"Deal? What kind of deal can we make?" Sun Wukong looked at her with a smile.

"As the strongest person in the world, there is really nothing that can attract you...but..." Speaking of this, Violet's face turned a little blush: "I heard that you like beautiful women, so I want to take Everything I own, make a deal with you..."

"Hey hey~~ What are you doing! Do you see that brother is the kind of person with no morals?" Sun Wukong gave Violet a blank look, and [-] grass and mud horses galloped past in his heart!Why don't you be so foolish, that someone used a beauty trick against him, and he was still a red fruit, the kind that made no secret of it.

Violet didn't seem to hear Sun Wukong's complaints, blushed slightly, and still said to herself: "As long as you help me retake Dressrosa from Kaido's hands, I will join your Emperor Pirates, Always follow you..."

Speaking, Violet looked at Sun Wukong with anticipation on her face, her eyes full of anticipation: "How is it, are you satisfied with my conditions?"

"In order to save your country, you have to sacrifice yourself. Your courage is commendable..." Sun Wukong looked at Violet with admiration.

"There is no way. I thought it was impossible to take back Dressrosa from Kaido, one of the four emperors! But your presence gave me hope, because it is difficult for others. It's like going to the sky, but for you, it's just whether you want it or not..."

Chapter [-] Former Companions

"Humph! You are quite good at taking chances!" Monet snorted coldly, looking at Violet, obviously not giving her any good looks.

Naturally, she didn't want Violet to join in, so she just suddenly attacked the killer.

Eight years ago, Monet entered the palace as a maid, and then opened the palace to let the Don Quixote Pirates annihilate the King Liku army and kidnap Princess Viola.So, these two women have a big hatred.Looking at each other, how can there be a good face to see.

Violet looked at Monet with an ugly face, but she didn't dare to do anything else, because she knew that Monet was already a member of the Emperor Pirates, and she was just an outsider.If Sun Wukong helps Monet, she is not what she wants to see.

"I promised Monet a long time ago to help him kill Kaido. Your proposal is just a pass, okay, I agreed to your request! This Dressrosa is yours, and you will need to really The manager, then return it to the original owner!" Sun Wukong looked at Violet and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" When Violet heard this, she was immediately excited and speechless!She knew that as soon as Sun Wukong's words were spoken, Dressrosa would have returned to the original owner.After eight years of suffering, it is finally coming to an end.

"Master Wukong..." Monet's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly became anxious.In her opinion, this Dressrosa belonged to her former young master, how could she give it to others?

"What, do you have an opinion?" Sun Wukong turned his head to look at Monet.

"Don't dare..." Monet immediately lowered his head and said weakly.

"Doflamingo is dead. After taking Dressrosa back, do you still think you can't manage it yourself?"

Monet was speechless for a moment, but even so, she didn't want to see Dressrosa simply give it to the Liku King's Army!After all, this country was captured by them with a lot of hard work before, although it is no longer theirs.

But Sun Wukong has already made up his mind, and she has nothing to do. Killing Kaido and rescuing her former companion is already very good.

And Dressrosa is really useless to them now, because the young master is dead, what else do you have to do with such a broken city.

Thinking of this, Monet also looked away at the moment, and was not entangled in this.

At this moment, the magic sword suspended beside Sun Wukong suddenly 'buzzed', which made Monet and the girls all turn their attention to it!

"Okay... what a terrible sword..." When Monet saw the fierce demonic energy emanating from the magic sword, his eyes were filled with shock, because the breath alone made her feel terrified. A sword?Incredible!Immediately, he asked: "Master Wukong, is this the sword you used to defeat the number one swordsman in the world, Hawkeye Mihawk?"

"En!" Sun Wukong nodded lightly.

"This has always been just a legend. I didn't expect to see it today! What's its name?" Xia Li on the side also asked extremely curiously.

"Magic Sword!"

"The magic sword... It really is as the name suggests..." Violet looked at the rising blood-red arrogance of the magic sword and exclaimed sincerely.

Sword, they have seen a lot, but the breath emanating from a sword makes them terrified. This is the first time.

"Quick! Quick! That group of people is here! Immediately surround me here! Don't let anyone escape!"

At this moment, there was a sudden shout from outside, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps. It is not difficult to guess that this place has been surrounded by a large number of guards.

Obviously, Sun Wukong just killed people, and the above has been notified and sent people to surround and kill them.

When he saw the person who led the team in, Monet's brows were slightly wrinkled, obviously knowing this person!

"Is that you? To dare to kill people in Dressrosa, you are really brave! Huh? Are you Monet?" Halfway through the words, the tall and thin boy was stunned for a moment, looking at Monet in surprise. : "Aren't you in Punk Hazard? What are you doing here?"

He has a pair of betta-like horns on his head, fins on his back, a peaked cap, and an earring on his left ear.He was wearing a giraffe striped long sleeve, hot pants and white stockings. He was clearly a man, but he was wearing ten centimeters of dark red high-heeled shoes.He also added "Yiya" when he spoke, which seemed nondescript.

"Dellinger..." Monet's expression was very calm, without any nonsense, he said directly: "Leave with your people... I came back this time just to save people and seize the ownership of Dressrosa. !"

The reason why she was straight to the point and didn't beat around the bush was because the strongest person in the world, who was even ignored by the entire world government, was following her, so was it necessary to cover up?So Monet is very direct, without any pretense!Because it is not necessary.

"Rescue people? Take back the ownership of Dressrosa?" Dellinger was stunned for a moment, looking at the three people lying in a pool of blood, with a look of astonishment: "So, you killed these three people? Are you crazy? Do you want to betray Kaido? Do you know what the consequences of betrayal are?"

After speaking, Delinger's face changed to panic!Just because he clearly knew how terrifying Kaido, one of the four emperors, was, that's why he was afraid!

"Yes! If you still have a young master in your heart, just assume that nothing happened here, and leave immediately!" Monet's words were very concise and direct. Because of the existence of Sun Wukong, any concerns can be ignored, like this It feels so refreshing!

"You bastard... how would you betray Kaido?...Aren't you sick?...For the sake of being a comrade in the past, you should stop and leave! Kaido is not something you can resist..." Delin Jie's face was solemn, even a little shocked, the development of the situation made him a little unable to react!

What kind of wind did Monet smoke?Inexplicably came to rebel against Kaido?Moreover, he is so courageous that it's okay to kill people in broad daylight, and he even unabashedly stated his purpose on other people's territory. This is too arrogant and domineering, isn't it?Are you really Kaido made of mud?Or, she was kicked in the head by a donkey, is she stupid?

"What if I don't leave?" Mo Naide frowned as he looked at Deringer, she could see that this guy really seemed to join the opponent's camp because he was afraid of Kaido's lewd power.

"Then I can only take you down for Lord Kaiduo!" Delinger's breath immediately turned cold, he clasped his hands, and made a fighting posture!This is the rhythm of turning face!

"That's it!" Monet sighed helplessly, but he had nothing to say. Deringer was afraid of Kaido and joined his camp.Wasn't she intimidated by Sun Wukong and joined the Emperor Pirates!Neither of the two has the right to speak to each other, so they can only be themselves.

The former comrade, at this moment will be the enemy!

Chapter [-] Bullfighting Arena

Doflamingo of the past, when he heard Kaido's name, his color changed, not to mention his allies!

Therefore, for Kaido, the people of the original Don Quixote Pirates are all fearful!

The Don Quixote Pirates no longer exist, and Kaido's terror is not something Deringer dares to defy!Once he confirmed the fact of Monet's betrayal, he attacked Monet without hesitation!

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