At this moment, they have waited for eighteen years...

After walking for only a moment, a faint fragrance wafted in the air!Then a fragrant and charming sea of ​​flowers appeared in front of the girls...

"Wow! It's the sea of ​​flowers! The real sea of ​​flowers... It's really beautiful!" For a while, the eyes of the white stars and the girls were instantly attracted, and they ran into the sea of ​​flowers excitedly, without any image. of rolling in the flowerbed...

"It's just some flowers and trees. Is it necessary to be so excited?" Monet shook his head when he looked at the performance of the girls.

"If you have been living under the sea and have never seen the outside world, then at this moment, you will understand their feelings..." Sun Wukong looked at Monet and said lightly.

"That's really pitiful..."

After Bai Xing and the others were almost done playing in the sea of ​​flowers, Sun Wukong took them to the city...

Gorgeous buildings, lively streets, beautiful dances of beauties on the streets, and the aroma of food and cooking wafting in the air make this country look so harmonious and beautiful...

"Is this the world of humans... It's really great!" Isli and several other beautiful mermaids looked at everything around them with intoxicated expressions on their faces.

"Ah~ look at...that's...a doll, right? The doll actually moves?"

"And the puppy puppy... Look at it, the cotton inside has all run out... It can still run?"

"It's incredible...Is this the world of humans? It's really amazing!"

Several beautiful mermaids are full of excitement at the moment, and the novel things they have never seen make them excited!If it wasn't for the fear of human beings in their hearts, they might not be able to help but run around...

"This is indeed an incredible country..." Mrs. Charlie also had a look of surprise on her face, and it was the first time she had seen a living doll.

Instead, Monet looked at the puppets, but a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

As Doflamingo's subordinate, she naturally knew the true identities of those dolls, but Monet didn't have the slightest sympathy, otherwise she wouldn't have helped Caesar to experiment with children!

She is the kind of ruthless person who does not compromise on the means to achieve the goal. For the person she is loyal to, she is willing to do anything that hurts the world!This is why Sun Wukong accepts her even if he resurrects her!Because a woman with this character is what Sun Wukong admires the most!

It's like Sun Wukong asks Dasqi to kill an innocent child. Dasqi can't do it, but if Monet is replaced, she will execute the orders given by Sun Wukong without hesitation!This is the difference between the two!So Sun Wukong admires Monet very much.

Chapter [-] The False Country

"The toy's body is loaded with a crying soul... It seems that this country is not as harmonious as it seems..." Sun Wukong smiled faintly, although he already knew the true face of those dolls, but It is also a glance to see their truth.

"As expected of Lord Wukong, you can see it at a glance... Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you..." Mo Nai was slightly surprised, and then looked at Sun Wukong with great admiration.

"What's wrong? Aren't they dolls?" Xia Li looked over at Sun Wukong in confusion.

"Well, they are all toy dolls turned into demon fruit..." Sun Wukong nodded.

"How can...then how can this country be so peaceful?" Xia Li and the girls all widened their eyes, puzzled.

"Because people who have been turned into toys will slowly forget their previous memories..." Monet explained lightly.

"This... this... I really didn't expect... such a peaceful country is just a false illusion..." Xia Li's eyes widened, full of shock.

"Is this all done by the person named Kaido? Humans are really scary..." Isli and the girls looked at the puppets who were happily playing with the children, but a chill appeared in their hearts.

"That's not it, because when Doflamingo was there, this country was already like hide the darkness completely, but to show the best side..."

"You seem to know everything?!" Monet stared at Sun Wukong, his eyes widened in shock.

"There is nothing in this world that I don't know about!" Sun Wukong smiled faintly.

Monet looked at Sun Wukong's eyes that could pierce people's hearts, but his heart jumped inexplicably!He felt that his heart and even his soul were completely seen through him!He hurriedly looked away, not daring to look.

"It doesn't look like that Doflamingo is a good thing..." Charlie frowned.

"What do you mean by that?" Monet immediately looked at Xia Li with a vicious face. Although she had surrendered to Sun Wukong, she still felt very angry when she heard Xia Li say this about her former young master.

"What, do you think I'm wrong? I don't think there's any need for us to rescue the companion you mentioned..." Charlie looked at Monet without showing weakness.

"You..." Mo Nai's expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly looked at Sun Wukong. She had just joined. If Sun Wukong really listened to Xia Li's words, don't care, that's not what she wants to see.

"Quiet the two of you, I know what to do..."

"Yes!" The two girls immediately did not dare to say more.

"Mom~~ That man was stabbed by a woman..." Suddenly, Kemi held her head in her hands and screamed in horror.

"The world of humans is really scary!" The other mermaids were all taken aback, and immediately brought their plump bodies close to Sun Wukong, and only then did they find a sense of security, and their panic was calmed down.

" don't have to be afraid..." At this time, a toy doll came over and explained, "Women in this country are full of enthusiasm when they are in love. , but on the contrary, jealousy is also extremely heavy, once betrayed by a man, he will stab him with a knife!"

"This... this is too scary, isn't it?" Lal exclaimed in shock.

"Anyway, the more beautiful a woman is, the more ruthless she is when she stabs someone!" After the toy doll finished speaking, he walked away with clattering footsteps.

"Wukong, then you have to be careful! Don't accidentally get stabbed by the woman here..." Xia Li looked at Sun Wukong and reminded with a kind face.

"Humph~~ If she dares to stab me! I'll stab her!" Sun Wukong smiled.

"Rogue..." Xia Li and the girls instantly blushed and turned their heads away, ignoring him.

"Master Wukong, let's go to the bullfighting arena and save the baby-5 them..."

"Why are you in such a hurry, since you are here, of course you have to take a good turn... Bai Xing, let's go, take you to see the restaurant of human beings!"

"Human's restaurant? Good! Lord Wukong, hurry up and take us there!" Bai Xing immediately took Sun Wukong's hand excitedly, full of anticipation.

"Hey~" Monet sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to follow.

In the port town, Acacia, a luxurious restaurant is full of people, including humans and toys. This combination is simply bizarre.

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