The tiger-headed man hurriedly turned his head to look at the fat and thin people on the side, and roared, "How long do you want to watch the play? Why don't you hurry and save Lao Tzu!"

"We didn't expect you to be able to beat even a woman!" The thin man whispered, turning into a human-shaped mouse with a slender tail!

And the fat man turned into a shy fat lizard with a big belly, and the tongue that wasn't sticking out looked very disgusting and terrifying!Just adding his body shape, the picture is simply unbearable to look directly at!

The slender mouse flicked its fingers, and its nails popped out like sharp swords. Then, it turned around, spinning like a tornado, and slammed into the snow monster's chest like a drill...

The ear-piercing hissing was not echoing, but the snow monster's body was too solid. Rao was a slender mouse that turned his head dizzy, and only drilled a small pothole!Then it was submerged by the snow that suddenly appeared!In an instant, the whole body was frozen stiff and lost the ability to fight!

And the lizard with a big belly rolled up, turned into a big meat ball and slammed into the snow monster...

A loud bang, like a car hitting a tree, full of momentum!A large piece of snow fell from the snow monster's body, and then drowned it, frozen there, and shivered...

"These two idiots!" The tiger-headed man looked at it and frowned!That was pissed off by his two subordinates!I asked you to save me, what do you mean by throwing yourself into a snare?Sure enough, IQ is tough!

Now I have to pin my hopes on Caesar: "Caesar, at this time, do you still want to watch a play? Or are you going to stand by her side?"

"Humph! It's not your turn to order me!" Caesar snorted coldly, looking at the tiger-headed man, full of disdain: "Sure enough, there is a big gap between the artificial devil fruit and the real ability... It seems that There's a lot to improve..."

Having said that, Caesar's body immediately turned into the form of poisonous gas floating in the air, and then manipulated the burning oxygen to surround the snow monster and set it on fire!

'Feng! ' With a bang, the fire filled the air, and the surrounding snow melted at an astonishing speed, and the snow monster was also surrounded by the fire, it melted rapidly, and then collapsed, revealing Monet hiding inside and burning it!

Having been with Monet for so long, Caesar already knew what Monet's weakness was!

Monet reluctantly jumped out of the fire, glared at Caesar, and smiled strangely, Caesar's shot, she was not surprised: "If you are's a bit reluctant...but...the time has all accompany you. Let me go to hell together!"

As Monet's words just fell, all around the island, there were suddenly countless liquids rushing towards here, and they fell to the ground, and they moved and condensed voluntarily...

"This is...Blem?!" Caesar's complexion suddenly changed greatly.

Chapter [-] The Kingdom of Death

"Bastard, Bram is my important subject! My experiment was not ready yet, yet you let it go!" Caesar glared at Monet, his eyes full of anger.

"I originally planned to use this to deal with Sun Wukong... Now it seems that you have to taste the terrible disaster two years ago!" Monet squinted his eyes slightly, watching the countless people heading in this direction The mucus that flew from it moved and gathered together... The expression on his face was full of smiles, and it looked very strange.

The faces of the tiger-headed man and others have changed greatly. They are very clear about the fact that the poisonous gas bomb 'h2s gas' destroyed Punk Hazard two years ago, and now the poisonous gas bomb 'h2s gas' has passed through. Caesar's feeding is more terrifying than before. If this spreads on the island, they will probably die!

The ship has been destroyed, and the gas masks have also sunk to the bottom of the sea. They can no longer leave the island, and everyone looks terrified for a while!

"Rollo Roro~~~ Monet, don't forget, I am a gas fruit person, and Bram's poison can't affect me... Besides, it's a 'pet' that I experimented with, How naive you are to use it against me!" Caesar looked at Monet and burst out laughing.

"Haha~~ I didn't expect to use Bram to deal with you...but it's more than enough to deal with them!" Monet pointed at the tiger-headed man and the others, but smiled strangely.

"You crazy woman! Die for me!" The tiger-headed man suddenly roared, his fists wrapped in armed domineering, and he rushed away at Monet!

