"As for you..." Sun Wukong looked at the huge White Star Princess in front of him, and with a wave of one hand, the imperial horn instantly lengthened and widened, and a huge independent room was created out of thin air: "This house belongs to you. Yes!"

"This is?!" Hancock and the others were all surprised by Sun Wukong's hand.Created out of thin air?What is this ability?No wonder Tina said that she was created by Goku, so the so-called creation was created like this?

No, they have long been used to Sun Wukong's ability, and after being surprised, there is nothing to be surprised about.

"Wow! It's amazing! Lord Wukong! Is this for me? I'm really happy!" Bai Xing immediately ran towards his room with a look of surprise on his face, but he didn't take a second step. With a bang, he fell directly to the ground!

"It hurts!" Bai Xing Jiao whimpered and rubbed his nose, tears rolling in his eyes.

"Be careful, you are just learning to walk, don't run around!"

"Got it!" Bai Xing got up again and walked cautiously towards his room...

Sun Wukong looked up, I went, the scenery here is really good...

"Wow! Brother Wukong, come and see! What is that?"

At this moment, Abis suddenly screamed in surprise, and everyone looked up, all with expressions of surprise...

"What a big drop of water!"

In exclamation, the water droplets in the sky suddenly resembled cannonballs, 'Bang Bang! 'The smashed into the sea, startled the waves several feet high!

"It's... it's raining?" Nami looked shocked.

"No! The rain in the human world...is it so scary?!" Isli and other mermaids were dumbfounded.

Chapter [-] Punk Hassad

However, the huge raindrops lasted for only a moment, and then they condensed into ice and fell from the sky into huge hailstones!Like cannonballs smashed into the sea, the momentum is terrifying!

If this is replaced by an ordinary ship, if it is hit by this hail, the ship must be destroyed!

However, the Emperor itself has a defensive barrier set up by Sun Wukong, and once it is attacked, it will launch itself.Therefore, the hail just fell, and it was blocked by a transparent barrier that suddenly appeared on the Emperor, and it shattered into ice chips and scattered!

"Phew~" Xia Li and the other girls, who had been scared and nervous at first, breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene.

But Bai Xing's eyes widened, full of shock: "It's amazing! It turns out that this is what the human world calls the weather change!"

"That's not it!" Nami immediately vetoed loudly: "It seems that we have entered the Mobexumur sea area, also known as the unhappy sea area, and unheard of weather will come one after another at will..."

Before Nami could finish her words, the hail disappeared, and suddenly a heavy snow fell like a goose feather...

"Wow? Is this the legendary snow? That's great! It's snowing!" Shirahoshi suddenly became extremely happy again.

"What kind of snow! It's an avalanche!" Wei Wei looked surprised, but when she looked up, it was a vast expanse of snow pouring down from the sky like a flood...

"It's incredible... The human world is really scary!" Isli and the other mermaids were stunned and shocked, but at the same time, they were full of excitement and excitement!Because there is no danger, seeing such a miraculous sight for the first time, it is natural to be excited and excited.

"Snow! I want snow... I want to feel what snow looks like..." Bai Xing flushed with excitement at the moment, looking at the snow piled up on the barrier, and looking at Sun Wukong with anticipation.

Sun Wukong thought, and the snow immediately passed through the barrier and fell on the roof on the deck. Bai Xing and several other mermaids rushed towards the snowdrifts excitedly...

"Wow! It's icy cold, so comfortable! Is this snow..."

After the avalanche, another heavy rain...

The rainstorm was only a moment, and the entire sea was suddenly disconnected from it!The Emperor fell directly from the broken current...

This time, even Robin had a look of surprise on his face: "It's incredible! The sea is actually disconnected? Is it really possible to do anything?"

"It's really a strange world..." Tina said, controlling the Emperor to float directly, leaping out of the cutoff in the air...

"It's an incredible pirate ship... It can even fly?" Xia Li was surprised. The weather changes here were far less shocking than the Emperor gave her.

For others, this is almost a terrifying and devastating change. For the Emperor, there is no danger at all, but it has become a wonderful beauty to appreciate!

"This snow is not like you play..." Sun Wukong looked at the mermaids who were rolling in the snowdrifts, he couldn't look straight.

"Yeah! If you play with snow, of course, you're building a snowman, and you're going to have a snowball fight!" Abis immediately trotted over, picked up a ball of snowballs, and threw it at Sun Wukong's face.

Of course, Sun Wukong can actually avoid it very easily, but since it is playing, it is unnecessary.

"Okay! Abis, how dare you hit your brother..." Sun Wukong directly piled up a ball of snowballs from the boss, raised it over his head, and smashed it directly at Abis!

With a snap, Abis' small body was directly submerged in the snowdrift!

"Too...too bullying!" Abiss angrily exposed her head from the snowdrift, and said to Bai Xing, "Sister Bai Xing, beat him for me!"

"Okay!" Bai Xing immediately picked up a pile of snowballs, squeezed it hard to form a super-giant snowball, and then stretched it flat on the top of Sun Wukong's head. When he put it lightly, Sun Wukong was directly submerged in the snowdrift. among...

"I'm going... I can't play this snowball fight!" Sun Wukong climbed up from the snowdrift, looked at Bai Xing's huge body, and was speechless.

However, just after the words fell, a few snowballs fell on him!

"Okay! Play sneak attack, right!" Sun Wukong looked at the mermaids who were giggling, and immediately shouted, and began to fight back...

Xia Li looked at the extremely dangerous environment outside, and after looking at the people on the boat who were having fun, she shook her head helplessly: "In such an environment, it seems that only Lord Wukong can play games leisurely. arrive……"

A small snowball fight looks a bit naive, but it is also a means of enhancing feelings!Look at the eyes of the mermaids looking at Sun Wukong, you know that the effect is still good!

Time passed a little bit, and before you knew it, it was already afternoon...

The incredible weather changes have long since disappeared, and it seems that they have already left the Mobethumur sea area.

"Wukong, look, there's an island in front of you!" Keya pointed to the front, suddenly surprised.

"Island?" Sun Wukong tilted his head to look, his brows furrowed slightly. This island made him feel a little familiar, and when he thought about it, he immediately came to his mind: "Punk Hazard... It turned out to be this island..."

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