In the swimming pool, several beautiful mermaids also swam to the shore, listening...

Bai Xing is also lying beside Sun Wukong, holding his chin in his hands, full of curiosity waiting for Monet's next 'story'...

Monet was silent for a while, organized the language, and said: "After the death of the young master, Kaido did not want his business to be cut off, so he dispatched his subordinates, secretly controlled Dressrosa, and continued to produce for him. Artificial Devil Fruit..."

"And let Caesar continue the research on 'killing weapons'... On the way, many companions who were loyal to the young master chose to surrender, because they did not dare to resist Kaido..."

"But there are also accidents. For example, several cadres such as baby-5 refused to surrender, so they were captured by Kaido and sent to the bullfighting arena... They are fighting to the death every day! I hope you can save them. Come out and reclaim Dressrosa for us!"

"It turns out that I accidentally killed Brother Doflamingo, and so many things happened!" Sun Wukong rubbed his chin and smiled.But he thought to himself: "Dressrosa... Besides Baby-5, there seems to be another one named Rebecca..."

Turning his head, he looked at Tina: "Speed ​​up! Go to Dressrosa!"

"Yes, Master!"

The speed of the Emperor immediately accelerated, like a car at sea, galloping away...

And Sun Wukong is playing happily in the swimming pool with several beautiful mermaids such as Bai Xing, and his fragrance cannot be revealed casually...

This also made Sun Wukong a little unbearable at night, and finally broke the last layer of window paper and sneaked into Hancock's room... Then he entered Tina, Kalifa, Laqi and other women successively. s room……

So, all night, Robin and the other girls were unintentionally sleeping, and they were nervous and expecting, but Sun Wukong didn't enter their room, and he felt like he had knocked over the five-flavor bottle in an instant, and the boss was upset!

On the second day, Hancock and the girls looked at each other, and their pretty faces flushed instantly!Unknowingly, and without knowing when, Sun Wukong actually brought them all into his room, and came to sleep with a big blanket...

When this day came, they were already mentally prepared, but they didn't expect that they would fall into six sisters overnight: Hancock, Kalifa, Tina, Laqi, Lasha, and Conis!

In the hall, Robin and the other women looked at the awkward posture of Hancock and the other six women walking, and their eyes turned towards Sun Wukong instantly became resentful, which can be said to be full of jealousy...

But they were very sensible and didn't make trouble, because this was what they expected!It's just a matter of time!But for the other sisters to take the lead, I can't bear it!

"Am I going to play night raid tonight too..."

Once the balance is broken, the minds of the girls also begin to boldly become active...

There are so many competitors, if you keep it reserved, you can only rank at the bottom!

Near noon, an island finally appeared ahead, and Dressrosa had arrived...

And just when the Emperor approached Dressrosa, the upper floors here were so frightened that their legs and feet became weak!

"God! That...that's...the Emperor Pirates?! The Emperor Pirates actually came to our Dressrosa..." The people in charge of the island's vigilance all showed expressions of horror and shock .

"Quick! Go and report this matter... The Emperor Pirates actually came to Dressrosa! This is a big event!"

Chapter [-] Landing on the Island

"It seems to have been discovered... This can't be done..." Sun Wukong tilted his head to look at the island, frowning slightly: "In my capacity, if the rumor goes out, it will not be known to everyone. But it's not fun at all!"

Saying that, with a light finger, on the island a mile away, several panicked guards fell to the ground inexplicably... When they wake up again, they will forget everything they saw before. ...

"Tina, find a more secluded place to land on the island!"

"Okay, master..."

Dressrosa has the title of 'Land of Love, Passion and Toys'!

This was originally the base of Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the Seven Bukai of the King.

But since Doflamingo's death, this is the area ruled by Kaido, one of the four emperors!

At the mouth of a strait with its back to the island, the Emperor stopped here without anyone finding it.

"I'm finally going to a country where humans live... I'm so excited!"

Several mermaids are looking at the coast not far away at the moment, full of excitement. They who have lived on Fishman Island all the year round are waiting for this moment in their dreams.

"If so many of us land on the island together, it seems to be too eye-catching. Wukong, you can take Bai Xing and the others to go around the island! We will stay and take care of Hancock and the others!" Robin thought for a while ,road.

Robin knows how to take care of people. She knows that Bai Xing and other mermaids are full of yearning and curiosity about the human world, so she gave them this opportunity.

It's just that Robin's words made Hancock's pretty faces suddenly flush with a hint of blush, which is really embarrassing!Don't be so straightforward, okay?Although we were tossed last night, we still can't walk normally...

Hearing what Robin said, the other sisters also nodded in agreement.When they landed on the island with such a large group of sister papers, they would definitely be recognized for their true identities in an instant, and it would be extremely troublesome at that time.Who told Sun Wukong's identity to be so sensitive!

"But Princess Bai Xing's body is really too big... It's a bit inconvenient..." Xia Li looked at Bai Xing's huge body and said.

"Huh? I... Can't I go with you?" Bai Xing suddenly looked disappointed, a hint of crying appeared in Mengmeng's voice, and his eyes were filled with fog, and he was about to cry.

"Don't worry, Bai Xing, isn't Goku still there..." Nami patted Bai Xing's beautiful fish tail and comforted.

Hearing the words, Sun Wukong didn't talk nonsense. He waved his hand lightly at Bai Xing, and the fluorescent light shone on Bai Xing's huge and beautiful body, and instantly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye... But in a moment, it became It's the same size as a normal person!

"'s amazing!" Xia Li and several other beautiful mermaids all looked surprised.

"Wow... I've actually become smaller! Now I can go out to play with Lord Wukong..." Bai Xing immediately picked up Sun Wukong happily, with an innocent smile on his face.Although her body is immature, her heart is still at the stage of a little girl!This is also due to the fact that one person lives in the hard-shell tower all year round.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that several mermaids had transformed their beautiful fish tails into a pair of white and beautiful legs, Sun Wukong called out to the girls, and took Bai Xing's little hand to get off the boat first.

"Wow~~ I'm so excited! Stepping out of here... we're entering the human world..." Isli and the girls looked at the last stairs with excitement and nervousness on their faces.

"Okay! Come down quickly! Let's see what you can do..." Mrs. Charlie looked at the mermaids helplessly and shook her head.

"Hee hee... This is our first time, of course I'm very excited..." Lal giggled, then stepped out of the last step and stood on the real ground!

The other mermaids also set foot on the ground with excitement...

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