"Do toys also eat? It's really amazing!" Kemiji looked at everything here, her eyes glowing.

"I said, can you guys be quieter?" Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, because the fuss of the girls had already attracted the attention of countless eyes.

"Several beautiful young ladies, is this your first time here? Why don't I come here for a treat and introduce you to the characteristics of this place?" At this moment, three strange-looking men came to Baixing and a few women. Beside him ignored Sun Wukong and started to strike up a conversation, his eyes were full of surprise, especially when he saw Bai Xing, he was even more greedy.

It's no wonder that Bai Xing's weak and weak expression, beautiful figure and face, have a fatal temptation for those impulsive men.

And this country is famous for love, and it is even more difficult for those men to resist the attraction of Bai Xing.

After seeing these three people, Monet's expression changed, his footsteps moved slightly, and he hid behind Sun Wukong without a trace...

Obviously, this small action could not be concealed from Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong immediately guessed the identities of several people: "It seems that these guys should be Kaido's men..."

"Human...Human..." Bai Xing saw the strange human approached, and immediately became nervous and scared. He hugged Sun Wukong's hand tightly with both hands and hid behind him.

Bai Xing was originally a mermaid princess who was extremely afraid of life. Among human beings, she also trusted Sun Wukong and the group of girls on the boat, and everyone else was the object of her fear.

"Go away!" Sun Wukong said coldly. He hadn't encountered such a thing for a long time, and he didn't expect to encounter it here again.

"Haha... Do you know who you are talking to?" The three of them hugged their chests and looked at Sun Wukong with a playful expression, as if they were looking at a clown.

It doesn't matter if you strike up a conversation, because this represents the charm of Bai Xing and the others!

It's just that disgusting look and face, but it makes Sun Wukong extremely unhappy. Since he is unhappy, he will kill him!

Without any nonsense, Sun Wukong waved his hand lightly, the red light flashed instantly, and the three of them spurted blood from their necks and fell to the ground under the eyes of everyone's fear...

The red glow appeared, but it showed that the magic sword that had not appeared for a long time, exuding a faint blood!

"Kill... kill!"

"Oh my God! Lord Smoke and the others were killed..."

In an instant, everyone in the hall was shocked and terrified, and they ran out of the restaurant as if they were running away...

Chapter [-] Violet

"You... there's no need to kill people suddenly, right?" Xia Li looked at the three people who suddenly fell into a pool of blood, and looked at Sun Wukong in astonishment.

Several other mermaids were also shocked by the sudden violent murder of Sun Wukong!

"Looking at them unhappy..." Sun Wukong was indifferent, the three people he killed were like three grasses that were cut off.

That bland and indifferent attitude made Xia Li and the girls feel chills in their hearts!

Even Monet was taken aback by the indifferent expression of Sun Wukong, and then he looked at Sun Wukong with a dazzling expression, and smiled slightly: "Master Wukong's temperament really suits my appetite!"

"It's no wonder that Wukong accepted her. The temperaments of these two are surprisingly similar..." Xia Li looked at the two and shook her head helplessly.

Everyone has been killed, so naturally they are not good at what to say. Who told you to be so ignorant, to show such a deadly expression to the strongest person in the world!But he also made a secret curse that deserved it.

"You... do you know who the people you killed just now? They are the captains of the National Guard and are responsible for the security of the city... but they have the trust of His Majesty the King. I advise you to leave here as soon as possible, maybe you can survive. ..." In front of the bar, the old man kindly reminded.

"Thank you, but I still don't care about your king!" Sun Wukong smiled faintly, and the old man who heard it was stunned, shook his head, and sighed with regret.

Sun Wukong was too lazy to pay attention to it, and said to the girls of Bai Xing: "It seems that the meal is not enough, let's go, let's go to the bullfighting arena to see..."

"En!" Bai Xing looked at the three corpses on the ground with some fear, and nodded again and again.She didn't think too much about why Sun Wukong killed, because the person she trusted most was Sun Wukong. No matter what Sun Wukong did, she knew that Sun Wukong would never hurt her.

There was also a smile on Monet's face, because baby-5 they were in the bullfighting arena!

"If you want to go to the bullfighting arena, let me lead the way for you, okay?" A beautiful female voice suddenly came from the side hall.

Sun Wukong looked for the reputation, but showed a hint of surprise: "It's her? That's right, she has the ability to stare at the fruit. When we just approached this country, I am afraid he has noticed us..."

When it comes to staring fruit, obviously everyone knows who this woman is!Violet, Princess of the former Kingdom of Dressrosa!As a spy, he originally belonged to the Don Quixote family, the Torrepol killer!

After Doflamingo's death, fearing Kaido's power, Torrepol has already voted under Kaido's command!Therefore, the current Violet has become the Torrepol Army Killer of the Kaido Pirates.

"This woman..." When Monet saw Violet, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he obviously recognized her at a glance. This was really a meeting of enemies!

"She should have recognized me... Why did she want to come out and approach us by herself?" Mo Nai looked solemn, glanced at Sun Wukong beside him, and understood: "Did she recognize Lord Wukong? I want to seek him help? Hmph... This woman is quite scheming..."

Now that he knew Violet's intentions, and the two were irreconcilable rivals in life and death, Monet obviously would not let her succeed. Killing intent emerged in his eyes, and the snowflakes in his hands condensed to form a sharp snow cone, unceremoniously. It is to stab at Violet's heart!

The shot is resolute and ruthless, showing Monet's determination and ruthlessness!

Violet's complexion suddenly changed greatly, her pupils shrank as she looked at the stabbing snow cone. With her strength, it was obviously impossible to avoid Monet's fatal blow!In an instant, his face turned pale!Fear and hatred appeared in his eyes!

In my heart, I regretted that I came out like this to meet Sun Wukong!

In despair, I suddenly discovered that the snow cone that was about to pierce my heart suddenly stopped!

"Murder at will in front of me, you are very courageous! Monet!" Sun Wukong waved his hand lightly, and Monet's delicate body was immediately pulled back.

"Yes... I'm sorry..." Looking at Sun Wukong's indifferent but unhappy eyes, Monet's heart was beating violently with fright, and cold sweat couldn't help falling from his forehead, he hurriedly knelt down and apologized!

It was so impulsive, she actually moved her mind in front of Sun Wukong!Want to kill.

"Your character is very appealing to me, but without my permission, you are not allowed to make any unauthorized actions!" Sun Wukong looked at Monet, his tone still flat.It's just that under this blandness, it is full of majesty that makes the soul tremble.

"Yes!" Monet didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately replied respectfully!

Escape from the dead, which made Violet's heart beat down!However, Monet's performance made her even more shocked!Monet, who used to be loyal to Doflamingo, is now so obedient to Sun Wukong?

"Tell me about your purpose! I don't think you would just run out for no reason and lead the way for us..." Sun Wukong smiled at Violet and said lightly.

"Phew~~" Violet let out a long sigh, suppressing the shock in her heart, staring at Sun Wukong, daring not to talk nonsense, she went straight to the topic: "I just want to make a deal with you..."

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