When thinking of Punk Hazard, Sun Wukong's mind is a beautiful figure with white wings and bird claws - Monet!

In other words, Sun Wukong still feels very sorry for her death. In this case, it is necessary to change her fate!

Looking at Punk Hazard in front of him, Sun Wukong turned his head to look at the girls beside him: "Who of you want to accompany me to the island?"

"The concubine will naturally follow Wukong at any time..." Hancock was the first to stand up.

"I'm not going!" Nami shook her head resolutely as she looked at the terrifying island filled with poisonous mist.

In the original book, Punk Hazard became an island of ice and fire that was half icy and snowy and half flaming because of the battle between Aokiji and Akainu.

However, now that Akainu has been killed and Aokiji is still in the navy, such a war naturally did not happen, and there is no Icefire Island!

It's just that Punk Hazard at the moment looks gloomy. The entire island is filled with blue, dark, dark green and other mists. At first glance, it is a highly poisonous thing, full of ominous!

"It looks very adventurous, count me in!" Robin smiled slightly.

"It is rumored that this island is forbidden to enter... I am very curious!" Kalifa took a step forward.

"Let's go take a look too!" Tina and Dusky stepped forward at the same time.

"Okay, five people are enough! The others will stay on the boat and wait for us to come back!" Sun Wukong nodded, and the final number was confirmed as: Hancock, Robin, Kalifa, Tina, Dasqi, plus Sun Wukong , a total of six people.

"Let's go!"

The Emperor slowly docked, and Sun Wukong greeted him and boarded Punk Hazard with the five Hancock daughters...

Chapter [-] Caesar

"Cough cough~~" Dasqi covered her mouth and nose and coughed a few times, looking at the poisonous mist that filled the surroundings, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly: "Wukong, these are all highly poisonous mists, are we okay to go in like this? ?"

"This is a detoxification pill, each of you should take one!" Sun Wukong stretched out one hand, and five pills appeared on the palm of his hand.

Robin and the other five girls immediately took one and threw it directly into their mouths...

And Sun Wukong directly kicked the big iron gate to the ground!

Walking into the gate, the poisonous mist inside became more and more dense. If all the girls had not eaten the antidote, I am afraid that they would not be able to stay in this environment for a few minutes.

The surrounding silence is terrifying, and there are bones everywhere, including human beings and beasts!It looked very eerie.

"Concubine doesn't like this kind of place!" Hancock showed a look of disgust.Not only is the atmosphere unpleasant, but the air is also unpleasant.

"Be patient! We are not here to play!" Sun Wukong took Hancock's hand and comforted him.

"Yes, since Wukong said so, no matter where he is, his concubine will endure it!" Hancock's pretty face flushed instantly, and even his breathing became a little short, and the happy and intoxicated expression on his face made Robin look like The girls shook their heads.Isn't it just holding hands?Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?


As it went deeper, a loud roar suddenly resounded from the poisonous forest in front!Then I saw that the trees were swept by the strong wind, trembling, and a huge black shadow flapping its wings flew over from a distance...

"This... this is?! How could it be?!" Kalifa held her glasses and looked at the creature flying over in shock, her eyes widening in shock.

"How can there be such a creature in the world?" Tina also widened her eyes in shock.

"But this way... I can only accept the reality..." Robin looked up, his eyes showing shock.

"Dragon? Is this really a dragon?" Dasqi opened her mouth wide, looking a bit tempting.

"It seems that it is indeed... This is the first time I have seen this legendary creature!" Hancock was also shocked at the moment.

It's no wonder that dragons, originally creatures in myths and legends, suddenly appeared in front of them, and who wouldn't be shocked?

It's like suddenly one day, you see a five-clawed golden dragon flying over your head, that feeling is the mood of Robin waiting for women now.

The giant dragon waved its wings, carrying a violent wind, and landed in front of Sun Wukong and the others!

The dark green body, the wide fleshy wings, and the hideous and terrifying head, grinned, and the saliva that overflowed from the crevices of the teeth fell to the ground, and even the rock was melted after a burst of blue smoke!Looking at its appearance, this is actually a poisonous dragon!

"In the original book, it's a fire-breathing dragon... I didn't expect that with the changes in the geographical environment, even the dragon became a poisonous dragon... It really changed a lot!" The terrifying poisonous dragon was a little surprised.


The poisonous dragon roared, his eyes flickering fiercely, that is the expression of looking at the prey!

With a big mouth, a piece of venom poured down like a rain curtain!

"Dazzling Hundred Blossoms!" Robin immediately crossed his hands, and countless arms extended from the ground, combining into a huge white and tender palm, directly blocking the sprayed venom!Then, with a strong wind, a slap slapped the body of the poison dragon!

Accompanied by the roar and roar, the huge body of the poisonous dragon was smashed to the ground, and it rubbed the ground along the road for more than ten meters before it stopped!

And that huge palm is also dissipated by the poisonous corrosion.


Dulong shook his head and climbed up from the ground, the fierce light in his eyes became more and more intense, and after such a heavy blow, it did not suffer the slightest damage!

The saliva in the mouth dripped to the ground, corroding a huge venom pit.

"It's so disgusting! Such an ugly thing has a face in front of my concubine, it's really rude!" Hancock snorted in disgust, his perfect figure turned into a graceful arc, and he kicked the poisonous dragon. Kicked it... and her toes were covered with a layer of black material, which was the domineering look of armed color!

"Aromatic Feet!"


Dulong looked at the beautiful legs that were kicked towards him, his eyes were fierce, and he didn't mean to retreat at all. He opened his mouth full of venom, and bit Hancock away...

Click!With a light sound, Hancock kicked the poison dragon's head with ease, and then leveraged his strength, a beautiful backflip landed beside Sun Wukong in a graceful manner!

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