The pure white snow suddenly emerged and turned into a thick snow wall blocking the front of the tiger-headed man!He made his angry punch hit the snow wall, and with a loud bang, the snow wall exploded under the action of the terrifying force, and then covered the sky and covered the big man with the head of a tiger. go...

Because behind them is the sea, as capable ones, do they dare to jump?So there is nowhere to run!Only this time, the snow actually drowned the three tiger-headed men in the snow again!

Only Caesar turned into gas and floated into the sky, avoiding it!

As the snow condensed, a tall and ferocious snow monster instantly formed, imprisoning the three tiger-headed men in its body!

The biting cold deprived them of their strength, and they were unable to resist.

"Hmph... Just trash like you... You are not qualified to be my enemy at all!" Monet looked at the three tiger-headed men with disdain, his eyes full of disdain.

All of this was within her calculations. In the previous series of attacks, she was not blindly attacking randomly, but little by little she forced the three of them to the coast, and sealed the two sides with snow. Then a little trick is to catch the three of them in one go!

"Ah! Captain and the others are trapped again!" The fellows who had been fighting not far away all screamed.

"This guy is really not easy to deal with..." Monet looked at Caesar, who turned into gas and floated in the air, with a solemn expression.

For her, Caesar is an invincible and powerful enemy, because that guy's gas can not only take away the air, but also ignite the gas, cause an explosion, or burn a raging fire, which is very unfavorable to her. !

Just as the two were holding each other, Bram over there was getting bigger and bigger, and the moving liquid body made a harsh neigh!

"It's over! That monster is about to take shape! Hurry up! Everyone, go back to the laboratory and look for gas masks..."

However, those pirates hadn't run far before they saw the dense fog-like venom not far away, spreading all the way around, blocking all their paths!

This is really not to die will not die!They released the poison gas in the laboratory, and the main purpose at the beginning was to stop Monkey King's footsteps and buy them some time to escape!But they didn't expect that now they were blocked by the poisonous gas they released, their only way to survive, and they were forced to a dead end!

"It's over, it's over! There's really no way to escape now!" For a while, those pirates showed expressions of despair.

"Rollaloloro~ It's really not good to look like this... Monet, it seems that even if I don't kill you, you won't be able to live for long! Then, you are all in the poisonous gas, enjoy slowly The fear of death! Rorororo~~" Caesar looked at the still condensing and growing Bram, and the poisonous fog that was about to spread across the entire island, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes, and then crazy big laughing...

"Ughhhh~~~ My comrades in arms were killed by poisonous gas... Mr. M... Help! Mr. M!~~"

The dense fog-like poisonous gas has drowned some pirates who couldn't escape in time, and then died in a painful scream... The shadow of terror shrouded everyone's heart!

It's just that they still have hope, because they still have the genius Caesar!It's just that when they saw that Caesar was looking at them with a look of indifference, they all showed incredible shocked expressions!

Because in normal times, Caesar is extremely 'kind'!How could it be possible to look at them with such a play-watching attitude?

"咻luoluoluo~~ a group of guinea pigs! I won't save you... Although things happened suddenly, but this is a rare internship opportunity... You are slowly struggling in the poisonous gas. Let's turn it into my important experimental data, and let the 'killing weapon' and 'the kingdom of death' become an opportunity to cover the world at this moment! At that time, this day will be crowned as the king of the kingdom of death! ~~~”

"How can... Mr. M... is this not true?..." The group of pirates were all shattered by the truth!Lord M, whom they have always respected, actually just regarded them as guinea pigs?

But the facts are in front of you!The rapidly condensing Bram, which is also called the kingdom of death, has begun to act!The huge body is like a hill, and it drowned the group of pirates who were escaping from the slowly spreading poisonous gas...

This is really a front and back attack, there is no way to escape!In the end, they all jumped into the sea!

But they couldn't keep their breaths and hide in the sea. After they couldn't hold their breaths, they inhaled poisonous gas and the poisonous gas emanating from Bram's body as soon as they appeared. Then they were petrified and sank to the bottom of the sea... …

Chapter [-] perish together

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