Otoji secretly and put the blame on human beings, Shen Xing and others were full of anger!

"I didn't expect that there are such scumbags in this world..." Wei Wei and the others all looked at the skinny Hody Jones with disgust on their faces.

"Hody! You bastard! It turns out that you are doing all this!" Shenxing snatched the spear from the hands of a murloc soldier and stabbed Hody Jones in the heart angrily: "Take your life! Hody! I waited for this day, but eight years..."

Chapter [-] Add another person

"Wait...Deep Star..." King Neptune grabbed the spear that Deep Star stabbed down, glared at Hody Jones, and said, "Now he can't die, we must reveal the truth to the public. , I'm not in a hurry to deal with him..."

"Understood... Father..." Shen Xing took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and put down the spear in his hand.

With video as proof, Hody Jones' crimes have been revealed throughout Fishman Island!And Hody Jones is also simply, knowing that he is not far from death, and shaking out the truth of the facts!

Under the instruction of Sun Wukong, Hody Jones was beaten to death in the square by the angry fish-man island residents who knew the truth!

This is also a good ending!Because Sun Wukong knew that if he really handed Hody Jones over to King Neptune and others, with their kind personality, it would be impossible to execute Hody Jones. Imprisoned in the prison tower.

After saving the entire Fishman Island and avenging Princess Ottoji, Sun Wukong also became the hero of the entire Fishman Island.

On this day, the entire fish-man island is spent in celebration...

And Sun Wukong and his party also participated in the celebration banquet held by King Neptune...

During the banquet, Sun Wukong looked at King Neptune and said bluntly: "The identity of Bai Xing has been exposed, and your strength is simply not enough to protect her! Therefore, I want her to join my Emperor Pirates. problem?"

King Neptune frowned and pondered for a while, looked at Bai Xing beside him, and nodded reluctantly: "I understand..."

He knew very well what the ancient weapons represented!If this news spreads out, then Bai Xing will probably become the target of the world's competition!By that time, let alone the Four Emperors, even the World Government may have to intervene in this matter!

The situation at that time was simply unimaginable!

And Bai Xing will only become someone else's weapon!But Sun Wukong is different, his own power is enough to shock the world, so he doesn't care about Bai Xing's ability, and Bai Xing can only follow Sun Wukong's side, which is the best choice and the safest!

"White Star, you heard it, from today onwards, you are a member of the Emperor Pirates, you must listen to Lord Wukong in the future, do you understand?" King Nipton looked at Bai Xing and said solemnly.

"Huh? Don't my father want me? Did I do something wrong?" Bai Xing immediately had tears in his eyes, with a pitiful expression on his face, and he was about to cry.

"White Star, don't cry, it's not that we don't want you, it's that you are safest only by staying with Lord Wukong! We are also thinking of your safety..." Shen Xing and the three princes immediately comforted Bai Xing.

Just listening to Sun Wukong, he shook his head: "You really can't comfort people... Bai Xing, join my Emperor Pirates, and I can take you to travel all over the world, to see those things you have never seen before. The things you've been through... aren't these what you've been looking forward to? Besides, when you want to go home, you come back in an instant, just like today..."

"Huh? Really? That's great! If there is Master Wukong, I'd like to join!" Shirahoshi immediately became happy.

The faces of King Neptune and the three princes showed a hint of wry smiles. Looking at Bai Xing, even if Sun Wukong didn't ask their opinions, with Bai Xing's completely trusting attitude towards Sun Wukong, I'm afraid he would be a jerk. Do you want to follow him?

"Congratulations, you kidnapped another beautiful girl...and she's still such a big mermaid girl..." Robin lightly abducted Sun Wukong and whispered with a smile on his face.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Sun Wukong responded modestly.But in exchange for Robin's big white eyes.

"Then, welcome Bai Xing to join our Emperor Pirates! Cheers!" Sun Wukong raised his glass and gestured to the crowd, then drank it all!

This banquet was very successful. Everyone was smiling, enjoying the delicious food while watching the amazing performances of the mermaid dancers in the mermaid coffee shop. It was indeed a great enjoyment...

Only Mrs. Charlie of the Mermaid Cafe had a sad face.Although the crisis on Fishman Island has been resolved, it is a little different from the future she predicted by divination, but it is also somewhat different, because in her prediction, Fishman Island was destroyed by Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors. (also known as Bigumam) in the hands!So, has the crisis on Fishman Island really been lifted?

Just looking at Sun Wukong on the opposite side, my worry is also relieved. If he is there, it should be fine, right?

After the banquet, Robin and the other women went back to the Emperor to rest!And Sun Wukong, this unscrupulous guy, sneaked into Bai Xing's room in the middle of the night, and lay directly in his great heart for the night!The surrounding area is soft and soft, and the taste in it can only be experienced by him.As for what happened during the period, it can only be understood, not spoken...

The next day, early in the morning, Sun Wukong slipped out of the hard-shell tower, but he didn't expect that just as he approached the main hall, he saw the prince of Shenxing vomit blood and flew out from the door of the main hall. Flying towards him...

Sun Wukong's brows wrinkled slightly at the moment, and he put a hand on Shenxing's back, and he removed the terrifying force on his body and put him on the ground: "What's the matter? You practice martial arts in the early morning?" Saying, I felt a little bit in the hall, and I couldn't help but feel a little surprised: "I didn't expect that this group of people arrived so quickly..."

"Wu... Lord Wukong? That's great!" Shen Xing was overjoyed when he saw Sun Wukong, no matter why he appeared in Dragon Palace City so early, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "We meet again. I'm in trouble... One of the four emperors, Bigu Mum, sent messengers to bring our Fishman Island under their rule..."

Shen Xing just finished speaking, and the remaining two princes also flew out from the door of the main hall...

"I'm going! So arrogant?"

Sun Wukong immediately caught the two princes and walked towards the main hall...

"It's really surprising... King Neptune! I didn't expect your small fish-man island to dare to reject the kindness of our big mom pirate group? If 'mum' knows this, you guys Fishman Island is about to become a thing of the past!"

Pokemus looked at King Neptune who was beaten to the ground in front of him with a fierce look, a terrible aura exuding a dangerous warning.

And his hand was stained with a trace of blood. I wonder if it belonged to King Neptune or His Royal Highness the three princes?Or the murloc soldiers who lay on the ground and don't know their life or death?

Chapter [-] Almost scared to pee

"Pokermus, being angry can't accomplish the task that 'mother' gave us..." At this time, the strange man who was drinking tea leisurely stood up and looked at King Neptune. With the slender feet and the things on the crotch, the picture is simply too beautiful, making people a little afraid to look at it.

The little boy was wearing open-crotch pants, but he was wearing a half-torn eggshell.

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