"Vengeance? Do you think it's possible?" Sun Wukong looked at Monet with some amusing, a terrifying and desperate breath emerged from his body and pressed directly on Monet's body!

Monet's pupils tightened instantly, and his heart was instantly filled with fear and despair!She trembled and fell to the ground in fright!You can't even control your own abilities!

The firm ten-layer ice cave melted and disintegrated on its own...

In the original book, even Zoro can shock her to the point of losing her fighting consciousness, not to mention the Monkey King who can easily destroy the world!

"Do you have to protect the so-called hope even at the expense of yourself... Your loyalty is really appreciated..." Sun Wukong looked at Monet and smiled slightly: "I just like you... Don't dedicate this loyalty to me..."

"Dedicated to you?" Monet trembled, looking at Sun Wukong, his face full of fear, but he still laughed wildly: "Of course...unless I die! Hahaha~!"

"Is that so...you are really willful..." Sun Wukong looked at Monet, but smiled slightly, then in her astonishment, he hooked her little finger with her and said, "Then...that's it! When you die...you'll be mine..."

Robin and the girls were obviously stunned when they heard it.

"You...you...you..." Monet, who was originally terrified and desperate, gasped, and even his voice became trembling: "You devil! Yes... after planning to kill me ...even...even my corpse won't let go?!"

"Hey~~ Wukong, she...is what she said true? You...are you so perverted?" Tina stepped back again and again, watching Sun Wukong's eyes widen, full of shock.Because the conversation just now was simply too scary.

Even Robin and the others were shocked!

"I'm going... What kind of thinking is this Nima..." Sun Wukong suddenly had black lines all over his head, but thinking about it, what he said just now was really a bit misleading.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you guys with big brains..." Sun Wukong was too lazy to explain, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go! It doesn't matter if those people escaped, but since they're here, let's go and save those children. …”

"Children? People here... are they kidnapping and selling children?" Tina Dai frowned suddenly.

"It's more serious than this. They deceived some healthy children from their parents on the grounds of medical treatment, and then brought them to this island for experiments..."

"Really...experiment?!" The girls were all startled, and Da Siqi was even more angry, gritting her teeth and shouting angrily: "It's so inhumane! To even use children as experiments... Such a person, I will never forgive!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's hurry up and save those children! We can't let them escape!" Tina's face was gloomy, obviously very angry.

As for Hancock, because he was held by Sun Wukong, he has been in a happy fantasy...

"Then what will she do? Aren't you going to kill her?" Robin pointed to Monet and said.

"...At this time, don't play with me... Robin..." Sun Wukong immediately pulled Robin over and walked towards the building ahead with his arms around her shoulder...

"Hey~~ I don't have this plan... I'm really shocked..." Da Siqi patted her chest with a heavy load, and followed closely.

"You... won't kill me?" Monet looked at the backs of Sun Wukong and the others, a little dazed.

It's just that no one answered, because Sun Wukong and the others have gone far.

Monet's eyes immediately became crazy and cold again: "I won't be grateful to you... Then... you will regret it..."

Just as Sun Wukong and his party approached the huge building, the thick poisonous mist spread from the room in all directions. Even Robin and the girls who ate the antidote were a little short of breath!Because that poisonous gas is so unpleasant!

"This island is really annoying!" Kalifa covered her mouth and nose, and on top of her delicate body, she stretched out her slender hands, and there appeared bubbles that only appeared when bathing, and then the bubbles gradually became larger. , forming a huge transparent bubble enchantment to cover Sun Wukong and his party, blocking the poisonous gas from the outside world!

"Soap bubbles?" Robin and the girls looked surprised when they saw Kalifa's new move.

"This is a new move I created through the soap bubbles on Fishman Island. Although the defense is not very strong, it is more than enough to isolate the poisonous gas!"

I saw that those poisonous gases disappeared strangely when they touched the soap bubbles, because the bubble fruit has the ability to wash away all dirt!

"I didn't expect that Kalifa's ability is still the nemesis of these poisonous gas!" Tina was a little surprised, then carefully sensed it, pointed to the back of the house and said: "There is a lot of 'qi' gathered there, look at Here are those who escaped!"

It's just that when Sun Wukong and the others came to the coast behind, the huge pirate ship was already at least a hundred meters away...

Just in front of Sun Wukong, how could they escape!Lifting one hand slightly, the fast-moving pirate ship rose into the air in an instant, and between Sun Wukong's hooked fingers, it flew back upside down...

"Ah! How does the ship fly?!"

"What exactly is going on?"

"Oh my god! It's... it's the Emperor Monkey King... it's the Monkey King... it's over! Play! We're caught! We can't run away!"

In the shock of Caesar and others, the huge pirate ship has already landed in the open space not far from Sun Wukong!

"Say, what about those children? Where did you hide those children? Hand them over immediately!" Dusky pulled out Shi Yu, glared at Caesar and the others, and shouted tenderly.

"Child? How did they know about this? Could it be exposed?" The burly man's complexion suddenly changed, his eyes were full of horror, his hands and feet were shaking, and facing Sun Wukong, they couldn't even think of resistance at all. .

"Master Wukong! Don't kill me! I surrender! I surrender!" Caesar immediately raised his hands high, walked out of the pirate ship, and surrendered directly!

Kaido is terrifying, but the Monkey King in front of him is even more terrifying!His terrifying, despairing and unable to raise a trace of resistance!

Chapter [-]: The Furious Monet

Someone took the lead, and naturally someone followed, so the people on the pirate ship walked out one after another, knelt down one after another, and surrendered on the spot!

In such a dramatic scene, Sun Wukong was speechless for a while: "I haven't even fought yet? You surrender? Is it okay to have a little backbone? Even if you want to surrender, you have to give me a beating! Even if it is a symbolic one Just resist!"

"I was beaten by you...Is there still life?" Everyone's heart is powerless to complain, even the navy army, the white beard first-level characters are scum in front of you, how dare we little fellows Resist!Resistance is death!

Looking at the huge children walking out of the room, Tina and the others were obviously surprised: "Wukong, are they all children of the giant clan?"

"No, it's just that after the experiment, it's all huge!" Sun Wukong explained it briefly, but the angry Tina and the girls gritted their teeth with hatred, and they beat Caesar and others!But for a moment, everyone turned into a pig's head.

And a Devil Fruit rolled from Caesar's arms when he punched Caesar!

Robin picked it up with a hint of surprise on his face: "Devil Fruit? You still have this thing..."

"Wait... give it back to me... it's just a failure!" Caesar suddenly became anxious.

"Failure?" Robin glanced at Caesar, came to Monkey King's side, and handed over the Devil Fruit in his hand: "Wukong, look, is this a Devil Fruit?"

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