"Well? I didn't expect it to be this devil fruit..." Sun Wukong took the devil fruit and was slightly surprised, and said: "It is indeed a devil fruit, but it is an artificial devil fruit, and there are other Few defects..."

"Artificial Devil Fruit?" Hancock looked surprised: "Can Devil Fruit still be made?"

"En! This guy is a talent in this area!" Sun Wukong pointed at Caesar and said.

"Ah! Tina remembered it! It turned out to be you bastard! I said why are you so familiar!" Tina looked at Caesar, her eyes suddenly widened, and she shouted angrily.

"What's wrong? Do you know him?" Robin and the girls all looked at Tina curiously.

"This guy is a scientist from the Science Unit of the Navy Headquarters, M. Caesar Courant, who was expelled and wanted by the Science Unit for conducting various inhumane experiments! When Tina was still in the Navy, he was wanted! Asshole! Now I was finally caught by Tina!" In front of Tina's start, the pointy high-heeled shoes kicked Caesar's face, and while Caesar screamed, he punched and kicked him again!


But for a moment, Caesar has been beaten to such an extent!

"But Wukong, what kind of power does this devil fruit have? Will you get the corresponding power if you eat it artificially?" Dasqi looked at the devil fruit in Sun Wukong's hand and asked curiously.

"Of course it can, but it doesn't have the power of a real devil fruit... This is an animal-type phantom beast, like that... but it's so awesome, it's enough to play with Abis..." Sun Wukong With that said, he put away the devil fruit.

Then he greeted a few women, and left here with a group of huge bullshit...

"Wukong, let's just leave like this? No one else will say, that Caesar is a mad scientist, how can he let him go like this?" Tina followed Sun Wukong closely. Regardless of the release, he was obviously unhappy and unhappy.

"Don't worry, they are still useful now. When we send these children back to the Emperor, it will not be too late to clean them up..."

"Why wait to clean them up? Isn't it better to catch them all now?" Dusky looked puzzled.

"Haven't you found out yet? This guy is using those people as waste!" Kalifa stroked her glasses and glanced casually at the jungle not far away.

"It's her..." Robin and the others obviously noticed it, and they all cast a big white eye at Sun Wukong!

"I said, can you be a little bit more disciplined? People want to kill you all the time! You even want to abduct her on board? Don't see one and accept another! Asshole!" Tina expressed her anger.

"No way, if I don't care about her, her fate will be very tragic!" Although Brother Doflamingo is dead, but if Sun Wukong ignores Monet, Monet will die tragically, that's not what he wants see!As for hatred, he has many ways to eliminate it.

On the other side, Caesar and the others, after seeing that Sun Wukong and the others were gone, released them one after another, wiping the cold sweat from their entire bodies!

"I didn't expect... we actually saved a life... let's go... let's go... I don't want to stay here any longer..." Caesar screamed at a group of his men.

"Bastards! Do you guys just want to leave like this?" At this moment, Monet, who had been hiding for a long time, finally showed up, looking at Caesar and the others with eyes almost bursting with fire: "I risk my life, and I also want to do it for you. Buy some time, you guys... you don't even have the courage to resist? You just surrendered? You handed over those important children! Damn! Damn! I'm mad at me! I'm mad at me!"

Caesar and others were ashamed for a while, and they all bowed their heads and were embarrassed to answer.But there is no way!It really is that Monkey King is too scary, standing in front of him, his legs are weak!

Monet looked at a group of spineless people, and his lungs exploded with anger. His eyes were full of madness. He desperately bought time for them, just so that they could evacuate safely!They were so good, they surrendered obediently without resisting!That betrayal is called a thorough!

Just like what Sun Wukong said before, you can resist even if it is a symbolic one!

Monet's mood at the moment is simply bad and crazy!

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and finally my face became a little distorted: "Useless men like you, all die!"

In the scream, it instantly turned into an extremely huge snow mountain monster, opened its huge mouth with dense teeth, and directly attacked Caesar and the others!

