"Bastard... bastard... let go..." Tina's pretty face instantly turned red, and she exclaimed loudly.

For a while, Robin and the other women all had a blush on their faces, and turned their heads to be out of sight.

And Monet, who originally exuded terrifying killing intent, suddenly saw this explosive scene in front of him, the whole person was stunned, and then his pretty face instantly turned red, and he didn't know what to do for a while!

"From your eyes, it's not hard to see that you have a deep hatred for Wukong... But I kindly remind you, hurry up and leave! Otherwise, if you are caught, you may be locked in a small dark room. !" Robin looked at Monet, his face was calm, and he said seriously.

"Little...Little Black Room..." Monet seemed to have thought of something, her face instantly turned blood red and became extremely frightened, she turned around and ran, but before she took two steps, her figure suddenly stopped again, her face flushed red Disappeared, replaced by madness that turned into anger!

Suddenly, heavy snow fell all around, and in an instant, she herself was covered by a layer of snowdrifts, and then condensed into a terrifying snow monster densely covered with sharp teeth, biting towards Sun Wukong and his party...

"I almost let you all scare you! I'm not afraid of you! Sun Wukong! Take your life! The revenge of the young master! I will never forget it!"

Chapter [-] The determination to die

"Is it the enemy?"

Da Siqi looked at Monet who suddenly launched an attack, his figure flashed, and he blocked directly in front of Sun Wukong. Shi Yu was sold out in an instant, and a layer of light fluorescence was densely covered on it, which instantly turned into a cold light. Cut down!

Puff sound!That huge, ferocious, and terrifying snow monster was chopped into pieces in an instant!

"Haha! You can't hurt me!" The snow blocks surging and condensed, forming the appearance of Monet again. She glared at Da Siqi and laughed proudly!

At the same time, he rushed towards Dusky and hugged her into his arms!

"Si~~ It's so cold! Are you... a natural power person?" Dasqi shivered and looked at Monet with a look of surprise.

"Dasqi, isn't this an obvious thing? Everyone has turned into a pile of snow, can't you see it?" Sun Wukong looked at Dasqi helplessly.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't pay much attention..." Dusqi's pretty face instantly flushed, and she became a little embarrassed.

"Natural stupidity really can't hurt!" Looking at Da Siqi, Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly.

"Hehe~~ You are really cute!" Monet hugged Dusqi tightly, his whole body was shivering coldly, causing heavy snow to float around, and it was bitingly cold: "But if you are hugged like this, you will no longer be able to use it. Get your strength up? Then watch yourself slowly being robbed of your strength by this cold body!"

"I'm so sorry... Although I'm not domineering yet... But I've practiced the magic tricks Wukong taught me, so... I'm not afraid of the cold!" Da Siqi suddenly smiled, and the rain turned sharply in his hands. , A cold light flashed, Monet's pupils shrank instantly, and his body suddenly split open at the waist, with a 'patta', he fell to the ground and shattered into pieces!

"Damn! As expected of a member of the Emperor Pirates... It's not a character that can be easily dealt with!" Only one head remained, but Monet was still talking!It looked a little weird.

Da Siqi tapped her feet, stepped back, and came to Sun Wukong's side, feeling a little helpless: "I'm sorry, Wukong, she is a natural ability person, I can't really hurt her!"

"Then let the concubine come!" Hancock took a step forward, his voice was soft and his movements were graceful, and his every move affected the minds of others. This kind of charm is truly unmatched.

"So beautiful..." Even Monet, who was an enemy, was stunned when he looked at Hancock for a while.

"Don't go..." Sun Wukong pulled Hankukla back, looked at Monet's expression at the moment, and shook his head: "If you make a move, she will immediately turn into a pile of rubble!"

Sun Wukong came to this island to change Monet's fate, not to kill her.

"Hey hey~~ What do you mean by this? Seeing that the other party is a beautiful woman, so I can't do it?" Tina listened, and immediately gave Sun Wukong a big white eye, which was very unhappy.

"I can't help it! Who calls someone a beautiful woman!" Sun Wukong shrugged, just throwing it away.

"Well... it seems like this is not bad... Seeing that people hate you so much, maybe they will stab you suddenly when you are sleeping!" Robin said calmly.

"Robin, don't say this kind of thing so calmly..." Dusqi shuddered, and looked at Monet with hostility.

"And you! You bastard! What do you mean by being so shy? Didn't you just praise you?" Kalifa looked at Monet's shy look, her brows jumped, and she looked very angry!Goku never praised me for being beautiful!

"Hmph~ You are exactly as rumored... You can't handle beautiful women... Originally, I came here, but I made up my mind to die... Now it seems that maybe... I don't need to die! Ten layers of ice caves!" Monet said, his body suddenly swelled, and the snow rolled and condensed like waves, forming a huge sphere that surrounded her, Sun Wukong and others!

"How about it, this is an ice cave that overlaps ten layers of thickness, and it can't be broken casually!" Monet's body showed half of his body from the wall of the ice cave. smile.

"This is obviously delaying time!" Kalifa stroked her glasses and said, "Is it to give those people behind her more time to evacuate?"

"It's a really good look..." Sun Wukong looked at Monet's cold and hateful eyes, and at the same time was extremely determined, and smiled: "I thought you wanted to kill me and avenge Doflamingo! No! Thinking of it, it was with the determination to die, just to buy a little time..."

"Brother Doflaming? That Qiwuhai?" Tina asked.

"He seems to be a Tianlong person, right? The one who was killed by Wukong inexplicably?" Robin pondered for a moment and said.

Because when Brother Doflaming died, he was so embarrassed. He was instantly killed by one of the countless beams released by Sun Wukong. Even he himself hadn't reacted. Why did he Get killed all of a sudden?

Robin can remember, it is not easy.

"Bastard! You are not allowed to mention the young master!" Monet's face suddenly became extremely distorted, his eyes were full of hatred, and his crazy face looked like a crazy witch!Evil and full of piercing murderous intent!

"[-] years of snow!"

With a roar-like scream, the snow surged rapidly and swept away towards Robin and other women!

In this small ice cave, there is no way to avoid it!Robin's daughters, including Sun Wukong, were all covered in snow, and then spread all the way, and the icy chill hit the whole body!It can make people freeze and can't move!

Tina and the other women suddenly struggled hard, and the snow bound on their bodies burst open in an instant!

But just after he regained his freedom, the snow under his feet suddenly burst out and turned into a huge fang and sharp tooth. Can't move!

"You look so beautiful, but the things you turn out are so ugly! Monet, you really have some problems with your aesthetics!" Sun Wukong shook his head, and with a light win, there was a soft click, and the snow bound him. The monster cracked open in an instant, turned into a pile of snow, and fell to the ground powerless!

"Si~~ It's really cold! After going back, you must study domineering seriously, this time is really depressing!" As soon as Tina and the girls got out of trouble, they approached Sun Wukong one after another, hoping for his warm body temperature!

In fact, they all have the strength to kill Monet with one blow, but unfortunately they are not domineering, and it is useless to attack, so they are too lazy to fight back, because there is a Monkey King around!However, I am still a little depressed, no matter how strong the strength is, what is the use of it, when encountering the ability of the natural department, you can only stare blankly.

Chapter [-] I surrender

"It was broken so easily... As expected of the world's number one powerhouse... It seems that I am in front of you... As expected, there is no room for struggle..."

Monet looked at Sun Wukong with hatred in his eyes, but he felt powerless in his heart, but he still had a glimmer of hope for the future: "But what I have to do...have already done...even if I can't kill you...as long as they If they can escape, as long as the master is there... one day...they will avenge the young master..."

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