"Not far from death? What's going on?" Tina looked puzzled.

"Monet detonated the 'state of death', which ignited the flammable gas leaked in the island, covering most of the island, and Caesar was blasted into the sea by the aftermath of the explosion. If someone saves you, you will surely die!" Sun Wukong explained briefly.

"To perish together? This is really extreme..." Robin looked surprised: "But it's quite admirable..."

Sun Wukong didn't answer, but looked at the sea of ​​fire below, stretched out one hand, and Monet's body rose from the sea of ​​fire and floated in front of him.

At this moment, Monet has no breath anymore. He has burns in many places on his body.

If it wasn't for the moment of the explosion, she instinctively covered her body with snow, or she would have been bombed beyond recognition!

But unfortunately, fire is the star of Xuexue fruit, otherwise Monet may not have an accident!

"Dead..." Looking at Monet in front of him, Hancock shook his head.

"It's really dead..." Sun Wukong smiled faintly, and a bright white light group suddenly appeared in his hand, which was filled with the energy of life!Just bathing in the light, Hancock and other women felt comfortable all over, as if their lives had been sublimated, that feeling was simply wonderful!Let the girls a little intoxicated.

With a single touch, Sun Wukong pushed the light ball in his hand directly into Monet's body, and the glow spread to the whole body in an instant, expelling the filth on her body, and the burns on her body also recovered in an instant!Showing off her white and delicate skin makes people feel a little itchy!

At the same time, a white cloud-like soul body appeared strangely, as if it had been summoned out of thin air, and submerged into Monet's body. Monet opened his eyes in the shocked expressions of the girls...

For a while, Robin and the girls all widened their eyes!

Come back to life!This is the legendary resurrection!

"It's amazing... Can even the dead be brought back to life... The man that my concubine fell in love with... It's really amazing..." At this time, Hancock's face was full of pink, and he started to become crazy again when he saw Sun Wukong.Of course, only Monkey King can enjoy the nympho of the Empress.

"This...this is...?!" Monet looked around suspiciously, then fixed his gaze on Sun Wukong, his pupils tightened instantly, and then the expression on his face was replaced by a crazy surprise: "It's you Sun Wukong...haha...I didn't expect you to be bombed to death! Haha~~ Good death! Good death! Haha~~"

"..." Hancock and the women all looked at Monet with speechless expressions, and then all shook their heads.

"Good girl!" Sun Wukong looked at Monet and slapped him angrily!

Moana's tattered clothes wrapped in a thrilling arc in an instant!Well, that picture is beautiful!

"You!" Monet was furious, but suddenly noticed how he was dressed at the moment, he let out a scream, squatted down, covered the important parts with his hands, and looked at Sun Wukong full of anger: "You What did you do to me?"

"Your clothes were burnt, it's none of my business..." Sun Wukong looked at Monet seriously and said, his figure is really good, don't look at it for nothing.

"You...you..." Monet was suddenly stunned by Sun Wu's air, but he was stunned when he saw the roaring roar below: "This is... Punk Hassad? How could it be... I'm obviously dead... …why?"

"Of course you're dead... but I was resurrected again..."

"Resurrection? How is it possible! How can there be such an ability in the world..." Monet looked at Sun Wukong with a shocked expression, his tone became trembling.

This also shows in disguise that she has believed what Sun Wukong said, because she did enter the terrifying Yellow Spring Road, but was suddenly forcibly pulled back by a ray of light!

"He...really resurrected himself?" Monet's eyes widened for a while, looking at Sun Wukong.

"The facts are in front of you, nothing is impossible... Then now, it's time to fulfill your promise..." Sun Wukong looked at Monet and said very seriously.

"Promise? What promise? When did I make a promise with you?" Monet frowned immediately, looking very puzzled.

"Didn't you say it? Unless you die, join my Emperor Pirates..."

Monet stared at Sun Wukong in a stunned moment, and shouted angrily: "I clearly meant to reject you! Asshole! How can you understand that?"

"I don't care... I only know that your life is given by me, so everything you have now belongs to me... Then, dedicate your loyalty to me as well!" Sun Wukong Looking at Monet, he said lightly.

"How can you do this..." Monet immediately lost his mind. Just as he was about to refuse, he was interrupted by Sun Wukong: "You have no right to refuse, because... this is an order!" Sun Wukong looked at Monet with a tone of voice. Unforgettable majesty!

Chapter [-] Dressrosa

"I...I understand..." Monet nodded absentmindedly, under the shock of Sun Wukong's terrifying aura, she couldn't bear the slightest resistance!

This man is horrible!Together with her heart and soul, let her kneel and surrender sincerely!

Monet understands that he is powerless to resist this person at all, he is too powerful, so powerful that she is powerless to resist!You can only obey your heart's wishes and surrender!

This is also a normal phenomenon. For example, in ancient times, some loyal warlords would choose to surrender after their lord was defeated and died!Unless it's some diehard!

But even die-hards, in front of Sun Wukong, can't afford the slightest resistance!Because he is the supreme existence that ignores all living beings!No mortal can resist his breath!

And Monet, without a doubt, was a die-hard, because she was willing to die for Doflamingo!But even so, she could only choose to surrender.

Of course, Monet's loyalty is only the loyalty of his subordinates to his superiors, not love.If it's love, it's hard to change.Because loyalty can be lowered, and unswerving love cannot be changed!

Although he chose to surrender, Monet looked at Sun Wukong with anticipation in his eyes: "However, I have one condition!"

"Tell me!" Sun Wukong looked at Monet with interest.

"Since you can revive me...then, you must be able to revive the young master..." Monet looked at Sun Wukong with anticipation, but before she could finish her words, Sun Wukong unceremoniously refused: "No Possibly! Not to mention how abominable Doflamingo is, I will never agree to the fact that he is a Tianlong person, because Hancock hates Tianlong people the most! Therefore, this matter is not negotiable!"

"Wukong..." Seeing that Sun Wukong cared so much about her feelings, Hancock on the side immediately flashed his eyes and became extremely moved.

"This..." Monet was also stunned by Sun Wukong's resolute tone, he smiled bitterly, and after being silent for a while, he made another request: "Then kill Kaido, one of the four emperors for me. ...and rescue baby-5 and the others... You know, baby-5 is a very beautiful beauty!"

"This can be..." Sun Wukong seemed to be nodding his head seriously. This would not only be able to brush up on his friendship with Monet, but he would also give him a beautiful girl, which seemed to be worth it.

Back on the Emperor, Sun Wukong and the others sent the group of children to the nearby naval distribution and asked them to escort the children home, because he didn't have the time to send them home one by one!

Moreover, this matter was ordered by Sun Wukong, so the navy did not dare to be careless at all, and tried his best to send the children home...

As for the adverse effects on those children, it was naturally eliminated by Sun Wukong!Even the head has become its original size...

On the calm sea, the Emperor moved at a normal speed...

On the wide plywood beach, Sun Wukong looked at Monet who was sitting across from him, and said lightly: "Now, let's talk about your situation in detail!"

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