"Humph! It's still not your turn to teach us a lesson!" The burly man who was originally ashamed and frightened suddenly snorted coldly, and stood up suddenly, his skin changed rapidly, and he turned into a monster with a tiger's head and a human body!

Above the fist, there is a layer of black material densely covered, it turned out to be armed with domineering!

Chapter [-] Deathmatch

The tiger-headed man roared, his muscles protruded, and he punched!Loud!With a 'click', the head of the snow-capped monster cracked open in an instant, blood gushed out, Monet screamed in pain, and the huge body fell to the ground with a bang!

"Domineering owner..." Monet covered his bleeding head and looked at the tiger-headed man, his eyes full of anger!

"Monet, you have to recognize your identity! If you attack us, do you want to betray Lord Kaido?" The tiger-headed man looked at Monet, his breath was pressing, his muscles bulged, and he was full of power The beauty of it looks like a mighty and domineering one!It also had the look of his grandson when he faced Sun Wukong just now.

"Betrayal? Ridiculous! My loyal only one is the young master... Kaido? What is it!" Monet snorted coldly, his eyes full of killing intent: "Originally, I wanted to use the power of the four Kaido emperors to deal with it. Sun Wukong's... That's why I belonged to Kaido to help him continue to make sad, the raw material for smile, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary..."

"Trash like you don't have the courage to face Sun Wukong, and there is no use value at all..."

"It should be you who is ridiculous..." The tiger-headed man was not ashamed at all, but looked at Monet with disdain, his eyes full of ridicule: "Even I can't beat me, but I still want to seek revenge on Monkey King! Should you say you are stupid or ignorant? You are really pitiful for not being able to face the reality... In fact, you should have known it already? Why deceive yourself..."

"Yeah...I haven't experienced it myself, I have always had illusions...But I really faced it, and then I realized...It seems that I will never be able to avenge the young master..." Monet once remembered that Sun Wukong brought it to him before. Her endless breath of despair made her heart tremble, and even her soul trembled!That kind of existence is simply not something that can be dealt with by conspiracy and tricks, and it is hopeless to take revenge with his life.

"But... the revenge of killing your companions... you who embezzled everything that belonged to the young master... should be damned! At least... what else can I do for this..." Monet's eyes were suddenly covered with bloodshot, and he was exhausted. Crazy, beautiful face distorted by anger, looks a little unattractive!

There was a sudden wind and snow all around, and heavy snow like goose feathers floated, and the snow on the ground suddenly surged, like an avalanche, swept forward...

The tiger-headed man, Caesar, and others were all shocked, and jumped up one after another, dodging to avoid...

It's just those little ones, but they didn't have such good luck. They were submerged by heavy snow in the screams, but the avalanches didn't stop, and they still hit the hull of the pirate ship like a wave!With a loud bang, the pirate ship was instantly destroyed, and then, driven by the avalanche, directly drowned in the sea and slowly sank...

"Damn! She destroyed the pirate ship... We can't leave!" Caesar suddenly exclaimed, and his face, who was watching the fun, was full of anger at the moment!

"Bastard!" The tiger-headed man was instantly furious, jumping up, his fists wrapped in a domineering look of armament, and smashed away at the snow monster in front of him!

The snow monster was not afraid at all, opened its savage mouth, and bit the tiger-headed man...

A violent roar exploded between the two collisions!For a while, the snow broke!

The snow monster's head was obviously knocked out by a small gap!

It's just that the snow is surging, but it spreads all the way along the arm of the tiger-headed man... Even the snow under his feet is surging like life, wrapping his feet...

The biting cold made the tiger-headed man shudder, and then his face changed greatly: "Not good!"

With an exclamation, he just wanted to withdraw and retreat, but unfortunately the cold made his body froze!There is no way to move freely!

Monet's upper body emerged from the snow monster's body, looked at the tiger-headed man, and sneered: "It's just an inferior artificial ability. Do you think you really won me?"

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