You're already getting old, and you're still dressed like this, don't you feel blush?Don't you feel ashamed?

It's not a hat, but a plank?Well, in fact, it should be said that it is more appropriate to say a 'coffee table' with 'cups'!Are you telling people that you can be 'tragic' at any time?

Holding a cane like an umbrella handle, it looks nondescript, do you really think you are a gentleman?

Such a wonderful guy is only Baron Dandan.

At this moment, Baron Eggy's expression is very indifferent, and he looks like a gentleman: "Let me introduce myself first... My name is Baron Egg... This time, I really want to solve the problem by peaceful means... In fact, our requirements are not very high, are they? We only need to supply us ten tons of candy a month, and we can keep your fishman island safe and sound..."

"You know, Whitebeard is dead! You are no longer protected by the Whitebeard Pirates... Think about it, do you still want to go back to the past and see your people being captured by pirates at any time? Are you going to sell for money? If things go on like this, Fishman Island may be wiped out, maybe..."

"Although what you said is very reasonable...but ten tons of candy every's too much...and, even if I want to belong to a certain pirate group, I already have a plan, so, Again, for your kindness, I can only say sorry..."

King Neptune's attitude was very low, because the person in front of him was an envoy sent by one of the four emperors, and Fishman Island could not be provoked, but he still politely refused.

"Already have a plan? Is it Kaido? Or Shanks?" Baron Eggy was obviously a little surprised, and his elegant face became more serious.

"Neither..." King Neptune shook his head.

"Neither? Are you kidding us? Are there other people who can compare to us except the other two emperors? Tell me quickly, I'll kill him now!" Pokemus looked angry He approached King Neptune, took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of very ferocious eyes, trying to show his majesty.

It's just that although his eyes are fierce, but with his lion face, it looks very funny, and the deterrence is greatly weakened.

"Destroy me? Give you ten thousand courage, do you dare?" Sun Wukong took the third prince into the hall and looked at Pokermus with a playful face.

"Are you that bastard? How dare you be so arrogant..." Pokemus immediately turned around angrily, squeezed his claws tightly, and was about to punch him...

However, when he saw the person coming, he gasped for a moment, his face was full of astonishment, and his original arrogant appearance was instantly as weak as a cat, and his legs were shaking involuntarily. : "Sun... Sun... Sun Wukong?!"

With a click, Pokemus' feet softened, and he fell to the ground in horror, kowtowing and begging for forgiveness: "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry! Lord Wukong! I didn't mean to offend you... Please forgive me... Please forgive me!"

You actually scolded Emperor Sun Wukong?Pokmose's back was chilled and he almost urinated.

The sudden change made King Neptune and others stunned!

what's going on?The guy who was arrogant just now, how could he suddenly kneel down and beg for mercy without any discipline?Aren't you the messengers sent by Bikumam, one of the Four Emperors?There's no need to be so frightened when you see Goku-sama, right?

It is no wonder that King Neptune and the others were shocked and confused, because after the end of the Marin van Dou War, the world government did not publish the real horror of Monkey King in the newspapers, because that would be an extremely shameful thing, wouldn't it?Anyway, most of the people on land have seen it through live broadcasts!

So it doesn't matter whether you can get on or not, and you can save a little face, why not do it?This also indirectly led to the fact that the people of Fishman Island had not seen the miracle that subverted the world!

That's why Hody Jones and the others dare to rashly attack the Emperor Pirates!Because they have never seen the scary part of Sun Wukong at all.Although there is fear in my heart!But there is also a fortunate mentality!Because of their understanding of Sun Wukong, they only stay in the fact that Sun Wukong is the strongest recognized by the world!Even the world government does not dare to offend easily!

But Pokemus is different from the residents of Fishman Island, because he has seen the horror of Monkey King with his own eyes!Only one person can subvert the world!As soon as he is domineering, even Whitebeard has to lie down on the ground. Such a despairing and terrifying figure, if he is given ten thousand courage, he will not dare to offend him!Because the consequences are not only that he will die, but even the big·mom pirates behind him must become history in an instant!

The current Pokemus is so depressed in his heart!In fact, he didn't think that it was Sun Wukong before!But in his opinion, an existence like Monkey King dismissed even the chance to rule the world and gave up!How could he care about a fish-man island in this district!As a result, what I thought was the most impossible thing became possible.

"This fish-man island has been ruled by the Emperor Pirates from now on! So, remember it clearly for me, if you dare to come here to make trouble in the future! Your big·mom pirates don't need to exist anymore. !"

