Among Caesar's group, except for Caesar, some of the others were poisoned to death, and some were turned into stone statues... Because the gas on the island is too complicated and too complicated, making everyone poisoned in various ways...

"Xu Luo Luo Luo Luo~~~ Bram yo! You are so amazing! It's a pity that your excellent performance has no chance to be appreciated by others! Otherwise, many people will definitely like you... Xi Luo Luo Luo Luoluo~~~ But don't worry, it won't take long, you're terrible, I'll let people all over the world realize it clearly... 嗎罗罗罗罗~~~"

Caesar looked at 'Death Nation' and easily eliminated all the people, his face was full of joy and madness!

Well, it's actually just Caesar's narcissism!Most of these people's deaths have nothing to do with Bram, and they were basically poisoned by the poison gas on the island!Of course, the poisonous gas emanating from Bram cannot be ruled out!

Looking at Caesar's excited and excited expression at the moment, just as he said, his former companions and subordinates, in his eyes, are just a group of experimental mice!It's true that scientists are mostly crazy and scary.

After laughing, Caesar looked at Monet, who had been completely protected by Bai Xue, with a look of pity in his eyes: "What a pity! Monet, you used to be a very good assistant... It's a pity that you are a better assistant than me. Crazy madman... rebelled against Kaido, and even delusionally wanted to deal with Emperor Sun Wukong..."

"Can we deal with such a terrifying existence? People can subvert the world with a wave of their hands... So... 咻lululululuo~~~ It's better to let you die than to accompany you to die! Go! Bram, kill that woman for me!"

Caesar waved his hand and gave an order to Bram.

It's just that after Bram heard Caesar's voice, he actually moved its huge body and rushed towards Caesar...

Caesar raised his brows and ran away in a hurry... However, Bram was reluctant to give up and pursued, which made Caesar's complexion even more difficult to look...

When he was about to scold, he saw that Bram's huge liquid body had completely enveloped the snow house at some point, and he laughed forcefully at the moment: "Brorororo~ ~Brim, you're still cute and obedient! 咻luoluoluo~~"

If someone saw this, they would definitely scoff and ridicule fiercely. Did your eye see it listening to you?It was obviously because his body was too big, and when he was chasing him, he accidentally covered the snow house...

Bram will emit poisonous gas when slashed, explode when ignited, and is also not afraid of cold, because in the original book, it moves freely on the iceberg made by Aokiji!

And Bram's body can be turned into a liquid salamander, so after covering the igloo, the entire igloo was infected with the same color as its body, and the terrifying poison invaded like this...

"Sure enough..." Monet shook his head helplessly, suddenly a torch came out of his hand, and then lit it...

Those gas poisons had no effect on Caesar, but they were deadly to Monet. From the beginning, she had no intention of leaving here alive!I'm ready to die with Sun Wukong!

But what she didn't expect was that this means that was originally prepared for the same fate with Sun Wukong turned into a fatal talisman against her former companions...

Against Sun Wukong?She had given up because as long as she thought of the fear that Sun Wukong had brought her before, she felt a shudder from her soul.

She knew that she would never be able to avenge her young master, because she no longer had the courage to face Sun Wukong, and she couldn't do it even with the slightest killing intent towards him!

So she chose to die, because of fear, she became extremely crazy, so in the last sense, she would go to hell with a group of Kaido's subordinates and the scientist Caesar that Kaido attaches great importance to!Because these people are traitors and looters!

Caesar betrayed Doflamingo, and Kaido plundered everything from Doflamingo!

If you want to kill Kaido, it is unlikely, then, kill Caesar, whom he attaches great importance to!Without Caesar developing artificial fruits for him, this must be an extremely angry thing for Kaido!

As the snow house melted, the poisonous gas and liquid from the outside surged in...

When Caesar saw the torch in Monet's hand, his expression changed greatly, and he roared hoarsely: "Damn... Monet! What are you trying to do? Put out the torch! Do you want to destroy Lao Tzu's experimental results?"

Because Monet is now in Bram's body, even if the air he pulls away from here, he can't extinguish the torch in Monet's hand!

"Hehe... Mr. Caesar... You still had a chance to escape... But now it's too late... This island is densely covered with poisonous gas, and even more flammable and explosive gas, you say, I What interesting things will happen once the torch touches Bram?"

"Shit... Damn... Monet, you lunatic... hurry up and put out the fire, we have something to say... I don't need to embarrass you..." Caesar's face was pale and fearful.

When he thought of the moment when the entire island exploded, his scalp felt numb, fearful and desperate, and his back was even chilled!

That kind of ending was not what he hoped to see, because for him, he would definitely die!

"Haha... Now you know what you're afraid of? Betrayers have to pay the price!" Monet's face was crazy and looked a little distorted, which represented an inexplicable pleasure and a kind of death. fear!

It's just that her expression is a little stiff, because she has already inhaled a lot of poisonous gas...

Ordinary people are afraid of death, but fear of death is justifiable, and fear of death but not fear of death, that is invaluable!

"I really want to see Kaido's anger and anger when he found out about your death... It's a pity that I will never be able to see it..." Monet murmured, and his crazy face suddenly became calm again: " Actually...I don't want to die yet..."

As she said that, the liquid poisonous gas that poured in had already drowned her, and the torch in her hand came into contact with the liquid poisonous gas in an instant...

"What a crazy woman..."

Monkey King and a group of little girls walked towards the coast, suddenly stopped, looked behind him, whispered, and waved his hand, a transparent barrier instantly shrouded them, and they rose directly into the air, floating in the air. air...

Then I heard an earth-shattering roar of 'bang' resounding!The terrifying fire wave turned into a mushroom cloud soaring into the sky...

Robin and the other women stared at the suddenly exploding island below, and their eyes widened...

Chapter [-] You have no right to refuse

The raging fire instantly covered more than half of Punk Hassad, and the flames rose dozens of meters high!The power of the explosion blew up most of the island into a mess!The temperature here has become extremely hot, and even breathing has become difficult.

"This... what happened here? Why did it explode suddenly?" Kalifa and the other women looked at Punk Hassad, who was burning with fire, and all became shocked.

And the group of little brats even widened their eyes and screamed in surprise!

"Ah! Sugar! Candy! We're out of candy!"

"Bastard, who blew up here... and return our candy!"

In the roar, the eyes of a group of children gradually became red, and their reason seemed to be eroded a little bit, and they were about to go wild!

"Goku, they...what's going on?"

The sudden mood change of a group of children made Dusky and the others startled.

"It's just a side effect of eating some experimental candies... getting bigger is one of them, and if you don't eat those experimental candies for a certain period of time, they will go into a state of explosion... or even die... " Sun Wukong explained briefly.

"That bastard, Caesar, treats these children so cruelly!" Tina looked angry, and her eyes almost burst out with fire.

"There's no need to be angry...that guy is not far from death..." Sun Wukong looked at the island covered by fire below and smiled.With a light wave of his hand, a breeze passed by, and the berserk children became quiet in an instant, and just closed their eyes and fell asleep.

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