And the poisonous dragon who was kicked in the head by her kick, the body was still in an instant, and the whole head was petrified in an instant, and then turned into pieces of gravel and fell to the ground...

The headless body of the poisonous dragon rolled over to the ground with a 'bang'!

"Is that a domineering look just now? And the ability of Sweet Fruit is too powerful, right?" Dasqi and the girls looked at Hancock, all full of surprises.

"It turns out that Hancock is already domineering! I'm still in the learning stage!" Dasqi looked at Hancock with envy.

"Hancock was originally one of the Seven Martial Seas. She is not only domineering, but also three-color domineering!" Sun Wukong looked at the girls, but smiled slightly.

"Three-color domineering? That is to say, she can even be domineering?" Robin and the girls all looked at Hancock in surprise.It's really hard to believe that even though he looks so 'weak', he can be so domineering and domineering?

They have seen it with their own eyes, Sun Wukong is a domineering tyrant, and he directly brings down the Navy and the Whitebeard group in an instant!Although it is said that the domineering arrogance of others cannot be so terrifying, it is also incredible.

"Okay, let's move on! This island seems to be very interesting!" Sun Wukong greeted, and moved on with a few girls...

In the center of the island, there is a huge building. It is normal to be here, and there is no poison in the air!

In a laboratory, Caesar is doing some kind of physical examination on a huge child lying on a bed...

And beside him stood a very pretty woman, who seemed to be taking notes for Caesar...

A man fully armed with weapons and equipment hurried to the door of the laboratory, knocked on the door, and his voice was terrified: "Not good! Master! Punk Hassad has come to a group of intruders..."

"Bastard! Since it's an intruder, let me arrest them all! There are just a few more subjects, do I need to tell you that?" Caesar suddenly became furious, turned his head towards the door and roared: "I'm doing an experiment, don't disturb me again!"

"No...not...the master...the person who Emperor Pirates..."

With a "click", the scalpel in Caesar's hand fell directly to the ground, and he shouted in horror: "Who are you talking about?!"

Chapter [-] Monet

"Yes... that Emperor Pirates? The strongest Emperor Pirates in the world?" Caesar's eyes widened, full of shock.

"Yes, it is……"

"Damn! How could he come here? Damn it! Hurry up, hide everything here for me, and never let them find out! Otherwise, we will all be finished!" a series of commands.

And only the beautiful woman beside him, with fierce light flashing in her eyes, terrifying killing intent emerged, she looked so crazy: "Sun Wukong... hum... I didn't expect to meet in such a place. As for you... the revenge of the young master... I will definitely avenge it... even if... it is death!"

Restraining the abnormality in her eyes, the woman resolutely walked out of the laboratory...

But as soon as they left the door, they were stopped by three strangely dressed people, but they all had the same tattoo on their chests or arms!That is one of the four emperors, the beauty of the pirate group led by the beast Kaido!

Obviously, the identities of the three are self-evident!

"Where do you want to go? Monet!" The burly man who took the lead looked at the woman in front of him, his eyes flickered with a terrifying fierce light, and a violent and bloodthirsty aura like a beast emanated from his body, which was awe-inspiring .

And the two people behind him, one fat and one thin, don't seem to be threatening.

Monet frowned slightly, and his breath became cold: "Where am I going, I don't have to report to you?"

At this time, Monet still looked like a human, and did not become the original with wings on his back and bird claws on his feet!Because Luo hasn't remodeled for her yet.

"Warning! Don't do something stupid! Otherwise, don't blame us for not reminding you!" The burly man stared at Monet, his eyes full of warnings, and even a hint of killing intent!

"I know what I'm doing!" Monet said, and walked out without looking back.

"Boss! Monet's hatred for Sun Wukong, I don't think he will give up so easily..." The skinny guy stroked his fingernails as sharp as swords and said lightly.

"It doesn't matter... If she wants to die, just let her go... Just to buy us a little time..." The burly big man's voice seemed very cold and ruthless.

"It's really unfortunate...I didn't expect...we would meet the terrifying Lord Wukong..." The fat man shook his body, it could be said that the fat trembled.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and destroy everything here for me! Caesar, you quickly leave with those children..."

"You mean, we're going to give up here?" Case immediately widened his eyes and exclaimed, his tone full of reluctance!Because here, but his half-life hard work!Giving up all of a sudden?How can you bear it!

"Since the Emperor Sun Wukong has come here, he will know everything here sooner or later! Don't expect any chance of luck... The laboratory is destroyed, it can be built, but if the person dies, then what? It's gone! Hurry up! I hope we can retreat safely..." Mentioning the name of Sun Wukong, the burly man no longer had a fierce look in his eyes, but became extraordinarily dignified and frightened. Decisive.

"Damn Monkey King! I'll lose everything when I come here! Damn it! Damn it!" Caesar scolded, ran out of the laboratory, came to a gate, and pushed it open...

More than a dozen huge children were playing in the room, and when they saw the person who came in, they all showed surprise: "Ah! It's the master!"

"The master is here!"

"Great! Are you here to give us candy?"

"Hoho~~ Kids, come with me! Whoever is the fastest! Will get the biggest piece of candy! The goal is... the big boat in the backyard!" Caesar laughed strangely, grabbed a large Put the candy, ooh.

"Ah! It's candy! I want the biggest!"

"The biggest one is mine!" When a group of little kids saw the candy, their eyes suddenly stared.Stepping forward, they all ran towards the big ship behind... For a while, the floor was shaken with a thud...

"Child... how naive!" Caesar looked at the candy in his hand and followed behind a group of children with a strange smile.

In the dark jungle, it looked particularly eerie and terrifying, but since the poisonous dragon was killed, there was nothing to stop the path of Sun Wukong and his party...

Because the people on the island are in a hurry to run away...

Before they knew it, they had already walked out of the forest. Looking at the buildings in front of them, Sun Wukong seemed very speechless: "What are you doing, why are all of them running away all of a sudden? My brother's reputation has already reached the point where others will be frightened if they see it. Are you getting the shit out of it?"

"This kind of thing is very normal. Who told you to take the white beard casually! All the domineering admirals are brought down! It would be strange if people were not afraid of you!" Kalifa stroked her glasses and said .

"You don't seem right! Kalifa, look, isn't there a person there who hasn't escaped..." Robin tilted his head to look at a graceful figure not far away, and smiled.

"Huh? Really! And it's a woman!" Tina and the girls were full of surprise: "Usually, women should be scared away when they hear Wukong's name!"

"To your sister!" Sun Wukong rubbed Tina into his arms, stretched his big hand directly into her indescribable place, and squeezed...

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