"Yes! Yes!" Both Pokemus and Baron Dandan nodded in horror.

"Father... They are not one of the four emperors... Are they the subordinates of Bigu Mum? Could it be a fake?" Shen Xing looked at the two of them, who looked like grandsons, and their eyes widened, a little incredible. .

"You know shit!" Hearing that Shen Xing and the others dared to look down on him, Pokemus immediately jumped up and became furious, and then pointed at Sun Wukong with a face full of admiration: "It's like you are [-] meters under the sea here. It’s a pity not to know the greatness of Lord Goku! But now, keep your ears open and listen carefully! Be proud and honored to be able to see such a great existence as Lord Goku!  …”

Pokemus looked excited and excited, and his mouth was full of foam. He looked like a fanatical fan!It was a surprise to see Sun Wukong.

Chapter [-] Follow me all the way

After clearing his voice, Pokemus seemed extremely excited and excited and said loudly: "Listen clearly! The lord standing in front of you! But he is the strongest in the world! No one! Marin Fando battle! Domineering is to bring down everyone...

"Including all the admirals of the Navy such as Whitebeard! He is the undisputed king! He is the undisputed number one..."

Seeing Pokermus' excited expression, the more he talked, the more excited he became. Even the faint baron was full of admiration.Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, he wanted to teach them a good lesson, but now it's better, these two guys are actually their own fanatical worship, and they are embarrassed to start seeing them worshiping themselves so much.

On the contrary, it was King Neptune and the others who were full of shock after listening to the incredible and shocking incidents that were just casually mentioned in the newspaper recently!They didn't expect that the person standing in front of them turned out to be a terrifying genius who could overthrow the entire world government with just one person!

It's ridiculous that Hody Jones and the others are still thinking of dealing with such existences as their springboard. It's ridiculous!No wonder it was killed so easily.

"Okay, the two of you don't have to be flattering anymore, hurry up and get out!" Sun Wukong waved his hand and rushed out.The so-called people who don't reach out and don't hit the smiling face, these two guys are indeed his admirers, and there is no cheating in the slightest, so they are embarrassed to start.

"That... before leaving, can you sign your name?" Pokemus looked shy.

"Get out now! Otherwise, stay forever!"

With a swoosh, Pokemus and Baron Dandan were very succinct in an instant, and the people who took them disappeared without a trace in a flash. The speed was astounding!

King Nipton and the others looked at Pokemus who had disappeared for a moment, and they were all in a daze. For them, the existence that they did not dare to resist was just so casually dismissed. gone?

This also indirectly shows how terrifying and deterrent Sun Wukong is!Even if the four emperors see each other, they have to be human with their tails between their tails and dare not say a word of nonsense!

And the fact that Fishman Island can be placed under the banner of such characters is simply exciting!

"That, Lord Wukong, about the fish-man island being brought under your rule... I don't know what price we will pay?" King Neptune knew that Monkey King's 'really' terrible, even spoke cautiously stand up.

"Didn't you already pay? Bai Xing is now a member of my Emperor Pirates! I am also protecting my home for her!" Sun Wukong looked at King Neptune and the others, and smiled: "Now, go and publicize it well! Otherwise, others will not know that you are already under my banner, but they will come to invade Fishman Island!"

"Yes... I really don't know how to thank you for your kindness... As long as you have said this, I believe that no one will dare to invade Fishman Island from now on!" King Neptune and others are all grateful to Sun Wukong , to show the respect in my heart with the highest etiquette!

Next up is publicity!First of all, of course, the entire Fishman Island!

When they heard the news, the residents of Fishman Island cheered loudly!Since the death of Whitebeard, they have been living in fear!I'm afraid that one day, a group of pirates will come and wantonly burn, kill and loot in the fish-man island!Now, you can finally feel at ease!

I have to say that although there is no network in this world, the report delivery ability of those communication pigeons is really not covered!In just three days, after Daughter Island, the news that Fishman Island was also placed under the name of the Emperor Pirates spread all over the world!For a time, the whole world was in an uproar!

This made a group of pirates who were originally wicked and wanted to capture mermaids wantonly, when they heard the news, their teeth itch with hatred!But so what?It can only be unwilling to return to the flight again!Because they don't dare to go to Fishman Island to catch mermaids after giving them a hundred courage!

After everything was over, Sun Wukong stayed on Fishman Island for five days. After accompanying Robin to check the historical texts on the island, he accompanied the girls to play all over the Fishman Island. Today, he is also ready to leave. It's a day!

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