The port, King Neptune and other princes and ministers stood in the first place, and the residents of Fishman Island were standing all around. They all came to see Sun Wukong and others away!

Bai Xing even said goodbye to King Neptune and his three brothers with tears in his eyes.

"Kemi, are you really going to leave Fishman Island?" Papac looked at Kemi with reluctance, with tears flashing in his eyes.

"Yes! I also like adventures, but I was always eaten by sea beasts before, but if I'm with Lord Goku, it's no problem!" Kemi said happily.

"That...if you leave...I'll be alone..." Papac touched and touched with his hands, with a tangled expression on his face.

"Ah! Kemi, I heard that you are leaving with Lord Goku and the others? I'm really envious!" At this moment, the mermaids at the Mermaid Cafe surrounded Kemi one after another and pushed Papac aside.

"I really want to go out and have a look!"

"Yeah! I also really want to know how it feels when the sun shines on my body... I have always heard that the outside world is very dangerous, and I dare not go out to see it..."

Mermaid, your words, my words, your face is full of envy and longing!

They have never been out on Fishman Island since they were young, so it is no wonder that they are full of curiosity about the outside world!

"If you want to go out and have a look, you can leave with us! If you want to come back, you can ask Lord Wukong to send you back!" Kemi said innocently.

"Is it really possible?" The eyes of the mermaid girls lit up, obviously they were all excited.

"Of course, you can ask Lord Wukong! I think he will agree!"

Hearing what Kemi said, the five famous fish sisters all surrounded Sun Wukong...

"Master Wukong! We decided to join your Emperor Pirates. Would you like to take us out on an adventure?"

"Yes! Yes! I dream of seeing the outside world!"

"If you're with Goku-sama, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

Looking at the mermaid who was looking at him with anticipation and wanted to join the Emperor Pirates, Sun Wukong was obviously stunned for a moment, then he waved his hand and said cheerfully: "No problem! During the banquet, look at you all. She dances well, and she will be a full-time dancer of our Emperor Pirates!"

"Yeah! That's awesome! Finally getting to meet the outside world!"

The mermaids all cheered happily...

And when the other young and beautiful mermaids met, they all surrounded Sun Wukong with excitement...

"Master Wukong! I'll join too! I'll join too!"

"Haha! No problem! Follow me all the way!"

Chapter [-] New Seas, New World

"Bastard! Stop kidding! Do you want to take away all the mermaids on the island?" Nami stood on the Emperor and yelled at Sun Wukong.

"Haha~~ Someone got angry! So... I'm really sorry! It looks like I can't take you to sea together!" Sun Wukong shrugged at the mermaids around him, with a helpless expression on his face.

He was just joking just now, did he really take away all the mermaids on the island?How is that possible!Taking advantage of Nami's madness, she also went down the stage.

The mermaids all showed disappointment on their faces!

"You don't have to be so disappointed. Fishman Island is under my banner, and I have already sent a message. Anyone who dares to catch mermaids or murlocs will be the enemy of our Emperor Pirates! So you can go with confidence and boldness. Let's take a look at the sea! Forgive those who don't open their eyes and dare not capture you!"

"Ah! Really? Can we really visit the human world?" The mermaids showed excited expressions on their faces again.

"Don't go to places where people live! After all, this world is still very dangerous!"

"Since Goku-sama said so, then there must be no problem!"

"It's great! I can finally go to the land to bask in the sun!"

A group of mermaids cheered excitedly again...

"Then... Lord Wukong, can we still go to sea with you?" Several beautiful mermaids in the coffee shop looked at Sun Wukong with worry and anticipation.Because the mermaids around them were turned away, they would inevitably be a little worried.

"As I said, you are already the song and dance girls of the Emperor Pirates! So, let's board!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly. Although there are many girls on the Emperor, there are really not many who can sing and dance. A few, these mermaids can just pass the time in their spare time.

"It's great!" The five mermaids cheered and floated up to the Emperor, for fear that Sun Wukong would go back on his words.

It is said to be floating, that is because they are all fish tails, and if they want to move on land, they can only rely on soap bubbles as tools.

"Hey! You're all gone! Isn't my coffee shop going to close?" Mrs. Charlie looked helpless as they looked at each of them impatiently.

"Why don't you, Mrs. Charlie, leave with us too! Your coffee shop won't make a lot of money anyway!"

"Me? Forget it!" Mrs. Xia Li's expression was obviously a little moved, but she glanced at Sun Wukong and shook her head again.

"Don't be so open-minded! If you were here, we would be relieved a lot!" The mermaids said, and looked at Sun Wukong: "Is there no problem? Lord Wukong!"

"Haha! If you guys want to, just lift him onto the boat!" Sun Wukong laughed in a good mood.He didn't know how to trick Charlie into the boat at first, but he didn't expect these mermaid girls to be so powerful, and they solved the problem for him directly.

"Look, Lord Wukong doesn't object! That's it!" The five mermaid sisters directly set up Mrs. Charlie and boarded the emperor...

"Hey! I said... how can this be... hurry up and let me down... even if you want to leave... you have to clean up?" Mrs. Xia Li was still struggling for nothing.

"No need to clean up! I heard that there is everything on the Emperor..."

"Okay! Bai Xing, we are going!" Seeing that all the girls had already boarded the boat, Sun Wukong waved to Bai Xing, who was still saying goodbye to King Neptune and others.

"Ah? So soon? I know!" Bai Xing hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and waved goodbye to King Nipton with a reluctant expression: "Father, brother, and everyone, I'm leaving... "..." Bai Xing said while choking, her pitiful appearance was endearing, but she didn't move half a step for a long time.

Seeing that Sun Wukong shook his head, he came to Bai Xing's side and patted her lightly, comforting: "If there's nothing to give up, you can just go on a trip, and when you get homesick, I'll take you back to see it right away. Look!"

"En!" Bai Xing nodded vigorously, but his cry-loving personality was still shedding tears.

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